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Why Pot Is Illegal in the U.S. - provided by Ronin


Jan 10, 2001
Newsletter - start thinking about The Truth !!!
Now is the right time to explain you some things about our planet.
Equinox has happend and for my self it was a very special day. We did a small party inside the mystical stone circle, Chromlech M´zoura, which is built up more than 6.000 years ago.
It´s the most powerful place I ever have been in my life !!! Very mystical - like a gate between haven and hell !!! A Vortex !!! I can not explain,...
Anyway, it was the best party in my life !!!
With the strong rain Allah has cleaned myself and I am thinking in some things a little bit different.
In sch Allah - we will do a natural party - without any electricity on June, 21.th to June 24.th 2002 inside the stone circle .
On the other side of the ocean are going on some very strainch things. The World Trade Center as well as the Pentagon non exist any more. "Who is behind?", this is the question who everybody is asking for,...
I am 99,9 % sure that the Taliban in Afganistan are not behind this terror attack. I for my self don´t know exactly who is behind.
The only thing, I know, is that I have writen a text about the secrets around the dollar-notes, witch are made from hemp paper. This text explains why the Americans atombomed Japan as well as the text gives the reason for the war in Vietnam.
This are some never published informations, witch will change the whole picture of history.
And if you remember: the first call for responsibility claim for the terror attack in USA was: " It was a late revange for Hiroshima!"
It´s my moral, who say to my self, that I have to publish this informations, because I don´t want that more terror attacks like this are happen. We don´t need war !!! At no place on this planet !!!
But it´s a very big responsibility to publish this text, because it´s a very big risk for the world´s economy. It´s 99,9 % sure that there will come soon a infelation in USA and the US-Dollar will go down - very much down - like for example 1.000 000 US for one small peace of bread!!
And if this is happen, I mean if the US-Dollar is not any more exist, witch is the worlds most used money, than it´s like for the most people that we have killed there new god.
And the text, witch is written by myself will defenetly shake the world !!!
It´s allready the reason for tousands of dead people, who have been killed by the latest terror attack in USA. Sorry it´s happend. I can not make them alive again. But I can try to publish what I know and I can hope that we will get peace all around the world soon !!!
It will be a new start, too !!! A new chance !!! A chance to stop all wars on this planet and at the same time the start for transforming the energy. We humans have so much power !!!
Why do we use this power only to breake down ower planet and not for grow it up? We do have the power to make the earth like a paradise !!!
All solders around the world - put down your guns, your waepons and start growing trees. Military around the world, go to the Saharra and use your equiptment to make the Saharra green again.
Let´s start a new war !! A war against the dessert. Use your energy for good things - and not for killing someone !!!
It´s not only a dream: PEACE IN ALL AROUND THE WORLD COULD BE HAPPEN !!! Just Today !!! If you use a gun, than you take the reponsibility for it. Everybody create his own reality !!!
Now is the best time to start with peace !!! Every where !!!
Acept, that there is a big exchange is coming on our planet, a new chance for our kids !!!
If you belive in peace - than come to the peace country - Morocco . We do need a lot of help. There are many trees to grow ! There is a lot of rubish, witch we have to clean up !
The RIF-BEACH-TRANCE from September, 28.th to October 07.th 2001 will happen. But we don´t have the money for the transport, fee and accomondation of Olli Wisdom , Sam or Breitraum. But we will have an non egoist Dj colective and the wonderful clear sound from Beny´s Macky Soundsystem, as well as his cool black light deco.
But the Party will not happend inside the Party-location (RIF-BEACH-CAMPING II.) - the party will happen in Achmela, witch is on the beach about 2,5 km away ( on the street it´s 10 km / 3 km behind Bou Hamed)
In Achmela is the RIF-BEACH-CAMPING I. witch will be in the future our special secured kids location. There is a small house for the reception (and later maybe Internet), a small house for a organic food store, as well as a juice & salat bar, two buildings with showers, 8 toillets, some young trees for shadow and very near by there is a spring with drinking water. The huge beach is lovley and direct byside the Camping. It´s also posible to do the party on the beach,...
If you belive in peace - come to Morocco - and plant a seed ,a tree or a flower and our LOVE will grow- and go with us in trance. We do have the power to change the world. The Saharra is big and we do have to grow many, many trees.
And we have to start some where. I am for my self will finish my paperwork (my VisaProblems) and than there is nothing any more witch can stop me by growing trees. If you like to help - of cause - you are welcome to help me,...
