I'm gone - New Darkside mod needed.


Nov 30, 2001
As I'm sure many of you have noticed, I've been noticeably absent in here for the last week or so. You might even say that I've been delinquent in my duties/role as a amateur councilor and moderator in TDS.
'twas an experiment of work VS. Bluelight, preceeding yet another "Get your shit done, or you're fired" talk from yet another of my bosses.
I stopped using bluelight at work for the last week, and amazingly, I've acomplished more work in the last 5 days, then I have in the last 5 months (honest assessment).
I'd like to continue this present spurt of work, yet I don't want TDS to suffer for it. So... I'm resigning my spots in here and in the FAQ forum. I'd like my spot (in here) to go to a bluelighter who hasn't had the chance to be a mod before.
This is a semi-permanent removal. The mod who replaces me is free to keep his/her spot as long as he/she wishes to hold it. However, there may come a day when I can once again resume my duties as a TDS mod. At that point, I'll wait until another mod decides that they can't fulfill their duties in here. (The mods in TDS should be the most active repliers) Any way, once someone voluntarily ops out of their spot, and I feel like I can adiquately jump back into my previous prolific posting habbits, I'd like first stab at the spot. (ie someone gives up a spot, I ask for it, I get it)
I know this is a bit much to ask for, and when (and if) the time comes, I leave the final decision up to the current 3 mods, the overseeing admin (currently skydancer) and the departing mod.
Anyway, on to the selection process...
Please nominate the TDS bluelighter whom you most like, trust, respect, and who gives the best advice (not much to ask for is it?) Self nomination is encouraged, if you think that you are best qualified.
Once the nominations are in, please chime in with reasons why you think that you/your candidate would be the best person for the job.
If you're nominated, and do not wish the responsiblity, please opt out of the process as soon as possible.
Finale decision on my replacement lies in the hands of the other 3 moderators, and skydancer. I'll of course, throw my opinion out there once we get a good slew of candidates.
TDS was my brainchild, and I still consider it my baby, but it would be irresponsible for me to be a lazy mod, as I have previously been. I'll still be a part of this forum, as much as possible, but I need time for myself as well.
Thanks for the memories,
What? Are you still here? Go on ... get a life!
Actually, without bumping the old thread where Kyk replaced Simon, I'll link to it in case anyone would like to refer to it.
That being done, I'd like to throw the first nomination at BrainCandie, someone who was interested from the get go and has been active in the fourm and constantly in the irc chat (#darkside).
I would seriously be interested in this...
I love being a CRACKWHORE!!!!
What about treatment for addicts? I think addicts treat themselves... they overdose and DIE!
Griff, pity you're going - when you did post, it was damn well worth reading. But I can understand the work vs BL pressure.
Braincandie gets my vote for the reasons mentioned by TLB.
Another good choice would be Stark, who's active in here with consistently high-quality posts.
Tink, I'd vote for you, but you never post in here

Braincandie, has more replies than 1/2 the mods in here, and ties with special K.
With her unique education, I'll throw my (considerablely donut inhanced) weight behind her too.
i would honestly love it, but braincandie is in here more than me
if anything ever comes open after her though.....
aww..thanks you all for the vote of confidence =} it is deeply appreciated.
I would love to, for reasons previously stated in the other thread http://www2.bluelight.ru/ubb/Forum37/HTML/000049.html?reload=23
but I leave the decision making to the wise =)
I feel that a lot of other BLers have contributed as well and along with the mods have made this forum great.. maybe the mods could give us a little more info as to what being a mod would entitle (especially for a more serious forum like TDS).. that would be a big help.
[This message has been edited by braincandie (edited 10 August 2001).]
Sorry, you don't find that out until after you become a mod. (it's a trade secret)
i would like to nominate braincandie as well
The music was new,
black, polished chrome
and came over the summer
like liquid night.
aim: ColdShot25
I nominate Stark. He seems to very helpful and informative in his posts and I think he would do a great job as Mod. in the Dark Side.
Thank you to the people who voted for me, but I'm going through some shit in my life, so I'm not real patient, and I'm rarely in a mood to give advice.
Braincandie is much better suited to this position, she has the credentials and the patience.
Besides, I already moderate the Canada Meetups Forum and we all know what a handful that is. =P
"Not knowing everything is all that makes it okay, sometimes." - Delerium, The Sandman
So, can I say... braincandie it is?
Who wants to make the obligatory social post?
Let me be the first to say, congrats, and here are the keys to the midget porn archive.
Gee? *scratches head* It has been a long while since I've seen anything on Animal Planet. I should have known that there would be a Griff or two archived in video format, somewhere.
< Eat a Brownie! And like it!
I replied to a postie before reading this thread and *gasp* I see the word Moderator
under my nick... *confused look* I open this thread and here I am *smiles* thanks, you guys *hug*, I promise to do my best here and all that stuff (which I am sadly still in the dark about) .. and ermm...midget porn archive? so am I like moderator + part-time midget porn achive key keeper now?

¤~ß®åîÑ ÇÆñÐîë~¤
"Wait! We can't stop here! This is bat country!"
and if you click on the third naked midget from the right in the 19th pic you will get a special surprise!!!!
third naked midget from the right in the 19th pic
Um..that would be Griff, and I'm not saying it's WHY he's giving up this position....draw your own conclusions.
And not to totally be stupid - Yeah, and congrats to BC.