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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

LSD + Nitrous - Experienced - 7 hits of liquid acid meet nitrous


Oct 24, 1999
LSD + Nitrous - 7 hits of liquid acid meet nitrous (revisited yet again)

New story to tell
So little minutes in the day
What seemed like a harmless catalyst
turned into my favorite seperator
(perhaps I can make those four lines make more sense. I seem to be speaking in more riddle than anything after this weekend's little trip...)
The harmless catalyst is nitrus oxide
I used to think that maybe nitrus -just- enhanced the drug, whatever drug that may be.
Now... I think much differently. I think that it does enhance the drug, then again, it has it's own rhymn and reason.
As I inhaled the nitrus while on seven hits of strong liquid acid... I held my breath. I thought that it was sure taking it sweet time in arriving, this little care package I had just sent myself... then boom. the world went boom. definatly boom.
So there I was. Around me, and to any direction of me there were the acid visuals. The classic acid visual. Except now the visual was in three dimensions and it had three dimensional side. The visual, was connected to a million other visuals and they were all bouncing around me. Everywhere I looked, there they were. Except there was an open space. I got the feeling that this was some sort of spacial representation of universe, but I didn't feel like pondering the global significance of such an idea, so I did what I do best... I acted insanely. I stuck my head into the middle space that was empty, and above my head I placed my right hand, and below I placed my left hand. Palms facing down. I raised my right eyebrow and the space expanded around me, letting me fit into it with room to spare. Again around me were the acid visuals, bouncing around in three dimensions (represneting universe no doubt, psh.) I said to myself "cool... very fucking cool" and my mouth moved... and out came these words that had nothing to do with the meaning of "cool... very fucking cool". just mumbled words.
"Bward, sefxen varentus relepax" as best as I can recall. Then it blew me away, the significance of the 'words' i had just spoke to the nothingness around me and the visuals bouncing around me.
---word and meaning are two seperate things. think about it... they are. Each language has totally different words, that MEAN the same thing as the other languages... the words are pointless, except to get past this point in evolution. Almost a stumbling point. Wild, wild thoughts.
I felt a very overpowering vibration and rememberd that i was on nitrus and as soon as it began, it ended.
And now in retrospect...
the nitrus removed me from the acid. it let me stick myself into 'the thick of it all' and look around at the acid for all of it's representations, as MYSELF. Ego and all. I'm honestly begining to think that *entire* lack of ego isn't such a good thing... at least for me. Lack of egotism yes, but keeping enough ego to maintain character and persona. Beautiful things to me they are (character and persona).
So this catalyst that I used to think inspired the deeper moments of the psycadellics, had removed me from the psycadellic acid, if only for a few seconds, while of course enhancing the acid to it's three dimensional peak...
and then I had another one (how many now? 12? 40? i dont' know it's *impossible* to keep track at this point after dosing 7 hits
And again I felt like the nitrus was taking awhile to effect me. Total time distortion no doubt. and as I waited with my eyes open, holding my breath I was suddenly transformed into an indian.
It was beauty.
I sat with others around a campfire (which turned out to be a glowstick I was staring at). other indians. Other tribal shamen. Though I can't in right consious hold myself up to the standards of other *real* shamen (modern or non). Though I felt like one. Like I had achieved a state that none had ever found. And as I recalled my story to others that had as much acid as I did, and did as much nitrus as I did, I found my story to be entirely unique. My story (the one I'm about to tell) was totally *nothing* like anything I was hearing told.
I felt as an indian shaman, sitting around a campfire. and around me there were 11 other indians. In total there were 12. I tried to communicate with them, but no words were spoken, no words even tried to escape. My brain refusing to interrupt such an event it seemed. I moved my hand. my right hand. and the other indians turned into images of my right hand. and I moved my fingers in succession from pinky to index, and the circle of my hand (the reflections), that used to be indians, all moved -- one by one -- from pinky to index -- from the left of the circle to the right until it got back to my hand. And I reached into the fire with my right hand and suddenly, before I could get to the flame (glowstick
), six feathers grew on my index finger. three on top and three on bottom. and there was a breath. a quick "ha" (not laughing, just that sound to make breath), and I felt it vibrate. and then again another breath was breated upon my finger and the feathers were moved and I felt the ends of the feathers push into my skin as they would if they were real and as they moved there was a vibration.
the vibration
it came hard and long and continual.
the vibrations so close it was almost a solid sound. vibration forms sound.
and I felt it in all of my body. starting from the feathers on my index finger, going to the depths of my toes, the back up to the very tips of my hair. and from my hair the vibration jumped away to join the universal flow of sound and music...
Frequency. Music. Sound. Imagination. Reality. Worlds. Hope. Love. Communication. Common Sense. Community.
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lucky bastard...i wish i could trip like that, [no source discussion -Splatt].. i am very happy for you tho, im glad you are having such wonderful expieriances with the drugs, horay for you.
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Its not the drugs that count, its what you want to use them for.
Viabrations are cool. Your body is constantly viabrating, the world is viabrating. Reality is viabrating. Sound is energy. Energy alters the viabrations.
Buzz Buzz Buzz.
We must discover new frontiers... People have been standing for centuries before a worm-eaten door, making pinholes in it with increasing ease. The time has come to kick it down, for it is only on the other side that everything begins.
-Raoul Vaneigem
It's not the drugs
it's the capacity of the mind
Frequency. Music. Sound. Imagination. Reality. Worlds. Hope. Love. Communication. Common Sense. Community.
I like the 360 degree/3D visuals you only get from liquid
Hello from australia,
nitrous oxide is great stuff, and you dont need 7 hits of acid to unlock its power recent some friends and I went to our car during a rave to play with the good old N2O, anyway, to cut a long story short, my pal who had smoked heeeps that night sucked in two bulbs and suddenly he was watching his hand become a cube and rotate around him.
In reality he stood up in the drivers seat of the car and began to spin around and try to push through the roof of the car...it scared the shit out of me watching him flip out like that but he said it was amazing
hmmmm whippy bulbs, remember to have lots of vitamin B12 afterwards though