Let´s start doing positive things. A party will make the people happy !!! This is good, because happy people don´t thing about doing war. War is the thing witch make the people unhappy. I don´t like this - I hate it - I feel good when everybody is happy !!!
Come to Morocco and have fun !!! But don´t forget the respect for mother earth !!! It´s not very clean here in Morocco. A lot of rubish everywhere and no recicling system at all. It helps very much when you don´t buy or use things packed in plastik !!!
Every peace of plastik, witch you use will end in the nature !!! Even if they burn it, they burn it unfilterd witch is for the nature very bad, too !!! We are the people who brought the plastik rubish problem to Africa. Now we have to help them to cut off this kind of problems.
Don´t think to much about the things, happend in the history - we could not change it - start thinking about the future - get clear with your self in doing good things !!!
Please, help and send this information also to your friends !!!
Love, Peace and Light
raverdave—you posted everything except for the the dissertation.
The Dollar-Notes made on Vulcano Mayon
What has Cannabis to do with atombombattack to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as
well as the Vietnam war? A new theorie about the cannabis prohibition changes
the pictures of history and it will give you first time a plausible
deklaration why the Americans merciless under threat of violence. Please, try
to find a way to bring the proof for the opposide!
Who talkes at the indian Haschischmetropole Manali about Mayon, means the
since centuries produced substanz from the male hemp plants, witch you do
need to make spacecakes. A few thousand kilometers more east, on the
Philippines, about 333 km south-east from the capitol Manila, a activ vulcano
is called Mayon. Suddenly at 22.2.2000 the allmost conical 2460 meter high
mountain start to activated. One day later about 30.000 people was running
awy, to deep was the shock from 1993, when the vulcano last time erupted. 77
people died 7 years ago. In 1814 was the biggest eruption and 1200 people
died under the rain of ash. At this time the Philippines was a spanish
colony. Later the Americans require the territorium. And there was a special
reason for this: the copyright as well as the security for the Dollar-Notes
witch are made from hemp paper. If you proof the paper you could find
differences made by climatical differences, as well as you could find
differences by proofing the paper in other factors (seeds, growing ground,
ect.) A special place, far away from any other place, with a special climate
was searched, to make it more difficult for people who want to produce money.
The special place, where the plants are growing, as well as the special ink
are the only copyright for the money. There are no other securities for the
worldwide most used money.
Military securety for hemp growing
Blocked from a US military base, near by the village Bonga on the northern
slopes of vulcano Mayon they have grown in order to the US- government the
hemp for the own money. So in this way there was the dangerus banned, that
someone could produce a big amount of absulutly real looking Dollar notes.
Because absulutly real looking money is a big dangoures for every currency.
If the amount of money is going up, than a infelation is coming, and this can
breacke down any economy. False money, witch you can identificate as false
money, could make a damage for the economy, but it is not this easy to put
them on the market, without geting trouble. But it´s much more difficult or
even not possible for the police to catch the forger, if the false money not
can identificate as false money. When every expert say it´s not false money,
than this money could be very danourus for the economy. This was the reason
for a special growing place and all around a military base. The following
thing was to make cannabis as a tool from the devail and the Americans start
to follow any kind of cannabis growing worldwide. This was the main reason
for the involved people from the US-government to probithe cannabis as a
Japan and the second world war
When the Japanise become the second world war, a new part of the war was
starting. The goal of the Japaniese was to controll at all the Pazifik
shipping between the Philippines and the USA. They keep an eye on it, that
no ship, if from the navy or from the merchant fleet, witch was before in a
philippines port, geting to the USA. They uncompromising sink every shipp,
equal how high the price was for that. Countless Kamikaze air planes
sacrificed for the native country there life. The reason was to cut off the
US from geting reinforcements of dollar notes. True, there was a posibility
for the USA to produce a new serie of Dollar notes in the own country, but
in this way , they have prodused false money, because all bookes of paper
proving, witch are laing in bank controll offices, will say this is false
money. Sure, there was the posibility to change also the information inside
this books, but in the end they will lose there special copyright too and any
American could produce money witch every expert hold for real money and not
for false money. And this includes the dangerus of an infelation. False money
made in USA will be not identificate as false money any more if they produce
it in the own contry, by changeing the copyright code (changing the place for
growing from the Philippines to USA). The central bank of America was
dependent on the secred hemp fields on the Philippines. But Japan was totally
determined, to put down the American economy over this way, because if there
is more and more less money on the market, a deflation is following, and this
could be in an extrem situation the reason for a totally economy crash,
exspecialy in times of war. Because if there is no more money to pay for the
open bills, like raw material or workers, than the economy will brake, same
like by an infelation.
