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Injuries while high and or drunk...?


Jul 29, 2011
What are some injuries you have sustained while high and or drunk? I'm not talking about OD'ing cause we all have those so in other words car wrecks, fights,
falls etc. I realise this is a possibly triggering thread so if that applies to you please don't read-on or post, thanks.

For me I once broke my shoulder while snowboarding drunk. Was also hit by a car once while high on coke and drug a good 50 ft... ouch!

Got any?
A few, with a new oxy script once I fell asleep on the toilet. I was rudely awakening by my head hitting the floor. My forehead had a couple nasty cuts that should have gotten stitched but I waited until the next morning to go to hospital. So the doctor used this glue stuff to close them.

Got into a drunken scuffle with a wheelie bin and it broke my nose. I had to get stitches for that one and subsequent surgery. The emergency room doctor remarked "Every time you come here you're drunk" trying to embarrass me furthur in front of my dad. :(
Ummmm well off the top of my head:

- I dislocated my shoulder practising for a Big Air Snowboarding comp high on opiates and drunk
- I broke my radius bone (arm) snowboarding stoned
- I broke a wrist drunk and doing a balancing trick on a shark cage at a beach, fell into shallow water
- I compressed my L4-L5 vertebrae in a car accident, was high on opiates
- Tore a ligament in my hip in another car accident, was high on opiates
- I broke my hand in a fight whilst high and punching the biggest guy in a group of 3 that were trying to roll me for my phone
- I sliced my finger open bottling someone in a bar fight after they just glassed one of my friends
- Got a nice scar on my forehead, which is covered by hair, from head-butting some guy that started a fight with me, drunk.
- Scarred arm from a broken window, won't go too much into that one, but was high and getting more $$ for opiates
- Scars on fingers from falling asleep/going on the nod with a cigarette lit
- Broken sternum from being revived by paramedics after OD

Please use this as a warning not to get into drugs too much, you just end up getting hurt or dead.
one time i drank close to a handle of vodka and blacked out and punched a car window or mirror and sliced my hand open. I faintly remember yelling at all the cops in urgent care when i was getting stitched up, I'm still not sure how I didn't get in any trouble
Back when I was but 19 years of age, I swallowed 200mg of methadone and popped 6mg of alprazolam. I walked straight into my front door, broke my nose and fell over backwards. I woke up in the ICU three days later with a catheter being shoved up my dick..painful yes, but I'm lucky to be alive.
Was really drunk hanging Christmas lights on the 2nd story of house. The ladder kicked out from under me and I fell. Broke my shoulder,wrist,3 ribs,foot and a concussion. It was an oxycodone Christmas.
Lost alot of veins because of insisting on trying to shoot up while too fucked up to do it.
When I was 14 I put my friends car in the ditch, while stoned, it was partly her fault. It was my first time driving and she was hitting me with something.

When I was around 16 my cousins and I had to jump from a 3 story house. Twistied my ankle doing so. We were drunk.

I have a ciggerette burn in my arm from when I was drunk and down in the dumps.

I got bruises all over my chest from my friend trying to push threw me to fight some dude. We were all drinking. I somehow manAged to hold him back and push him up onto the porch.

I'm sure there are more interesting ones but that's all I can think of for now
Lots of running into things when drunk, the worst of which was probably when I'd stupidly taken benzos/booze/opiates and literally fell on my face. Literally. Hurt like hell and it was pretty bloody for a while.
Erm, passed out in the shower after taking too many benzos and got a concussion.
I think that's it actually...could be worse I guess. It's probably good I don't drive.
ive only had two incidents. one i was like 18 and super drunk and slipped by the pool and smashed the back of my head on one of these huge rocks lining a waterfall that went into the spa, i think if i hadnt been so drunk that one wouldve been really bad.

the other time i had just done a bunch of heroin and was skating home just zoned out and hit a rock which jammed up the wheels. broke my pinky and ring finger and the side of my hand, split my chin open which sprayed blood everywhere for like 6 hours and almost knocked me out.
I was walking home drunk and really had to take a leak. I was walking past a house that was just being constructed and I decided to duck into the house real fast to piss without being seen by neighbors. It was dark and I walked right into a big hole in the floor and fell through to the basement. I was knocked unconscious, and when I came to I was confused and couldn't see anything. I tried to stand up and couldn't. I realised what had happened and started screaming for help. It was mad cold and I could have froze if I didn't get out of there. Fortunately someone heard me and called an ambulance. They came down on a ladder and pulled me out. The cops asked me what the hell I was doing in there, I told them and they thought it was funny so they didn't give me a trespassing charge. I had a broken pelvis though and wasn't able to walk for 3 weeks. And then I had to hobble around with a cane for 2 months. The only pain meds I got was a shot of morphine at the hospital and a script for 30 7.5mg Vicodins. After that I was told to take ibuprofen. Fuckin bullshit. This was 7 years ago and the shit still hurts when it's rainy or really cold for a long time, or if I'm sick.

