
luv rolling

May 23, 2000
is there anything like dancesafe in south florida? I dont have the moeny to spend on an EZ i was wondering if there's anything like that down here..
Let's Roll!
you have money for drugs but not the money for a tester? false economy kiddo...
i gotta agree with johnboy. do you really think temporary pleasure is worth the risk of permanent damage?
an EZ-test is about the price of a roll, and will test 200 pills. be smart and invest.
tell me you've worked out the logic in this...
the amount of money you spend on one roll is going to get you a testing kit, that kit (if its the big one) will test 200 pills, which means that the next 200 times you roll you know exactly what you are taking...
if you throw any old pill into your head you are playing russian roulette, except its a slightly higer chance of one in six that you will get a dud pill.
not only do you run the chance of taking a pill that will make you sick and maybe even kill you, you are risking getting ripped off.
what do you pay for pills? im guessing somewhere around $20 american? well thats a good price for MDMA, but if you pay that for $1.00 worth of speed or .50c worth of DXM who's the fool now?
do the sums. if you buy 5 DXM pills for $100 you are being ripped off to the tune of $97.50. if you buy a tester and then buy 5 good MDMA pills you are out only the $20 a tester costs you...
plus you probably wont die...
how much clearer do i have to spell it out?
not having a tester, and using it, just comes down to laziness and indifference, there is nothing financial about it.
sorry if this sounds harsh but sometimes the truth is.
I know that dancesafe was just recently started here in NewOreleans, so if you were REALLY intrested in it you could work on starting one in your area. However, im sure your just looking for a free test.... so you could always sit around and watch how other pople react to the pill. sounds kind of evil. spend the 20 bucks
oh yeah, thats a cheap option i hadnt thought of... watching to see if your friends die.
thats a risk you take if you sell on pills you havent tested, to your friends...
i believe ther is a chapter in orlando. send an email to someone on the dancesafe national board and they will send you contact info.
Practice Harm Reduction
hey, some people get their stuff for free

(like and don't have cash for testers)
Perminent Damage = Worth the risk!
nah , get the dealer to drop first

Ok here go's a RED TORONTO DEVEL
JW2355193: was that supposed to be serious? what, am i sposed to feel sorry for you?
*bump* anyone in any doubt as to wether or not they should buy a tester kit should read this and if they still have a good reason then i'd like to hear it....
I totally totally totally agree.
And I have personal experience of an untested pill. Happened to a friend of mine.
Was asked to wait to get it tested, got impatient, dropped it, and me and my 3 mates got to spend 3-4 hours nursing him back to sanity from a pit of paranoia.
Was horrible to watch. I mean I do not regret helping him, we have to look out for each other, but if your not going to take care of yourself, then your diceing with danger.
Play hard, but play SAFE.
The good news is that we won our lil battle and by the end of the night he was back dancing and laughing again, but the shaking, shivering, crying, convulsing beforehand...