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Opioids Rank the Opiates You've Tried

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Jan 15, 2006
Make two lists, one for the quality of the euphoria they gave you, not the dose-related intensity (for example, if you've taken 25mg of oxy and loved it, but only ever taken a 5mg hydrocodone pill before, just leave hydrocodone off your list then because you haven't gotten a good enough feel for it to properly judge it).

Then for the second list, rank them on how hood they are overall (for example, some people may prefer the high of morphine over methadone, but since methadone lasts longer they may rank it higher on their second list as better overall).

Please rank ALL the opiates you've tried, from best to worst.

Here's my list for quality of the high:
1. Hydromorphone - simply superb. Very "lovey sociable empathetic" high, combined with a very relaxed sedating comfortable body high.

2. Hydrocodone - less intense than morphine, and less of a body load (an almost non-existent body load actually).

3. Methadone - extremely sedating causing an almost guaranteed nod. Only downside is the euphoria can be so good it's almost too intense.

4. Morphine - the poster child of opiates. The high is good, not great, but the body load can be uncomfortable.

5. Codeine - yes, codeine. Light mellow high, especially great if you're new to opiates.

6. Fentanyl - good sedation, but not so much of a mental high

7. Oxycodone - gross dizzy high that doesn't quite "hit the spot" so to speak. It's one of the only opiates that I don't want to take more of after my dose wears off.

8. Oxymorphone - the only euphoria this gives is the gross dizzy high that oxycodone gives, only accompanied by an enormous body load. In order to take enough to get high, the body load becomes too much. In lower doses, you sometimes get nothing besides a body load.

- - -
Now for my "Best Overall" list:
1. Methadone - nothing beats the duration of this opiate. Being high for an entire day, and even feeling it a little bit still the next day. Absolutely amazing.

2. Hydrocodone - there is greatness in simplicity. Always want to take more after my dose wears off.

3. Hydromorphone - the high itself is unbeatable, but perhaps too sedating/intoxicating for regular use.

4.. Morphine - best opiate for insufflation. Only problem is it's too short when snorted, and the timing of the peak is awkward when snorted, making redosing a tricky proposition.

5. Fentanyl - too short, not enough mental high.

6. Oxycodone - gross dizzy high, but when nothing else is available this expensive yucky opiate still gets the job done.

7. Codeine - too mellow to quench an opiate addicts thirst, and the ceiling effect at 300mg sucks major ass.

8. Oxymorphone - the dwindling "after effect" high can last for an entire fucking day. You're not quite high, but you aren't close enough to baseline to redose efficiently, making redosing a pain in the ass. Also, accidentally taking too much is way too fucking easy
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well ya got me beat, here are mine:
1. Oxycodone
3. MXE, yes I mean methoxetamine, at low doses it hits like a college speed ball
4. tramadol, uggh like 5htp and paracetamol

i'd try more but they're hard to find...
idk how long u have been doing drugs because yer list is fucking wrong as hell bro i feel absolutely nothing from methadone no buzz at all oxy has a great high hydromorphone has no legs what so ever u shoot it yea it feels nice fer about 10mins and then nothing oxymorphone is really strong shit im just saying yer list is really really fucking wrong this thread should be closed and codeine seriously codine is on the list i couldnt feel a codeine if i took about 30 and u left the king of drugs heroin out wtf up with that and yer descriptions could not be anymore incorrect
1. iv morphine (only once and why i dont do opiates because they kick ass)
2. oral perocet
3. oral codiene
Let me ask you this, why is it that oxycodone but not hydrocodone comes in high dose preparations (oxy 80, 160, etc)??
It's because the pharmaceutical companies and the FDA know that hydrocodone is more euphoric, moodlifting, and recreational than oxycodone. Oxy is just better for pain.

If hydro came in larger doses, it would be king of the pharms and you know it. I swear people think oxycodone is better than it actually is just because of it's reputation. Oxy is garbage. There I said it.
Sure, oxy is more potent milligram for milligram than hydro, but potency doesn't mean shit. Compare fentanyl or it's analogues side by side with hydromorphone and you'll know what I mean.

And hydromorphone only lasts 20 minutes? Are you sure you're actually even loading it into the syringe?
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1. Hydromorphone IV - Awesome rush, not as much itch compared to H and Oxy, gets you pretty noddy on larger doses and lasts longer on larger doses can function on 8mg.
2. Herion - Decent rush, lasts quite a while good nod must I say more. Quality varies though.
2. Hydromorphone Jurnista - 64-96mg cut into quarters lasts you a day a half great high but takes about 2 hours to come on.
3. Oxycodone - Good high but not as noddy and sedating makes me feel like doing shit IV lasts lesss then HM but still a good opiate overall.
4. Morphine - Haven't done to much but don't really like it to much histamine release etc not as much euphoria as the above not as much warnth.
5. Codeine - Shit weak makes hands puffy etc
6. Tramadol - Fuck all.
Demerol (IM) (first time opiates, best ever)
Codeine (mild)
Hydrocodone (nice)
Heroin (Tar very very nice)
Oxycodone (mild)
Tramadol (very weak)

Demerol was the best and I used to measure every opiate high by that standard
guess all opiate users do that to some extent, eh? wanting to feel that first flush
If hydro came in larger doses, it would be king of the pharms and you know it. I swear to god people think oxycodone is better than it actually is just because of it's reputation. Oxy is garbage. There I said it.
Sure, oxy is more potent milligram for milligram than hydro, but potency doesn't mean shit. Compare fentanyl or it's analogues side by side with hydromorphone and you'll know what I mean.

I totally agree with you. I've always preferred hydrocodone to oxycodone. I wouldn't call oxy garbage but hydro has always felt better to me.

I once had 5g of pharm grade oxycodone powder and hydrocodone powder. I spent much more time using the hydrocodone powder than the oxy.

Maybe it's because the first opiate that really ever gave me that level of euhporia, I don't know, but it's been one of my favs.
There are threads like this in Drug Culture. This simply isn't within the scope of Other Drugs.
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