the long overdue Design Competition v3


Bluelight Crew
Mar 5, 2000
ok so its been a while since there was a design competition. you guys do realize that anyone can create one, right? :)
anyway, this competition will be judged by everyone. you will win nothing but a big swelled head. you can make as many entries as you want. if you dont make any, well, fear my wrath.
so this one doesnt really have any boundaries. just use these pictures (either one, or both if ur feeling saucy) and do whatever u want with them. you can distort them beyond belief, add to them, subtract, recreate, whatever. they can be any size you wish (just not too huge please!) if you need your image uploaded, email it to me ([email protected])
so, heres the images.. i chose the female form, because i knew no one would oppose. so now that you have them, go nuts! :D


4 more additions to choose from:




[ 16 August 2002: Message edited by: NeoMagic ]
the top 2, especially the black and white one are beautiful.. arg.. want to touch the hiney :(
i HIGHLY reccomend you all go download this song
Helium Vola - Omnis Mundi Creatura
that song his how this image came to be, and it required 'viewing music' :)
thanks chrissy :)
Omnis Mundi Creatura
yeah.. people, if you wanna look at this image, download that mp3 \/ :D
[ 17 August 2002: Message edited by: floormat ]
chrissie your a dirty dirty girl...... i love it
hehe, but dunno if i can contribute to this one..
bull fucking shit
(this is chrissie btw, too lazy to log out... just like ur too lazy to make some art for meeh :p)
is it just me or does JF and microhawk make anybody else so jelous they feel like hunting them down and throwing them in the river.....
you know, so my shit looks better......
if u squint hard enough u can see the first chick in that one
heh :)
^^^^coolies; what did u do that on?
Guys I will try I again tonight to get an image up, but I have also e/m JF 4 instructions.... to be continued.