bye from australia
Australian person: read the following http://www.bluelight.ru/ubb/Forum7/HTML/000306.html
You don't need acid, but nitrus is more amazing on acid for the simple reason you are on acid. And why not throw acid into the mix anyways.
Nitrus by itself is too weighting on the body after about two boxes, and the negative side effects become like an alcohol hang over, so I say fuck that. I'm not doing as much as I did in the post again for a long time, but I still go at it hard when I go at it. :0).
Umm... You don't flip out with out of body experiences (any type, doesnt matter what you call it either) unless you have no grounding or are not centered. Anyone I've seen physically do something that was obviously not good to do at that moment (trying to stand up in a car) I always get the feel that they're kinda off base normally. Just an observation. I mean... I'll hold my breath longer and do more whippits than anyone I know personally... and remain seated and calm.

yeah, anyways nitrus is tight
Honestly it's been a miniture acid trip for me recently... but leaves me too beat up and worn out and I've been somewhat boycotting it's use unless I'm on something else besides sobrity and alcohol

Anyone else feel like they're 'growing up' with bluelight?
cheers pyro, don't get me wrong, I have done whippys on acid, it's awesome
, the 'spinning around on the car guy' is a pretty freaky guy naturally. but like you said yourself,
"it's not the drugs it's the capacity of the mind"
maybe he is just more willing to let himself go?... I dunno

[This message has been edited by eds-hed (edited 13 July 2000).]
i must comment on a thing like this because i had myself a similar experience. Mostly what i remember is the pulsing of sound...
except it was pulsing at like 500bpm...then as the nitrous wore off it went from 500 to 400 to 300 and so on...I remember some crazy ass visuals too. Mostly lots of repetition.
I remember eating a quarter vial this one week on the begining of the new year. i started by eating like 5 hits on new years eve, and 4-5 caps off mushrooms. by far the most intense trip i have ever had. i had the really intense acid trip combined with the really mellow mushroom trip. it was awe inspiring. so many beautiful colors...colors that wer'nt even colors...i think that when i first started to think about reality and non reality...here was my conclusion. the world is made up of perception, the way you percieve greatly determines the way things really are...now, the way you percieve one thing is percieved very differently than the person next to you. which there for means that there are many alter realities..i found that i can jump through these realities very easily on acid....what drug.
Any of you dance? liquid dance, house step? im sure you've heard it B4 but i'll say it again...dance on acid...it greatly improves ones skill. the reason is because it allows you to not think of whats holding you back but instead it allows you to think of whats possible..crazy shit..Acid.
i must comment on a thing like this because i had myself a similar experience. Mostly what i remember is the pulsing of sound...
except it was pulsing at like 500bpm...then as the nitrous wore off it went from 500 to 400 to 300 and so on...I remember some crazy ass visuals too. Mostly lots of repetition.
I remember eating a quarter vial this one week on the begining of the new year. i started by eating like 5 hits on new years eve, and 4-5 caps off mushrooms. by far the most intense trip i have ever had. i had the really intense acid trip combined with the really mellow mushroom trip. it was awe inspiring. so many beautiful colors...colors that wer'nt even colors...i think that when i first started to think about reality and non reality...here was my conclusion. the world is made up of perception, the way you percieve greatly determines the way things really are...now, the way you percieve one thing is percieved very differently than the person next to you. which there for means that there are many alter realities..i found that i can jump through these realities very easily on acid....what drug.
Any of you dance? liquid dance, house step? im sure you've heard it B4 but i'll say it again...dance on acid...it greatly improves ones skill. the reason is because it allows you to not think of whats holding you back but instead it allows you to think of whats possible..crazy shit..Acid.