Hiroshima - forced caputilation
1945 the situation for the US central bank was geting more and more
precarious. The hemp harvest from the Philippines must come very urgant to
the USA. On the other side in Japan everybody was waiting for an American
invasion. Tokyo was totally bombed down, but there was absulutly no sign for
a caputilation. Everybody in Japan said: " Dieng by fighting - man against
man - is better than a caputilation." In the beginning of August 1945 , at
the time when the hemp harvest on the Philippines was starting, Hiroshima and
Nagasaki get attacked by atombomb, without any American come to japanise
treretorium. This was shown the all-over-power from the Americans. At radio
speaking the employer Hirohito was saying that they capitulate. The tenno is
the highest religious person in the states religion of "Shinto" and he is a
holy person. Never before the folk has heared his voice and all japanise was
feel very shocked. After 1945 it was necessary to become more quiet for
Hirohito - in this way he was on a leash and it was not posible for him to be
activ. The tenno lost the contact to the folk, because he lost his proud -
but only the experience from the war was bringing both sides on the same
lavel. After losing the war in Japan also the hemp prohibition was coming.
With the prohibition also cannabis was going away from the mysterious rituals
byside the shinto cult. In this way all altars in the normal houses being
emty. Only the royal family did have the authorization to grow hemp, witch
was done from some special farmers. Also today the whole closes of the royal
family is produced by hemp. (look at "grow! - magazine 3/99 - www.grow.de -
Japan report). But now the tenno do his mystical relegious cannabis things
without the folk.
The same climate in Vietnam
The Philippines are on the same geographical longditute as Vietnam. This is
the reason for the same climate and the conditions to produce absulutly real
looking money was there. In case of this backround it becomes clear, witch
unbelivibal power the government of Vietnam could put on the USA. The States
compensate this with bringing material to Vietnam. on September, 07.th 1951
the Americans did a contract with Vietnam about direct help for the economy
of Vietnam. Although on October, 12.th 1952 the 100.th ship with military
helping goods has arived in Saigon, the official help for shipping goods to
Vietnam has been started at January 1955. And also the americans get the
controll about the south vietnam military, witch was befor in the hand of
France, the country witch has colonisaiesd Vietnam before.
The know how about to make "real" money was comming over different ways to
Vietnam: The indian bankier family Ameen, witch was working very close byside
the south vietmam government, become at this time in case of the activities
in Vietnam to the most ritch family in the world. ( fortune 1970 = 2 milliard
Dollar, what mean, if you change this in buying power today it´s about 25
milliard Dollars ) The Ameen family was together in the 40 th. and 50 th.
activ in Korea as well as on the Philippines. Also since the early 40.th. the
black marked currency dealer James Doyle, who has got the highest medal from
the south vietnam government for civil people, was very high inside the money
business. He had very good conections to China, too. The both Hongkong banks
"Baker Commpany" as well as the "Dao-Heng-Bank", witch are managed by
philippino Chinise and as well as korean Chinise, was staying direct in touch
with James Doyle and to the Ameen-brothers. This two banks did the most
currency deals. And it´s a another question, if it is not a pure coincidence,
that the Americans involved in military conflicts in the Philippines as well
as in Korea.
The occupying money
By the currency deals there was mainly an official exchange rate. One
US-Dollar for one Military Payment Certificates (MPC), witch was the
occupying money. But by the inofficial black market dealers - the more than
60 indian moneydealers - it was without anykind of problems possible to
transfer in a few seconds 25.000 US Dollar in 100 Dollar notes into 40.000
MPC´s. And at the next corner it was posible to change them in a official
bank back to US Dollar, witch means geting 40.000 US -Dollar for it. It was
also posible to earn this amount of money with transfering into vietnames
Piaster and as well as to earn much money with making deals with checks.
