
Dec 19, 1999
If you wondering why your post was closed/deleted/transferred. You probably haven't read this post. I urge everyone to read this.
Ok, I'm going to go over some of the rules for this forum.
1.) Ecstasy only questions. If anyone has noticed the title of this forum, it's "New to XTC". Which means only questions about XTC are allowed. Only questions pertaining to Ecstasy and all things related to Ecstasy are allowed, such as pre/postloading, etc.
If you have questions about just totally off topic stuff not related to ecstasy at all such as birthdays, holidays, etc. It goes in the "Bluelight Social" forum.
If you have questions about other drugs such as DXM, weed, crystal, coke, g, crack, heroin, whatever. They belong in the "Other Drugs" forum.
If you have questions about meeting people in your area or events or parties, all posts go in the "Meetups, Events, & Parties" forum.
If you have serious medical questions, you can probably post them here, but you would get a much better answer in the "Medical Q & A" forum.
If you have found articles, seen something on TV about ANY drug, post it in the "Media & Busts" forum.
If you have ANY questions about music, your favorite DJ's, DJing, or anything else related to music, post it in the "Tripping Music, Pictures" forum. Also if you have art to share, post it in the above mentioned forum.
If you have any poems, in depth stories, or trip reports. You should post to the "Words" forum.
If you have and questions about pills, prices of pills. Look for the forum that best suits your area. i.e...if you live in Texas, look in the "US, Canada & South American Drug Discussion". Or whatever area you're in.
Or you can try out the new search engine jase set up. http://www.pillreports.com/
If you have any complaints about this board, or if you are having problems with the board. Post in the "Announcements & Comments for Webmaster" forum. Or you can e-mail Jase at [email protected] .
2.) No CAPS or MiXed CasEs. This is annoying and lame. It does not look cool. Do not do it.
3.) If you want to know something, try doing a search first. There's a little link in the top right hand corner that says search. It works wonders if you try using it! Every question you could probably ever ask has probably been discussed before, do a search first before making another post.
4.) No Roll Calls. ie.."where is everyone from?" "who pays the least for pills?" Do not do this, it is strictly forbidden on Bluelight because it is a waste of bandwidth.
5.) Do not go off flaming other people because you think they are stupid or you're better then them. If you have to say something, do it in a civilized manner.
That is all, I hope you can all obey these rules. If you don't read this, don't go bitchin "why was my post closed?" you should've read this.
PS. Will all the moderators of this forum let me know what you think of these guidelines?
[This message has been edited by ChrisCim (edited 29 June 2000).]
Your guidelines are great except for the bit about all caps and alternating caps. Why? While I would agree with you on how annoying that is, I'm afraid it's a matter of our preferance and not the guidelines Jase set down in his Posting Guidelines.
~*~ Ashke ~*~

Dead Link
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Ok Ashke, maybe that was a personal preference, but thats a universal internet rule, it really is annoying. I mean I'm not going to close a post because someone types it in all caps or mixed case. But just posting it up there so everyone gets a hint.
Bump :-0 Great Guidlines :)
Okay Junglist914 i will give you MY beef when I am done posting :)
The Philly of da Hook Crew is in Effect!
I thought it was an unspoken thing that we could post shit bout acid, DXM and the rest in teh New to XTC????
Was I wrong?
While I agree that reading solid paragraphs is annoying and considered bad manners on the net, I think everyone goes overboard berating newbies about this. It's not all that hard to read.
Also, given that one loose the expressive flexiblility of speech in this text-based medium, I find the occasional use all caps for emphasis to be a useful tool.
Just my two cents.
No, this has always been an ecstasy only forum, it just hasn't been enforced a whole lot. Stuff about anything other then MDMA, MDA, MDEA goes in the Other Drugs forum.
"We are pagens, we worship great walls of sound."
How about banning "bump". It gets boring after reading 50 messages of it. He he.
hey chris... up on your guidelines you mention about location specific questions going to regional discussion... probably best to also mention the oz/asia and european areas by name, and even link em... ta
oh may as well put links in to all the forums mentioned, never underestimate the laziness of some people
and feel free to delete my post here at your leisure... keep up the great work, new to xtc is looking great!
[This message has been edited by johnboy (edited 21 June 2000).]
yeah i sigh at that too... that and the endless variations on "lilrollinxtcfariEpricessggrrlboiravEr"
no diss to people who had those sorts of names way back... but people getting names now, what harm does a little bit of originality do?
if anyone has any intention of sticking around at bluelight for more than a couple of weeks, i'd strongly suggest you spend 5 minutes of your precious time to come up with a slightly original name...
Bumpity Bump Bump
Party On!
"If you can't beat them, confuse them."
"Try not, do or do not, there is no try" Yoda
~~Just Float'n~~