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Does PCP deserve its bad reputation?


May 18, 2013
We all know that PCP really fucks people up, causes them to be cannibals and shit, but is it really that bad? I heard the reason why it messes people up so much is because most people take to high of a dose, and too high of a dose of anything will fuck you up.

Is PCP in mild/moderate doses ok? I have firsthand experience with how euphoric or disturbed DXM can make you, and people say ketamine gives a good euphoric trip, so what about PCP?
I have never done it myself. Some things do not add up though. Around 1979 over 10 percent of high school students polled had tried PCP. That is millions of kids. You mention cannabalism, besides big lurch that hasn't happened anywhere else. This whole smoke pcp rip off your clothes and fight 10 cops thing makes the news, it is not the normal reaction.
There are lots of people who love pcp. This is possibly the most demonized drug in history. Most of the horror stories are bullshit.
Here is an interview with a guy on pcp. He is fucked hell yeah, but doesnt look about ready to eat anyone. And after he quits pcp he seems perfectly fine.
PCP was just fucked from the beginning! It had no real business as a human anesthetic like ketamine does at least in comparison in a sense, then it had no business being distributed in inner cities as its highest class of users but that's what it is. Its a potent DRI anesthetic active at low doses, not much to expect when you give it to crack dealers to sell. Its also a potent dissociative which some people just don't meld with well some people which isn't to bad if your highly dosed and to anesthetized to move but if you aren't..... I mean at least they liquid measure but most smoke it, don't know dick about what dosages their really taking and all that, with this sort of chemical equals disaster at times, its inevitable really... Many people enjoy PCP but another problem is as with other NMDA antagonists they find them compulsive and redose/such which also leads to problems. Its also pretty long lasting so that doesn't help. If your all good and prepared and know what your in for you may well love PCP, its all personal preference anyways...

Its like My3Flies says, its the most demonized chemical in history no doubt, only with LSD behind it. Still though the PCP had it far worse as it has so many attributes that when people would really lose it on it...they tended to do some off the wall shit......but hey who hasn't!;) ;)
We all know that PCP really fucks people up, causes them to be cannibals and shit

No it doesn't, it's just a drug. It only fucks you up in the sense of getting you damned high. Yet given how long it can last, and the low doses required (if you're dealing with more pure product), it is important to excercise caution.

Everything you need to know is right here.
We all know that PCP really fucks people up, causes them to be cannibals and shit

No, we don't. Where did you hear that? 8)

Any drug is safe at a mild/moderate dose. That's the definition of moderate.
i think the bad rep is entirely based on people getting dusted or wet weed and not knowing
smoke to much have a 'bad trip' 'od' no prepared for what you actually took
Inner city connotation, krazee anti-drug propaganda when Nixon started this bullshit. I remember my health books in 5th grade or so, probly published in 1980 or so, made it glaringly clear that drugs like PCP and LSD would make you jump off buildings. MXE is probably just as 'bad' as PCP is.
The main thing about pcp is that people inhale it. Often not realizing it. Imagine a first time user inhaling a nice dose of mxe thinking he was just getting weed....
why lace weed with pcp when you can sell it as pcp and lace the weed with cheap canabis reminding synth noids ?
PCP comes in a lot of different forms and can have a vastly different effect on you depending on all the usual variables that we always talk about. ROA, dose, setting, purity etc.

I've met many people who talked about doing something called "Ts" in the '70s and '80s. These were little different colored pressed pills that were sold as "synthetic" THC, but it's commonly known that they were actually PCP. From what I've heard about "T" through the stories of people who used to use them, they were kind of mild if you just popped one or two of them, just gave you a floaty kind of euphoria and dissociative effect that you could still pretty much function on. People sprinkled it on weed, snorted it or ate it. They were very cheap, and commonly sold by the same type of dealers selling microdot LSD or mushrooms.

The PCP I used to use in the '90s usually came in little card-board pouches with a logo on the outside, or blank. Inside the pouches were either mint-leaves soaked in PCP or something that looked kind of like charred bits of wood, kind of powdery. The latter I believe was considered the true "angel dust" by most fans of it. When smoking it, it immediately produces a narcotic euphoria that's very addictive, almost like crack. One hit was usually fine, but after the first one you don't get the same rush and slip into a powerful dissociative state. Nothing seems real, it feels like the whole world is "humming" and that you're watching everything through a shitty camera on a small TV screen. It's okay for awhile, but the feeling that everything is "not real" and the feeling of "not knowing who you are anymore" makes a lot of people pray to God to come down from the shit! And 3-4 hits of strong dust can keep you fucked up like that all damn day!

That's why I think some people freak out on it and become violent. It feels like you're in a waking dream (or nightmare) and it makes you're thoughts really muddled and cloudy...It's really hard to "actually think" about anything when you're on it and if you panic it only makes it worse and makes everything seem more unreal! You feel detached from your own body and they physical world in a more frightening way than other similar drugs and psychedelics, and I definitely believe it has more potential for having a really bad freak out than just about anything...That is to say, someone having a bad trip on PCP is much more likely to take all their clothes off and run around screaming and breaking things than someone having a bad trip on just about anything else.

