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Stimulants Cant sleep Cant hear after Speed party


Oct 8, 2009
Hello ! this weekend ive been partying since friday with ONLY 1.5g of very pasty speed? ( no tolerance) and half gram crystallized molly i was doing mixed lines and got back home today morning at 9am we literature did not stop dancing till this morning from 9pm friday till this morning when the afterparty got crashed...for our best i think... from the speed nothing is left i have still some mdma so i was doing more of speed and just lasing it with little bit of molly

Its been 10h since my last line and im still tweaked,getting very irritated and keep on having tension in my jaw,and sleep is impossible,also im half def witch i dont know why is that... and if i should worry about it or its just from too much music...
i did not drink any alcohol during the weekend only water and i was having bars of snikers and chocolate,how long will i be tweaked?
ive been partying for 15 years already and never had issues with jaw, and hearing problems,im worried that the speed might of been lased with some RC? or meth?
and my jaw start to worry me also ive been smoking since 9am weed ive gone tru 5grams already hoping i will feel relaxed but it seems there's no effect and its now 1 in the afternoon... i have no access to benzos and i dont want to put any drug in my body,is it possible that the speed was mixed with meth? or the combination of mdma and speed to get me so stimmed
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wait til you can sleep, and sleep it off. keep drinking water and eat when you can. I bet 12 hours after your last dose you'll pass out. sounds like a sick party bra
It's been 13h already and my jaw is still super tense plus I'm still "def" should i consider seeking medical attention? I'm experienced user and I've done much more speed and Molly and never had problems with my jaw i cant even eat its that bad
I'd wait til tomorrow evening to seek medical attention, although I'm not a doctor and haven't observed your condition in person, so if you think you need a doc you should see one by all means. where are you located by the way? the Netherlands?

because of the tension in your jaw you should try eating yogurt. if you have the supplies available make fruit smoothies. if you can get your hands on some instant breakfast, mix that in with whole or skim milk and drink 3 packets a day. you can also toss a packet with milk into the blender with strawberries, bananas, blueberries, and other fruits and make a milkshake. both eating foods, drinking water, and sleep will help your jaw heal.
My location is Barcelona,i have not thought about yogurt that's great idea! bananas make me completely dry after speed,thank you for ur good suggestion i will get on that right away cuz i havent eaten anything in the past 20hours because of my jaw
no problem. I know the feeling, I went on a pretty intense mdpv binge and by the end of it it felt like my teeth would fall out when I tried to eat food. fortunately in a couple days they were back to normal. I though I would need several root canals, thats how bad it hurt, but if you give it some time and try to only eat soft foods you will be fine. as for your hearing, this is probably related. the loud music might have something to do with it, but its more likely the jaw tension caused swelling and a build up of fluid in your ears. I once smacked my chin really hard on a trampoline and it felt like I went deaf for the rest of the day. eventually it goes away
This is what happens after a speed binge... ha. Nothing uncommon here man.

You need to relax, drink a lot of fluids, maybe take a benzo, and get some rest.
yeah you should definitely eat something, i hate coming down. I can only imagine how bad that tension is, have any benzos on hand? muscle relaxers? z-drugs? even ibuprofen or paracetamol will help.

as for not hearing, that's strange but maybe it's because of all the tension in your face, i sort of get that feeling that i can't hear as well when i binge like that.
hello ladies and gentleman it been 37h since my last dose its 23:30pm im still having jaw problems and still unable to fall asleep,i think the speed was cut with something, plus now im having visual while starting at the screen my jaw completely lost control,first think in the morning i will be calling the doctor,will keep informed what the doctor result will be
i think the speed ive got has been lased with something,the party people got the same stuff from our friend,and they are having some difficulties ... warning to all my spanish bros with what they are getting
p.s i have no benzo assess,ive drunk 3 bottles of cheap wine and still wired,its been the moust horrible drug expiernce ive had in my entire partly life,i dont know if its bad speed or im just getting too old....
piece all
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shit that sounds awful, perhaps it was just insanely pure speed, half life of ~13 hours, if your last dose was huge then you could still just be crashing, hope you recover fine, i'm sure some seroquel would set you straight, not sure if a Dr would treat you with that or benzos though, either way, you should be fine even if your speed was laced with MDPV or A-PVP or something like that, it'll wear off.
Hello Guys,just reporting back that i fine today...I woke up today in the afternoon thankfully already able to hear lol and my jaw on its place,but my lips look terrifying, thanks for the replies all
^here in the usa we have methamphetamine that we call speed, in Europe street amphetamine is more common which they call speed too...