What to say and when

Dr. Quack

May 20, 2001
This always made me wonder. All the talk about never admitting to crimes when questioned by law enforcement seems logical to me, What does one answer if you are in the wrong and a cop asks you if you have committed a crime? So you were going 85 in a 55 and the cop asks: How fast were you going?” Is it best to say : “ I don’t know?” Or I was speeding (insert excuse here). Say nothing?
The cop asks : “how much have you had to drink to night “ and you know it was a lot? Same thing…..??
It's always best to keep your mouth shut when dealing with cops. Never try to invent a lie or excuse on the spot under pressure, it will only trip you up later.
I get the feeling that if an HP pulled me over and the cop asked me how fast I was going, and I just said nothing at all, I would get a ticket. So..... maybe not the best idea, but I do have the right to do that correct?
~i say if a cop pulls you over and asks you how fast you were going, (and even if you were going 85) say what the speed limit was. dont ever admit something like speeding or drinking. why make their job easier? let them prove you were doing something wrong.
im not saying to go and make up some big lie, as mentioned before it would only make things worse. but as far as admiting to something just because a cop asks you....no.
......and chances are that if you have been drinking, and a cop asks you if you've been drinking...well then, you're probably gonna get busted(shouldnt be drinking and driving anyways :) )
anyone can smell alcohol (not just on your breath but on you) and cops notice things like that.
I think you could take this keeping silent thing too far. Admitting to possession is one thing, but when you've just been pulled over for speeding, cooperation will probably lead to better results. Imagine you're burning down the highway at 120 mph, you get pulled over, the cop asks you how fast you were going, and you say, "The speed limit is fifty five miles per hour, officer, to the best of my knowledge that is the speed I was traveling." Now you're fucked. He knows you weren't going 55, you know you weren't going 55, who are you trying to fool? But if you just admit to it and apologize, without making excuses, perhaps they'll cut you some slack. I've only been pulled over once, I was speeding, intoxicated, past curfew (I was only 17), no insurance, and had a pack of papers in the back seat. I admitted that I knew I was speeding, I said it was late and I just wanted to get home, he let me go, it's that simple. What's my point? Don't start bitching about how you have rights and you need a lawyer until something serious happens.
I'm not saying anybody should start demanding a lawyer or loudly claiming their rights when they get pulled over for a speeding ticket. But, if you do admit it and apologize, you've just proved the case for the cop. By telling you to keep your mouth shut I'm not advising you to get in the cops face or be confrontational, be cooperative provide license and registration when asked and if he asks you if you know how fast you were going simply smile and say,"I'm sure you were just about to tell me officer."
This is a rhetorical question, they're not trying to beat a confession out of you. They already know you were speeding. The radar is the evidence, not your confession.
Now, search and seizure and suspicion of criminal wrongdoing is another story. Don't give the police a reason to be tough on you.
I think Tabula has a point. Clearly, if you have done something serious, do not say a thing. However, when you are pulled over for speeding, there is a chance that if you are honest and upfront, they may let you go with a warning. Its about showing the cop respect. He may appreciate it enough to let you go.
Certain cops have reputauions for never letting people out of tickets. If you admit to him/her that you were in fact speeding you will get a ticket, over and out.
Do like Dr. says and just do not admit that you were aware that you were speeding.
Believe me/us your odds are better not admitting and thereby giving the cop a hands-down convicton.
I remember an article appearing in Maxim not too many moons ago that was basically all about how handle yourself on the road and was written by a cop.
If I recall correctly, the article stated this:
If you are pulled over and are questioned "Sir/Maam, are you aware you were going 85 in a 65 mph zone?", you are to say "No, Officer, I was not aware."
If you admit to speeding, you're writing your own ticket, as it were.
By the way, the cop in the article also said that if you're going to drive a little fast, being within the range of a big-rig can impede the cop's radar. It's sure as hell not permission to drive like a maniac around those big bastards who cart wide loads and have shoddy reaction time, it's good to know.
Originally posted by EloquentScream:

By the way, the cop in the article also said that if you're going to drive a little fast, being within the range of a big-rig can impede the cop's radar. It's sure as hell not permission to drive like a maniac around those big bastards who cart wide loads and have shoddy reaction time, it's good to know.

This is true for older radar units, however, the newer ones can track the "fastest target vehicle", meaning, they can track a miata speeding away from a semi.