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World's Scariest Drug

That was pretty fucking chilling.
Not a drug I ever plan to explore.
How is this Columbian Datura different in its effects to, say, Jimson weed or other types of Datura?
That was an interesting look into the datura culture over there. I've used burgamensia myself once, and it wasn't very pleasant. Luckily I was among people I trust, though.
I don't know much about psychedelics but how does this compare to things like salvia and DMT where people lose conscious control of their bodies?
i've never personally tried it but i imagine it's quite different. More delirium than psychedelia.
Lotsa people are acting as if they are not impressed.
But I wonder if you have tried this shit, or seen people on it?
The Erowid vault doesn't make it look quite as sinister as the documentary does.
And I also wonder how it compares with Datura, etc.
I would do lots of coke and saw that wreck and kill too many people, but PCP was always something that especially freaks me out.

"spacecake": crack and PCP; that is a whole other ball game.
wiki said:
Scopolamine, also known as levo-duboisine, and hyoscine, is a tropane alkaloid drug with muscarinic antagonist effects. It is among the secondary metabolites of plants from Solanaceae (nightshade) family of plants, such as henbane, jimson weed and Angel's Trumpets (Datura or Brugmansia), and corkwood (Duboisia).[2][3] Although scopolamine is sometimes portrayed in the media as a dangerous drug, its anticholinergic properties give it some legitimate medical applications in very minute doses. An example is the treatment of motion sickness by use of a transdermal patch.[4]

That makes this essentialy an analog of atropine & indeed is one of the actives in good old jimson weed/datura. It's not a psychedelic, it's an anticholinergic deleriant that is very fat sol. and lasts quite a while.
I don't know much about psychedelics but how does this compare to things like salvia and DMT where people lose conscious control of their bodies?

I once used datura almost every day for around 3 or 4 months. Shit is absolutely crazy, nothing at all like other psychedelics like salvia and DMT, it's a different feeling entirely. Full on delirium is a strange, horrible experience. Lower doses are very dark and surrealistic.

I have pure hyoscyamine I was prescribed for a medical problem, but I don't take it because I don't take any anticholinergics at all any more, even at low doses.

World's Scariest Drug is bullshit though, article titles like that always seem stupid to me. Scary how?

The experience isn't super scary because it feels normal, it's like you are doing normal day to day shit except everything is different. Imagine your mental state being totally normal, as if you were doing any daily activity, and yet you are running around naked screaming and jumping up and down. People on datura don't usually feel fear, at least not when they should. It's called delirium for a reason. You feel emotions but they are usually not appropriate to the situation, you act crazy, feel out of your body, see crazy shit that isn't there (animals, monsters, buildings, people, etc.).

One time I was walking around late at night on datura and I saw a swing set except it looked to my intoxicated brain like a bunch of bodies hanging from ropes off the edge of some weird alien tree. And my reaction wasn't fear, I just looked and was like "whoa, are those bodies?" And my friend said he didn't think so but wasn't sure. And then we went to go check it out. It was interesting at the time, not scary. Because on datura I never once felt fear, most just dull interest and weird disconnectedness.

And it's not terribly scary as far as being dangerous as far as I know (except you lose control of your actions 100% while on it). I've done a whole lot of drugs, and honestly the only ones that scared me were crack and meth. But my behavior on the drug was what scared me, not the drug itself. Drugs aren't scary.

tl;dr - Datura= crazy shit. "Scary drug" article title still stupid.
That would be some shit trying a heavy deleriant where you dont even know your hallucinating i cant see it being benificial at all as opposed psycedelics but it would be a crazy experience.
I seen this video awhile ago, since for some reason I love Vice, and a lot of the shit that they do...

....I don't know what it is, but the way they described how you could basically commit crimes with this shit, because the victim isn't going to remember anything, is pretty fucking horrific to me, personally. Like, you could basically rob somebody of literally all their money, then kill their family while leaving said person alive to take the blame. That is fucking CRAZY, man. While I do agree that the title of the article/video is kind of dumb, the drug itself does seem pretty scary. At least in my opinion.

...But, come on. I can't be the only one who thinks the main guy in that video is just....creepy. I mean, he is all about that shit, and can purchase it as quickly as somebody else buying weed or blow. I bet he's done some fucked up shit with it.

Edit: @KillCops, man... if that's something you would actually want to experience, you've got bigger balls then I ever will, lol. If I want to do a bunch of stupid shit that I'll never remember, give me a handful of xanax, lol.
Step 1: go to colombia
step 2: get a pound of that shit

Seriously, man think of the kind of POWER you can harness with a drug like that