Moral of the story: don't wander into dark construction sites when you're fucked up lol.
Used to do a ton of hiking on high dose methadone + benzos, and many times I'd find my legs bloody from scratching against rocks or brush w/o my noticing.
in 2008 when I was doing MAD mdma, while i was working (sales job) one of my customers was a skater. I was rolling on 4 blue buddahs (back then they were pure MDMA), and I bet him 20 bucks I could ollie a huge gap outside of the store....

I ended up breaking an ankle (but I didn't know it was broken till two days later)

Fucking drugs............
shot a g of dope after taking probably 8 kpins, both my girl and I blacked out on the highway, straight into a tree at 70, broke my foot and she her wrist, no seatbelts, good ole saab. cop didnt even charge us despite rigs and bags all over the car. dont remember like three days of my life.
im a safe and weary person, so the worst injury i've sustained on drugs is ripping a bit of my fingernail off after taking 4 or 5 mg etizolam. I slipped on any icy step when stoned once, but nothing came of that
Good ones guys keep em coming. Anyone have any about getting beat up preferably that are funny.

One time I was hammered drunk at a bar, I mean BLACKED out drunk and started hitting on some dudes chick. We stepped outside to take it out back. (btw my buddies told me all this later). Anyways, it was raining and I was jumping around talking shit and slipped off a curb, hit my head and knocked myself out. While I was rolling around bleeding in a puddle everyone said I was mumbling nonsense including saying "told u I could kick your ass," LOL little did I know haha
I set my arm down on a lit cigarette while blacked-out drunk, and have scar from that, but otherwise I don't hurt myself while under the influence. I don't IV enough to damage my veins.
Good ones guys keep em coming. Anyone have any about getting beat up preferably that are funny.

One time I was hammered drunk at a bar, I mean BLACKED out drunk and started hitting on some dudes chick. We stepped outside to take it out back. (btw my buddies told me all this later). Anyways, it was raining and I was jumping around talking shit and slipped off a curb, hit my head and knocked myself out. While I was rolling around bleeding in a puddle everyone said I was mumbling nonsense including saying "told u I could kick your ass," LOL little did I know haha

Lmao, sad. Funny tho.

This one time probably 4 years ago idk, I was 16 but I just finished a blunt with this girl I just started dating. We were in her car, I was in the passenger side. I was also pretty gone off 2 xannie bars (drug tolerance very low at this time) & couple hydros. While in this euphoric, judgment impaired state of excitement when she parked at my house so I could go inside & get my bong. In a failed attempt to act suave & cool in front of this beautiful girl, I slid out the passenger door & tried sliding over the hood of her car (like in movies lol) to the other side, which would of been bad ass had I pulled it off. But i judged it poorly & my leg went over the sharp, SHARP, top of her license plate, slicing the side of my calf WIDE OPEN. About 3 inches across n a inch or so deep -_- felted it immediatley but played it off running inside my house, only for my dad to be yelling that i was bleeding all over the floor.. I called her from INSIDE the hosue n told her I couldnt chill anymore I had to go to the hospital -_- Embarassing :p
Tried to get a fire going one evening with some friends, it had rained a lot so the firwood was soaked. Somebody was trying to light leaves on fire but my idea was to get the gasoline from the garage and soak a log with it. When I came back to the fire pit with the gas, I just started pouring it not knowing my friend had a few leaves burning under the logs.

It instantly caught fire, traveling up the gas and around the gas can which I guess had some gasoline on the outside. Luckily I guess it didn't travel inside the can as there was probably 2-3 gallons of gas which would have put on a show.

I pretty much instantly dropped the can which spilled even more gas and flames were on the ground, then my buddy kicked it into the nearby pool.

Had 2nd degree burns on both of my hands, everywhere on them. Was not in pain until I put my hands under a hose and realized all this skin was just peeling off. Nastiest shit, It took weeks to heal and I had to scrape off the scabs so my skin could heal without having an indention. Amazingly no scars.

-ran into a soccer goal post while playing goalie, had to get stiches.
-got ran over by a motor scooter, I fell off my bike trying to race and landed right infront of the scooter.
-flipped/totalled my car with just a bump on my shin (thank god for seatbelts and maybe being drunk helped too?)

LOL just remembered this wasn't me but my friend....he got really drunk one day and for some reason and he was all into karate/mma at the time so he was practicing some kicks. Somebody says I bet ya can't kick that tree. The dude kicked this tree ,probably 2 feet around, as hard as he could not even thinking about it. I was speechless, his foot swelled up so bad and he ended up breaking his foot and was in this big cast for months...hahaha.
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Collerbone broken in bike accicent, was in hospital for 8 hours ,high on about 2 grms mcat. Longest hospital visit ever, at least it masked the pain nicely.

Best part is, i was on the way to a dealer....figures, lolololol..!??!