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Misc Drugs for Insomnia


Oct 19, 2009
Hi guys. I've suffered from insomnia for several years now, but as of late it's been getting worse. 60mg of mirtazapine used to make me sleep. And while it still has sleep-inducing properties, it is no longer knocking me out the way it used to. I've tried a variety of benzos and have found one -- nitrazepam -- to have the desired hypnotic effect, from as little as 15mg. However, I'm paying exorbitant prices for this drug, so I can't really afford it for much longer. And, moreover, I don't want to become addicted to benzos.

What are some drugs -- OTC or otherwise (e.g. "natural" substances) -- which could give me a decent night's sleep? I'm getting sick of staying up till 4am and then waking up 4 or 5 hours later (that's without drugs). I NEED SOME SLEEP. Any suggestions are welcome.

Thank you!
Doxylamine, diphenhydramine, hydroxyzine (antihistamines).
Valerian root.
Chamomile tea.
Melatonin (take it regularly)
Seroquel, surprisingly, did not have a hypnotic effect any greater than mirtazapine. Chamomile tea did nothing for me. Doxylamine I have tried and it didn't induce sleep even in larger doses. I have heard of Melatonin being effective. Is it an OTC remedy? I heard it was. I'll have to give it a try. I have never even heard of "Skullcap". What is it?
zyprexa works very good
Olanzapine did nothing for me in regard to insomnia. I just got fat. I was prescribed it for a period of 9 months. Sekio gave me a list of things to try, so I'll try those which I haven't tried yet. You can close this thread now if you wish. Thanks guys.
i suggest you try Trazodone becore anti psychotics.
I was told that mirtazapine is more sedating than trazodone. But I've never tried trazodone. If the remedies sekio suggested don't work, I'll talk to my doctor about trying it.
have you tried alimenazine or doxylamine, probably the two best anti-histaminic sleeping pills
I think you and me got the same problem. Sleeping problems run in my family, and on top of that after 9 years of abusing drugs to fall asleep.. I have a lot of trouble doing it on my own. I can get about 5 hours of sleep a night but its broken sleep. I wake up every hour. some times I wake up at 2am and can't get back to sleep. Other times I lay in bed for hours and hours and can't sleep. i hate it.

I have tried everything under the sun and the only things that help me sleep are as follows.
Opiets, hypnotics.
Opiets by far work the best, always have always will. Im on suboxon and I take it at night and it helps me sleep a great deal, with out it I doubt I would sleep more then 2 hours a night.
Hypnotics the only one left for me really is Tamazapam which I make sure to not abuse and it works good.
However even with these two drugs I still get poor sleep.

Thing is no matter what you use narcotic or none narcotic if you use it every night your going to be addicted. even melatonin. Serquell has bad mental side effect with long term use. Benzos are far to addicting and really don't work well for me unless I mix them with booze which is dang. Plus im clean and sober now so thats out. I dunno.

Sleep is tricky, your not alone, lots of people can't sleep. maybe your looking at the wrong place. Try working out during the day, not eating 2 hours before your sleep (don't eat or drink anything) no tv before your sleep try reading. If you can't fall right alseep get up and read for 10min then try again. Laying in bed for hours is teaching your self bad habits. (my doctor told me all this) try ear plugs, or a black cloth over your eyes. Maybe music or something in the back round. Try a new bed, or new pillows, or a sent (sents help a lot) take a shower before bed.
Dunno.. drugs are in no way a answer, there is nothing you can take every day with out being addicted. Look at Michal Jackson. He died for sleep. Be carefull.
If you want to get into a quite natural sleep cycle again, as opposed to the dangerous habit of drugging yourself until your sleep, there are a few natural options. Valerian Root has always worked great for me, Melatonin and Kava Kava extract might be something to look into also.

If you choose to use drugs, the most helpful for me is a small dose of clonazepam combined with a small dose of alprazolam. Clon isn't intense enough for me to sleep, but Alpraz isn't quite long lasting enough for me to get a full night sleep. Sleep addiction to benzo's is bad though, so I suggest against this unless you made up your mind already.

I had good results with using Ambien/Lunesta pretty short term. Any way you do it, good luck and your sleep will catch up with you if you work at it and let it. Just imagine how nice that 12 hour catch-up is gonna be!
If you choose to use drugs, the most helpful for me is a small dose of clonazepam combined with a small dose of alprazolam. Clon isn't intense enough for me to sleep, but Alpraz isn't quite long lasting enough for me to get a full night sleep. Sleep addiction to benzo's is bad though, so I suggest against this unless you made up your mind already.

if all else fails i'd give this a try. maybe even replacing the alprazolam with a small dose of temazepam.
Shame its the wrong time of Year, to pick petals, i see in usa you can buy dried ones online, i have to pick my own in uk

I had great success with the Red Corn poppy , papaver rhoeas
Its slightly narcotic but it helps to put and keep you in a deep sleep.

Also ive found i get a strong dream nearly every time too, the last time i drunk it in the tea, i dreamed i was at a hardstyle festival i honestly thought i was there! it was so realistic


I wrote instructions in a Blog
i was suffering with the same problems as you about half a year ago or so, even the same meds i was using. I went to the doctor and got put on amitriptyline which knocks me right out. Im on 200mg per night now and it never fails to sedate me. now i have the nitrazepam for fun times ;)
Lots of good suggestions, but I would avoid benzodiazepines and opiates as sedatives because they will lose efficacy and produce dependence.
Red corn poppy petal tea isnt really addictive tbh,
i drank it every day for 2 weeks but i had 3 teabags left so i just decided i dont need it anymore,
Whilst drinking that i have changed things in the day to help me sleep instead.

Like i eat toast at 9pm every night now lol

Had one the other night just as a treat, i forgot the nice little squeeze of euphoria it gives you
P. rhoeas is neither an opiate nor is it a benzo, so no worries.
Ha! I have had the same same problem for about 6 years. And mine is also getting worse. I havent slept in a week. After about 3 nights of no sleep I was falling asleep standing at work, so my mom gave me some phentermine that I have been taking for I guess 4 or 5 days now, just so I can get through work. She says after it wears off it makes her really sleepy. My first 2 days taking it I had smoke weed after work just to be able to sit down and chill because I had to constantly be moving. First couple of days I felt like I was snorting coke, my nose was numb, and the days I take it(still) I cant stop grinding my teeth.
But now I am so tired I cant stand it, and cant sleep even after running around all day. And from always laying in bed at night wishing sleep will take over my body my back is hurting really bad.
I have tried everything. OTC sleeping pills, hot tea, even hot decaf coffee.
I said something about going to the dr. about it, and my mom flipped out. Saying I dont need them, I just need to get on a sleeping schedule, Lol, how can I do that if I CANT sleep.

She'll take flexeril or Nyquil at night so she can sleep. But when the otc sleeping pills I tried would work still, I was always having to buy more because she would go through my drawers where I would hide them and throw them out.
So if I can actually get something that works Ill have to lock it up, I miss living on my own. :(

Whats the best Rx sleeping pill?
Doxylamine, diphenhydramine, hydroxyzine (antihistamines).
Valerian root.
Chamomile tea.
Melatonin (take it regularly)

Great list! Although I haven't tried Seroquel... I saw a tweaking, drunk as shit, and kind of violent guy take 25mg and he was knocked out in like 15 mins, like out COLD. Such a relief!

I would try Doxylamine first, wayyy better than diphenhydramine because of the long half life. I read online that Doxylamine is more sedating than certain barbiturates?