Everybody said it´s much better to change the money on the black market,
because there you will get the double of your money and every normal thinking
human will use this way. So in this way everybody was earning two times. But
where all of this money was coming from? Doyle and the Ameen-brothers have
allways new bank notes. And also one time, when they did change the old MPC´s
to new MPC´s the indians direct have a huge amount of the new MPC´s. If you
follow the Saigon Newspaper, than you could read that only 1966 has become
1.800 new dollar milioners. Everybody did this atractiv business. 5.000
CIA-Agents, 10.000 korean and 7.000 philippian civilists and thousends of
Americans. Officialy there was not much geting to the public - it was
official a war against the kommunismus. Up to 1970 more than 50.000 people
died and a quarter milion wound. 7.000 airplanes crashed and the coast was
more than 100 miliard US-dollar. ( The Vietnam war was from 1964 to 1975 )
The consum goods war
If you have a look at the goods whitch are coming to Vietnam, than you could
see that 90% of all shippings has nothing to do with the war. The most
shippings was material for buildings, Tv, Washingmashines, closes, drinks,
food, millions of cigaretts ect. A lot of ships even don´t have papers for
the goods on bord. And minimum 10% of all goods never arived by the point
where it was sended to. But on the other side it was posible to get
everything for dumping prices on the market from Qui Nhon or Saigon. But it
was also posible to get any kind of militarian goods, like guns, munition,
Uniforms, ect. All this things been ther minimum at the time from 1964 to
1970. In order it was posible to get havy lorries, tanks and Helicopter, but
only in small amounds. Who else have money, could buy anything. In early 1967
- the Saigon newsletter was writing -that the south vietnamese police did a
razzia at the market in Qui Nhon. They took goods for more than 11 million
Dollar away and they said that it was the same amound about the average
monthly deal on the market. Saigon was at this time the biggest place in the
world for dealing with militarian goods.. There was two big habours, gigantic
store houses, and a gigantic depot for petrol ( Nhe Be ), as well as
kilometer long houses for US-property for miliards of Dollars. The only thing
witch was missing was a funktional security police. This was the same shame
like the abundance in material. The biggest mistake was a contract between
Washington and the south vietnamesiam government: this contract said that the
transport and the police work is assignment of south vietnam. When the
security system inside the habours wasvery bad, than the transport system
was a farce. Privat companies, witch are become to this business by official
advertisement, has done the essential transport for the US-armee, and often
this work was to much for them. Some of this transport companies were very
little companies, and the vehicles of tham was sometimes so old that they
drove with full ru!
ber weehls. This old vehicles had get US-Lizensnummbers, painted on the side
and than the military goods was going throu. Sometimes they crashed totaly
when the cran load down some havy boxes. The wheels are falling off and
running away and at the same time the axes fall into the sand. Next to the
many thiefs for any kind of goods, this was one reason for making from most
expensive material rubish. On the end of the transport scala was the
"Equiptment Incorported" witch was a douther company from "Seeland
Corporation of New Jersey", the most biggest shipping company between US and
South east asia.This company did the whole transport between the huge habour
in Saigon and the military bases in Vietnam. a lot more than 400 lorries are
driven by Vietnamese drivers. Often they didn´t drove to the place where they
have to drive. They turned off the road into small side streets and for a few
Dollars they said "ript off". This explains why there was this much goods on
the black market. And this was also the reason why the Vietkong was geting
modern american equiptment, as well as the help from Moskow. The Vietkong was
also all over south vietnam including the south vietnam government. This was
another reason why it was impossible to win the guerilla war. The well
feeling under the vietnames in north and south was still there. They have
been brothers for ever. It was more important to save the own economy, to
produce a equivalent for all this false Dollar notes made in Vietnam, witch
no expert could find the difference between the real money. Without any
respect for human life they take the responsibility for tousand of killed
solder and vietmanes farmers - only to keep the own economy going thrue. The
reason to do a war against the kommounismus was only the official version for
the war. Ho-Tschi-Minh was existing, but this was not the real reason for
this war.
Napalm against hemp growing
If you start thinking about the vietnam war than the most of the people will
have the pictures of the Napalm bombs in there remembering. Helicopter and
Wagner music - Apokallypse now , guerilla war inside the dschungle, Americans
against Vietnamieses. But if you look a little bit behind, than you will see
that there was no realy fights between people from north and south. The south
vietnam secred service was allways informed where are the solders from the
Vietkong and they allways looked that they not cross. . Everybody was not
interessted in meeting the other. And this people from south vietnam who have
killed people from the north, are allways afraid about what´s going on when
the Vietkong is comming for ever. Because they are in the end there own
brothers. And in a lot of families been two brothers by the Vietkong and two
not. A lot of members in the south vietnam government flow often to Hanoi to
visit friend, because they have been there on the University. This was the
reason why the Americans have there own partner as an enemy. They send the US
solder - not official - only in case of to find the hemp fields, witch was
growing for the Dollars. The official version was to put the fields down in
case of dealing with marijuana, witch will be the way how the Vietkong
finacil the war. In this way often the GI´s took a lot of pot into the own
pockets, when they found inside the dschungle one of the countless hemp
fields. But mostly there was fights around the fields, because the vietnamese
didn´t give there fields up without fighting. This was often the reason for
Napalm. Inside the dschungle Napalm has only one oppinion: defoliate - no
more leaves . To bring down the whole hemp growing in vietnam was not
possible. For doing this they have to put down systematicly the whole wood in
Vietnam, as well as in the countries around. We can be lucky that they didn´t
done this. But the Napalm has done a lot of katastrophal effect: Following
the "The Times" (28.12.70) Vietnam has exported in 1959 about 220.000 tonnes!
