Being NARCed on...


Oct 21, 2001
Okay, let's make this assumption. Persons A, B, and C are friends. Person A gets a bunch of Ecstasy, and sells (not gives) some to persons A and B. Persons B and C go to a party, are caught with pills on them by police, and now face whatever charges are appropriate. The police, wanting more information on how they got a hold of Ecstasy, offer a reduced punishment if Persons B and C tell the police about Person A, the supplier. With this in mind, and assuming that Persons B and C do tell the police about Person A, what sort of action can the police now take against Person A? Can they immediately issue a search warrant based on the testimony of Persons B and C? What sorts of things can the police do exactly?
im pretty sure that would be enough information to get a search warrant..
Taken from the posting guidelines:
Make sure to include your location when asking a question. Obviously law varies from country to country but it also does from one state/providence to another and even city to city. Once again be specific! I.E include: Country | States/Providence | City.
It really is imperative that you tell us your location.
Anywhere in the US that is going to be more than sufficent for a search warrant (anonymous tips aren't enough in alot of places but thats it). I mean what relevant law is going to vary (x is illegal everywhere in the US). Most other countries it is probably the same but I don't know for sure. If this is happening to you dump your shit fast.
The more important question is can they convict based on B and C's testimony. This of course depends on the jury. Maybe someone with experience in these matters could guess but I can't
As to what they can do. They can probably search person A's residence or anywhere else person A owns/controls which might reasonably contain evidence (your vacation home is probably safe but who knows). They can arrest person A. They can probably (this I think does depend on the state) confiscate property they believe was used in the drug transaction. They can do all these things the question is what will they do...that I am less sure about.
Just for the record are persons B and C hypothetically end users or dealers?
Sorry about not giving more detail the first time around... as for location, I'll be no more specific than to say New Jersey, USA.
As for quale's last question, Persons B and C would hypothetically be end users.
Yes, in any state in the US that would be plenty to get a warrent to search A's property. B and C's testimony alone would probably be enough to convict A, B and C's credibility would be an issue for A's attorney to bring up, a jury is permitted to consider their motivation(lighter sentence) as it relates to the credibility of their testimony, but I doubt sincerely it would impune their credibility enough to sway the jury, unless there are some other facts.
[ 12 December 2001: Message edited by: DrGonzoESQ ]
That's a really really tough question, there aren't any hard or fast rules on whether to go for a jury or a court trial, it's very subjective and most attorneys rely on gut instinct and their familiarity with the local courts to help their clients make that decision.
You have to consider your jurisdiction and how the public percieves the the type of crime charged, you also have to rely on your knowledge and experiece with a particualr judge. There are a couple of judges I know that I definately preferr a court trial with. But I also know some I avoid like the plague. Especially on drug cases the community perception makes a big difference in jury attitude, for example Santa Cruz and San Francisco county juries are usually pretty good on drug cases due to a more open minded and accepting public attitude.
I know I haven't really answered your question, but it's the best I can do without knowing the intimate details of the jurisdiction involved.
[ 14 December 2001: Message edited by: DrGonzoESQ ]
My only hope in the situation is that D and E find B and C and beat the shit out of their narcing asses!