[AUS] [Sydney] Ecstasy and Pharmaceuticals


Bluelight Crew
Oct 27, 1999
UPDATED 16/9/03: This study needs more people who have done E and pharms.

Attention Sydney (Australia) Ecstasy Users

The National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC) at the University of New South Wales is conducting a study on people's experiences when deliberately mixing party drugs with pharmaceuticals. Examples of such pharmaceuticals include anti-depressants, Viagra, 5-HTP, amino acids and vitamin preparations.

Participation involves two to three 1.5 hour interviews and the completion of a 30-minute survey, conducted on two separate days at NDARC.

All participants are paid $80 to $145 cash, depending on number of interviews completed.


If you have taken ecstasy with any medication in order to achieve an effect, call Michael Gascoigne at NDARC on (02)93850267 to see if you are eligible

Please support this study. Cheers!
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A Question. Is the use of pharmaceuticals specifically related to those taken by persons under a prescription or does it also take into account persons who occasional use valium, tamaz, ect on a non prescribed basis???
Both. I think they are trying to find out about both eventualities. Ring him and ask :)
They still need people...

... so please call if you can. It's only a small amount of time and not only will you score some cash but you'll be helping out important research.

Would love to be a part but I’m currently overseas, call cost in Japan are staggering, I will be more than happy to contribute on my return in 3 weeks, or would be more than happy to respond via email. Financial remuneration is not necessary.

ill do it might also give me some interesting information..

i find while on anti depresents that pills dont really work at all
there is a difference between anti-depressants; they might be an MAOI or an SSRI.


Some antidepressant drugs like Prozac work by increasing the availablility of serotinin in the brain, they are called Selective Serotinin Reuptake Inhibitors, or SSRIs. Because SSRIs like prozac have a greater affinity to the reuptake transporter they inhibit the effect of MDMA. This is explained in excellent detail in the dancesafe 'your brain on ecstasy' slideshow.


Deaths have occured when users combine MDMA and Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors, this inhibits the enzyme that helps to slow down the effects of MDMA resulting in a potentially fatal condition called 'serotonin syndrome'. It is absolutely essential you do NOT take MDMA with an MAOI, the potential for harm is too great. MAOIs are commonly found in certain anti-depressants, information on MAOIs can be found here.
evygirl: mixing antidepressants with ecstasy is dumb. It could get you killed.
also if you are on anti-depressants its because you already have a chemical imbalance in your brain, taking MDMA which plays around with those levels further causing massive amounts of serotinin to be released is unnatural and will only complicate your pre-existing condition.
Study is on again!

BUMP. The study is on again and needs more people. This time there's more cash!
I was totally inclined to participate, however its only within work hours and they werent willing to be reasonable on times. Ooh well.
ive done the first half of this survey, its pretty in-depth, a bit confronting when they start asking all the norty questions about sex.

rofl at one question "what gender do you consider yourself?" hrmm
i'm going to do this, i was meant to go in tomorrow but they said they didn't have enough people so they put it off until next week... makes no sense to me!!!

anyways it will be interesting to do. :)
just finished my 3rd interview yesterday! didnt get arrested and my parents weren't informed of my weekend habits. plus theres an extra $120 in my wallet.