of rice. 1968 in the opposide they have to import 750.000 tonnes of rice -
more than 90 % comming from USA. In case of Napalm the whole food production
of Vietnam was gone. After the "International Herald Tribune" (07.01.71) was
the senat of US not in the position to give information for 500.000 tonnes of
rice, who are geting lost somewhere. And it was not only rice it was also
weapons: three years nobody knows that there also lost 200 biological bombs
with dad making nerv gas into it. this showes the respectless organisation
inside the US armee. In the american public at this time the power against
the vietnam war was geting stronger and stronger. But the pentagon said that
there is nothing to say against the war, as long no american get killed by
it. this was the reason why the US armee said that they allready have started
tests with a "Integrated Battlefield Control System", because than they will
have in the future not any more the problem that US solder can die. The IBCS
is an electronic battlefield with sensores who could show the infantery the
way by infrared radiation, controlled by computers. This was the beginning of
electronic war , witch is today more than 30 years later this much developt
that you could find viva satelit any kind of hemp field in the world. But at
this time general Westmoreland saw right: "The new oppinion about
battlefields is the same ´revolution´ after bringing tanks or helicopter to a
battlefield". The most of the test for Westmorlands "revolution" they have
done in the aerea of Pah Sane (Laos). The war against the Pathet Lao, the
guerilla armmee from Laos, is not this much known than the war against the
Vietkong. 1964 was the "plain of the earthenware", a aerea 13.000 squere
kilometers big with more than 500 villages the most developed aerea in Laos.
A very good net of streets and a very hard working folk. Than the Americans
start to attack. More than 250.000 attackes by air has coast the USA between
5 and 7 Milliads of Dollars and they have braked down the whole aerea!
. There was at no point a place for wapons or any kind of wapons around, only
countless hemp fields. But anyway in the end the Americans have lost the war
around the money. That was the main reason why 30 years ago the Dollar was
going more and more down.
Cannabis growing on the moon
Hemp was realy one of the first plants, where they have done experiments in
space. But the search for a new way to make a copy right for the Dollar was
in this way not sugsessful. The High Times Magazine reported that it was only
posible to grow truffle, witch you could buy in some very nobel restaurants
in New York for 1.000 Dollar a meal. But an other project in space
development breake down the interest of the Philippines, as well as Vietnam:
one of the side products in the end of the 60. th. / beginning of the 70.th.
was the invention of Natrium/Sodium high pressure lamps. They are today
mostly used by lighting streets, as well as used from marijuana growers to
cultivate plants. With this lamps and other techniques like regulation of
CO², it´s posible to simulate any kind of climate. This was also a new start
for the money paper producers, witch justifiable the war in south east asia
not any more. With exchanging the code for the dollars - produced in this new
way - it was posible to identificate the false money from south east asia. In
this way the dangerus things for the stability of the currency was banned.
But in the oposide a new enemy was comming: the indoor marijuana grower. Now
, again as the reason that they produce drugs, all the governments are
against the growers and they use all methodes to follow them. But all the
fander are don´t know that the real reason is not the drug, the real reason
is the copyright for the dollar.
The green easter action
Some secreat service agents do have the know how about producing money paper.
But since 1996 the circle of people is geting biger and bigger. In this year
was the "green easter action" and a lot of this know how was comming to the
swiss press. Up to now they never published something about it. At the same
time a lot of embassys in Switzerland got the same information ( not the USA,
Germany, England and France) about all the backround. Only a state and not a
private or comercial marijuane grower has the possibility to grow money. Also
the embassy of Jugoslawia get in 1996 the information about how they produce
produce the Dollar today. And if you have all this backround know how than we
could ask the question: Is it maybe possible that the war in Kosovo have
something to do with producing false money? It´s an fact that there was
coming more and more false money before the Kosovo war and at this time the
Dollar was more down than today. Was there maybe the false money comming from
Jugoslavia? It could give the reason why the Americans have used the new
graphid bombs, to breake down the electricity net. The plants do need
electricity to grow, and this could give also the reason why the hyper modern
US armee crashed down civil houses. Anyway, they don´t tell us the trues.
This text hopefully has opend your eys. Everything will become fine !!!