Please help me quit ecstasy!


Oct 12, 2002
I've taken about 20 pills and I wanna quit this shit now. I'm not addicted to ecstasy but I love the fealing and everything about it. It seems like I can't have fun or party without it anymore.
I'm really depressed and my studies are getting fucked up. I'm not a rich kid so spending $120/month on drugs isn't something i can afford really.
Do you have any tips or something to help me? Thank you very much for replies everybody!
[sd edit: put "ecstasy" in topic so people will know which drug it is you're trying to quit]
[ 16 October 2002: Message edited by: stardragon ]
First thing to do is try to make that money unavailable. I just ended 6 weeks of sobriety, one of the main reasons being lack of funds (also choice though). Second, try to keep yourself occupied. I've been wrapped up in school during the week and haven't been able to think about it really, then on the weekends my gf and I usually do whatever during the day, and at night we start drinking (not heavily) but enough to get buzzing, and we watch movies, I spin, or we go out. On nights we head to the club we usually aren't drinking. Goin' to the club can be a bit of a bear though, especially if there are rolling kids present. It makes it more difficult to be sober. If that's the type of situation you're in, I'd suggest trying some energy drinks/pills to help yourself dance the night away- usually when I become engulfed in my dancing, it in itself is quite euphoric, and will take your mind off the rolling kids ;)
If you want to quit, QUIT. don't cry about, it sucks that you can't take them anymore, b/c i agree to a point. BUT same as mE and every other roller, if you really wanted to quit you would. So think about what will happen if you don't stop.
Think about what your brain looks like in a catscan.
Think about what someone's brain like mine looks like in a catscan!
Try taking 1 mini thin (25mg Ephedrine pill) and having a couple of beers when you go out and just concetrate on dancing and the music. That's what I do when I don't want to take E. It gives me energy and a fun time, without the head fuck.
I have extended breaks from e (I only take it for the MASSIVE events, like twice a year). When I dont take E, I usually have a mixture of alcahol and dexies (dexamphetamine, not DXM)
As long as I can dance to the music, im not to bothered if im fucked up or not, I just need the energy to last.
dude i felt the other night i would try and quit also. it will be difficult but i think i can do it. i just have no idea how yet. more power to you man.
I havent't decided to quit yet, but I have cut down drastically. What I did is I implemented a reward system. Everytime I was tempted to buy a pill, I would say to myself: "If you don't buy the pill, with the money you'll save, you can get a CD which will last you forever, unlike the drug".
Hope this helps you out!
The memory of the pleasure will be in the front of ur thoughts for awhile when you go out to similar situations to when u did e. This is just the way shit works, you have lots of fun then suddenly other stuff seems less fun. Only time will cure this. Theres sum tricks you can use to help your willpower if ur interested, but if you want the euphoria of all nite dancing (and you normally use drugs to break the fatigue), then u might have to get into sum excercise to get to the same point sober....ewww...
Good luck with ur shit, think of it as a war with your hedonistic side.
Thanks alot for all your replies guys!
Just gonna add some stuff:
I used to ta e at raves and with my closest friends. We used to dance all night long. But now I just do it for the energy. I go to party's with hardrockers and metalheads. That's about as far away from the rave-culture you can come. And I still take e. Because I can't be so friendly, and loveable while drinking. I usually get tired and go to sleep after a couple of beers but last weekend I partied until 4am. That's very unusual for me.
Thanks again for your replies.
quitting is the hardest thing to do from any drug or drinking because there is a feeling or rush that you get and you will miss it bad. i made my self slow down on rolling by starting to sell rolls and when i was selling i wouldnt dare touch my pills because i had to make money and the left overs i would give to friends or sell it helped me pay for college and my apartment and some other things but you cant sell your whole life you will eventually see all the people you sell to and look at their lives and see its not going any where and you will realize this was the same path you was going down and you will stop selling and if you just cant let go you will use only 2-3 months or not use at all. this is how i slowed my self down because i was in the direction of overdose.
Hey Im quitting too. by choice and also because of medication ie prozac. Im trying to get my life back on track. Ive also moved out of my sisters and now have to pay rent and shit. so alot of my paycheck will be going on that. Ill still save for something I really wanna go to but I wont be having e because of being back on prozac.
Im also relising I need to make new friends. My new flatmates are cool none of them are drug users which I think will make it easier on me. But they do like drinking!! hehe but only on the weekends :)
Im not suggesting go on meds or move out of home perhaps making yourself small goals like if i dont go out this month ill use the money I saved for a weekend away or something. Or maybe to save up and move out of home (if your still there).
Let me know how your going. Your not the only one who needs to quit.
Originally posted by sydkiwi:
Hey Im quitting too. by choice and also because of medication ie prozac. Im trying to get my life back on track. Ive also moved out of my sisters and now have to pay rent and shit. so alot of my paycheck will be going on that. Ill still save for something I really wanna go to but I wont be having e because of being back on prozac.
Im also relising I need to make new friends. My new flatmates are cool none of them are drug users which I think will make it easier on me. But they do like drinking!! hehe but only on the weekends :)
Im not suggesting go on meds or move out of home perhaps making yourself small goals like if i dont go out this month ill use the money I saved for a weekend away or something. Or maybe to save up and move out of home (if your still there).
Let me know how your going. Your not the only one who needs to quit.

I have considered Prozac as an option too. I'm talking to the school counselor about that. I love ecstasy but when I'm not high I feel like shit for about a week after the trip so it's not worth it. Maybe some pot a little once in a while. Drinking's fun too. Trying to stay clean for ecstasy from now on. Thanks for the support everybody!
Wow...I really decided this past weekend that I was going to take a break from E...I had never done any drugs until E about 3 months ago...I loved it so much and didn't understand the dangers or what it does to your body...I started doing 2 pills a day on Friday or Saturday, then 2+ a day Friday and Saturday...This went on every weekend...Now I can feel the effects on my body and I am going to be realistic and say that I will definitely cut back but I can't say it will be my last time...I think it is good if you have the will power to quit completely...Good Luck...
Seriously, if you want to quit - STOP COMMING TO THIS BAORD!!! It's a bad influence if your trying to quit.
Originally posted by Blaxican707:
Seriously, if you want to quit - STOP COMMING TO THIS BAORD!!! It's a bad influence if your trying to quit.
tracid: why are u considering prozac? can i ask?? Good to hear your going to see a councillor too :)
I have a friend who is experiencing the same problems as me although he doesn't roll. He said that Prozac helped him with the depression.
I think Nicholas Saunders once said that Prozac helps against the come-down and depression too.
[ 17 October 2002: Message edited by: Tracid ]
Heh if your gunna quit just QUIT as previously stated. Noone on this board or any other can help you you have decided to quit yes? Then just quit!
Wot may work for one person may not work for another.
Trashjunkie: this board "dark side" is here to help people and offer support. Quitting something is a hard process and people do need support. yes its up to them at the end of the day but people like I said need support.