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Sick/Funny/Strange post found at an anti-drug forum


Feb 23, 2000
I've got this from http://www.freevibe.com , an anti drug website with forums about "tips for saying no", "your (drug) story", ...
Acutally I cannot believe that this was written by a 16 year old drug user :)
Anyways, on freevibe.com they claim: "All the posts are from real teens, who have real issues they want to discuss."
Okay, here is the post:
chemicalsmile -- Well i started using about 3-4 years ago, and it started off with smoking pot, it never really effected my life, but i loved the high and needed more each time i used. i was spending about $250 a week. so i graduated on to a new drug, no problem with quitting pot (its only the habit thats addicting). i moved onto LSD (acid), i fell in love with that my very first time. i went on a 5 month binge of using every other day. cheap they are, which makes it more evil. using up to 18 hits at a time. so high that my vision is just a swirl of colors as friends try to drag out of parties. this left a great effect of having a permanent psychosis, i get about 3 flashbacks a day. seeing objects, animals, things that i shouldnt be seeing when im not high, i havnt touched acid in about 2 years or so, yet still suffer from this haunting psychosis, these hallucinations while im trying to take an order at work and i see the customers face crawling in insects, or while im writing a test in school and the letters on the exam start morphing into pictures. gave up that cause i needed more to get the same high. i felt no addicition there except to feel that feeling of being in another world. i moved onto Ketamine, this drug stole a whole 2 months out of my life, i used it every day, i of course go the intramuscular route and am lucky i didnt share any needles with other using "friends". scars on my arms and thighs where i was already too high to be handling a syringe. using too much and completly leaving my body, and looking down upon my withered, aged, dying body. i had to quit because i needed too much to even get a high anymore. i moved onto ecstasy which costs much more, and although gives you that perfect euphoric feeling, you also are pretty careless, ive had lots of unprotected sex while under the influence, lucky to say im clean. the burnout on E has been getting in the way of my normal day life and that is why i dont use that regularly. my story doesnt have a happy ending because i am still using and now its cocaine and meth. i dont think im addicted but i dont want to try to quit in fear i might find out i really am an addict. im snorting lines of coke and meth at work, school and home. i am doing it often, but still have been able to manage 2 jobs, great grades and a happy family life. in between those drugs i have done almost everything else you can name except for heroin. i still use E, meth, and coke. im paying for these 3 years physically and mentally. my heart rate is way out of whack, i have burned through about 21linings in my nose from snorting everything, not remembering what i wrote before this so i apoilgize if i repeated myself. i have this dreadful psychosis with an imaginary but very real to me giraffe who i see everywhere, shaky hands, damaged liver, damaged kidneys, damaged lungs, i am so unhealthy and druged up i dont even get my period anymore(and im not pregnant its been like this for a year or so), im becoming scrawny and weak, i look sick and looking into my eyes you see nothing. after seeing all these effects i still dont think its a problem and continue to use daily, while it slowly but surly kills me. but im happy, i really am, or is that also the drugs tricking me. the drugs might control me, they probably do, but i cant come to that realization because its not an easy one to handle. whos in control here is the one question to ask, do i control my drug use or do the drugs control me? all this and im 16. i dont think drugs are bad, i love them, they have become my best friend and have been by my side longer that anyone else. im not promoting them, just remember to play it safe, please.
Here is another funny one