It's more euphoric in the "hard drug" sense than ketamine, not as dreamy, and it lasts Waaay longer. They're kind of similar, but much different!

Never had the cigarettes dipped in liquid PCP or seen it in the liquid form. Most people seem to think the "brand-name" stuff in the cardboard pouches was superior and preferable. AFAIK, it primarily came packaged this way in NYC and Philly from the mid '80s to the mid '90s....It had quite a following in the East Coast Rave scene of the nineties, although it wasn't usually openly sold at raves because it was considered taboo!

So, that's what I know about PCP! :)
To the extent that it does? No. However, the combination of dopamine reuptake inhibition and NMDA antagonism is not a good one, particularly in a compound that lasts all day. When you are severely confused due to severe dissociation, you do not want the ability and urge to move around.

PCP is associated with black people. When weed was associated with black people there were the most crazy stories too. Mainstream culture just likes to freak out about black people.

PCP causes intense distortions of reality. Its often taken in way too high doses by ill informed people in unsafe settings. Plus, it attracts antisocial and crazy people.

From what I heard from users PCP is just an extra strong MXE. Wrongful dosing, bad set and setting are the main reason for PCP sessions gone sour.

I would LOVE to get my hands on pure PCP HCl. I consider it a drug safe to use with proper precautions.

Like said before, think of the 70s. EVERYBODY used PCP in the seventies. Did everybody go insane, attack cops like it was 28 days after or feast on the flesh of roommates? Just no. Its hype.
I did it twice, once I power puffed a blunt and my friends had to drag my unresponsive body into another room because we switched rooms. I have little recollection of that night but I remember the "after glow" hangover, was not fun.

The second time I took 3 hits and everything was wobbly and loud, kinda like K where you can hear evything if its quite.

Not bad but hard for me to find "the sweet spot" with k I can get to the point where I feel very content, like everything is right but I'm not fucked up. Pcp should be more common in the festival scene, kinda surprised the kids rolling around on the ground or eating grass pretending they are dinosaurs on K don't smoke pcp
That video is awesome, the interviewer says " Do you ever feel good when your not on pcp ? " Says " Oh yeh ! " " What makes you feel good ? " Straight away comes out with ... " Pcp ! " Watched it about 10 times in couple of days, laugh my rocker off when he says that .. Absolutely brilliant.
^ hahahhaha that was exactly the line from the vid I was going to post, too!

It was a pretty funny video. I also liked his response to the 'say the alphabet' order:

"A, b, ..... c, ...... what?!"

Only problem with the video in terms of its intended function as an 'eye-opener' / 'this is your brain on drugs' type of propaganda thing is that I personally found the guy to look a lot scarier when he was meant to be sober.

Oh, and another great line, when asked what he thinks about when high on PCP:

"Glorious things... heavenly things... Mary Tyler Moore"

Hahahah, that guy was great=D
It's funny, I just watched that video, and the guy actually has the shit I was talking about in my earlier post! At least it looked like that...It's kind of like if you scraped the resin out of a bowl and it dried out a bit....It has a really chemical, "cool", plasticky, flavor....I actually kind of like it! The dark brown/black powdery shit is probably the freebase form...just a guess. Taking a hit of that shit is a really nice feeling, but it's hard to do just one! You do maybe two or three and start to freak yourself out! but when you start to come down you just wanna smoke more! Although, as much as you wanna do more, you know it's gonna put you out in space for awhile, so it's a tough decision....Definitely not my thing, not really much to take away from it, which I guess seperates it from a lot of other psychedelics....It kind of really just makes you retarded past a certain point, but one good hit of it is beautiful!
From the few people I've talked to who have done it they said when they got to fucked they just kinda k holed, and didn't go into a rage.
PCP definitely doesn't deserve it's reputation though, much like bath salts with their reputation.
I don't get the poll where a million kids have tried pcp, I have never been able to find it, or have never known anyone personally who has even known anyone who has tried it.
really PCP is a DRI as well? that's messed up. What that be like mixing EPH/MPH with MXE/K/DXM? lol cause i can see how that would lead to some rather bad results.

PCP doesn't deserve as bad of a reputation as it has but it is a drug that has quite a few risks and in the mentally unsound can cause some pretty serious shit, landing them in psych wards, just like MXE.

Other than the cannibalism and super human strength, i think PCP is not much different than its relatives. Dissociatives in general can lead you to some weird places and have you act way out of character. I get so confused on them, one time i put my jacket on upside down somehow and didn't notice.
If it gave you super human strength there would be a PCP fight club somewhere. It dulls pain, that's not the same thing.

"I don't get the poll where a million kids have tried pcp, I have never been able to find it, or have never known anyone personally who has even known anyone who has tried it. "

Were you old enough to be doing drugs in 1979? 1990 was during my prime high school years and by that time it had already undergone a demographic shift from an everyone drug to a ghetto drug.

From Wikipedia
"In surveys, the number of high school students admitting to trying PCP at least once fell from 13% in 1979 to less than 3% in 1990"

Its probably lower today too. But it is still around. There was a bust like a month ago in BC. I have seen it exactly once around 1995, was too scared to try it.