anonymous_girl -- I started doing pot a few months ago, and I have had some experiences that have made me wish I never started. Once, I smoked nearly an ounce by myself...later I found out that there was over 50% acid (LSD) and 35% angel dust (PCP) in it. Now I have a high tolerance for acid and am addicted to angel dust on top of pot, and although the high may feel great, the low and all of the problems that come with it aren't. Now that the truth is out (I came to school stoned as a rock) and all of my ex-friends know the everything, I have practically no one to turn to. Pot leads, in one way or another, to other drugs that really mess up your life. It's best never to start...don't learn the hard way.
Ummmm...Weed with 50% acid and 35% PCP, even beyond the point of how the hell you gonna get Acid on weed is the problem with her dealer having some urge to buy a whole shitload of liquid and PCP to make his shit better, then sell an ounce for 50, He must REALLY like losing money....but since thats bullshit..bleh
That first one is a story I've heard and seen all too often. At least that person realizes what he/she is doing.
That second one is just odd. She smoked acid, huh? Nothing like a big bong rip of some acid. Heh heh. And how is smoking Angel Dust once going to get you addicted? I don't care HOW much you smoke. Besides, isn't Angel Dust similar to Ketamine, which isn't proven to be physically addictive anyway? (I could be wrong on that one)
I'm sorry, I just like to nit-pick. I think it's great for people to realize they have a problem, and do something about it.
You can't smoke acid. Burning acid removes the active components, and you won't trip.
This is just one of many examples of why these types of fear-mongering sites do kids more harm than good -- they post incorrect, often laughable, misinformation. This harms people.
And, of course, once kids realize they're full of shit, they disbelieve *all* drug advce they've been given.
That site should be sued and shut down!
Help stop Internet Drug Info Censorship before it's too late:
PS - Try posting something positive, or not incredibly negaitve, about any drug on that site. It will be deleted within 5 minutes.
Help stop Internet Drug Info Censorship before it's too late:
I tried to post, but it was censored as well. IMO if you don't show both sides, you are lying. Could you imagine a moderator at bluelight would delete a post from someone who had bad experiences?
That sucked ass big time. Most of the stories sounded made up e.g. This one dude started robbing banks to support his marijuana habit.
Sites like this make me very happy to know that I have found BL where I can educate myself about drug usage.
"Picture me rollin..." - The Late Great Tupac Shakur
The site is "realy" run by drug addicts who like writing funny stories

"Its great being anonymous until you want to be someone" - Anonymous
I like mixing pcp with creatine oh yeh that builds the muscle, pretty soon i'll be one fucked up Muscle man
Well my personal favorite is this one, copied below:
Keith -- I once tried Cannabis and I nearly had sex with my best friend - we now both don't talk to each other and it's really bad - I will never touch Cannabis again, neither Will Richard.
Man I hate it when my buddy smokes a bowl and then expects a ride on the ol' bone rollercoaster!
Of course... pot makes you gay. You didn't know that?
I just LOVED their little interactive guide on how to avoid sniffing glue. I always have a problem with accidentally sniffing glue, which also leads to sex w/ other men. Lots of sex with other men. Thank you, freevibe.com.
This post is a work of fiction and not meant to condone any illegal activity. Do not take any illegal drug. Do not purchase any illegal drug. Do not sell any illegal drug. Do not synthesise any illegal drug, or violate any other U.S. law in any way, shape or form. :)
Addicted to Angel Dust after smokin weed laced with it...ain't they ever seen Friday?
And robbing a bank to support ya weed habit? Who'd have the energy? ;P
Reach for the stars!
[This message has been edited by SonicBoom (edited 30 June 2000).]
Disco Stu
Where are you from? I know a guy that goes by that name, that's all. But he's from Australia.
I'm from Los Angles, I just picked my favorite Simpsons' character as my screen name
Hey, Disco Stu, do you know your golfish are dead?
"It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes"-Neil Gaiman
Will -- Just ask yourself, what would Jesus do? I bet he wouldn't smoke crack behind the 7-11.
Now I have a good place to go fuck with people who are too stupid to realize when theyre being fed utter bullshit.
Or maybe ill be a nice guy and go on there and try to dispel many of the rumors floating around. I like the one that says that when you take E for the first time theres a 50% chance that youll have an allergic reaction and die. Or the one that states that if you have used acid more than once then you are legally insane and can file for disability.
What is real? How do you define real? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then real is nothing more than electrical signals interpreted by your brain.
LOL smoking weed almost made him have sex with his friend. Hmm thats just an excuse cause in reality he probably wanted to have sex with his bud but just blamed it on weed. Poor weed...
Tear your wings off at the spine and tape them to the back of mine
not to mention 50% weed + 35% angel dust = 85%... or maybe that was just incinuating that the individual's intelligence level went down with all these horrible drugs?