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A Letter To You...


Aug 27, 2001
Note: You might have read this before, this had made a really deep impression on me. I found it somewhere in alt.drugs and I hope this is the right place to share with other people.
Dear Friend,
I've come to visit you once again, I love to see you suffer mentally,
physically, spiritually and socially. I want to have you restless so
you can never relax. I want you jumpy and nervous and anxious, I want
to make you agitated and irritable so everything and everybody makes
you uncomfortable, I want you to be confused and depressed so that you
cant think clearly or positively. I want to make you hate everything
and everybody--especially yourself. I want you to feel guilty and
remorseful for the things you have done in the past that you'll never
be able to let go of. I want to make you angry and hateful toward the
world for the way it is and the way you are. I want you to feel sorry
for yourself and blame everything but your addiction for the way
things are. I want you to be deceitful and untrustworthy, and to
manipulate and con as many people as possible. I want to make you
fearful and paranoid for no reason at all. I want you to wake up
during all hours of the night screaming for me. You know you cant
sleep without me, I'm even in your dreams.
I want to be the first thing you wake up to every morning and the last
thing you touch before you black out. I would rather kill you, but
I'll be happy enough if I can put you back in the hospital, another
institution or jail. But you now I'll still be waiting for you when
you come out. I love to watch you slowly going insane. I love to see
all the physical damage that I'm causing you. I can't help but sneer
and chuckle when you shiver and shake, when you freeze and sweat at
the same time, and when you wake up your sheets and blankets soaking
It's amazing how much destruction I can do to your INTERNAL ORGANS
while at the same time, work on your BRAIN, destroying it bit by bit.
I deeply appreciate how much you sacrifice for me.
The countless good jobs you've sacrificed for me. All the fine friends
that you deeply cared for--you gave up for me. And what's more, for
the ones you turned against yourself because of your inexcusable
actions--I'm more than grateful.
And especially your loved ones, your family, the most important people
in the world to you--you even threw them away for me. I cannot express
in words the gratititude I have for the loyalty you have for me. You
sacrificed all these beautiful things in life just to devote
yourself completely to me. But do not despair my friend, for on me you
can always depend. For after you have lost all these things, you can
still depend on me to take even more from you. You can depend on me to
keep you in a living HELL; to keep your mind, body and soul--FOR I
Faithfully yours,
Your Addiction and Drug of Choice
[ 06 May 2002: Message edited by: CrimsonQueen ]
That is a pretty interesting letter... makes you think a little.
Personally I'd prefer something along the lines of:
Dear friend,
I love you, I want to show you things you can't believe, I want to make you be more than you ever thought you could be, take you places you never thought you could go. All I will ever ask from you is for respect. If you don't respect me, I will bring down a world of shit you never thought imaginable.
Never blame the drugs, blame the people.
I agree with anfalicious...
Drugs don't addict you, people get addicted - the fact that there are people out there that are not addicted proves that...
it sounds too much to me like treating an addiction as something seperate to you, something you are powerless over. this sort of distancing and cop out is one of my pet hatreds. people need to take personal responisbility for their actions, not throw their hands up in the air and declare themselves at the mercy of this exterior force called "addiciton".
this type of victim mentality is rife in america, where you can call yourself an addict of anything from shopping, to love to sex. i mean for god sake, calling your self a sex addict and expecting sympathy? you are not a sex addict, you are just a weak person.
admittedly with drugs their is an element of physical dependancy, but the jury is still way out on that one.
(note: i say all this from the very personal point of view of someone who has never, ever had anything approaching a substance dependancy. whether this makes me blind to something which truly affects other people, or allows me to see other people for what they are, i don't know)
Re: the physical dependancy being a factor...
I think that if it's possible for one person to avoid addiction then is should theoretically be possible for everyone - the difference is in the person, not the drug...
i think its just a load of shit.. any smart user is not addicted and never will be. this is a probably an over dramatic description of a drug addiction, from someone who was most likely a herione addict; and has now been converted to a widespread description for anyone and everyone who uses drugs.
whilst this saying is very cliched, i still think it has relevance to the vast majority of life:
everything in moderation
In my experience, a heroin addiction isn't something separate to you and you must shoulder a large proportion of the blame yourself. But it can be such a powerful and destructive force that it sometimes seems like it's a separate entity that has nothing to do with you. You want to distance yourself from it because you can't/don't want to believe that it's of your own doing. Maybe that's the feeling that the writer was trying to convey.
As for everything in moderation, absolutely! But it's sooo hard with heroin if that's your drug of choice. I think we're all victims of that kind of weakness over some pleasure or other. Most of us have probably done that extra E in a night when we know we shouldn't have! It's that same urge with smack just magnified, and with more serious consequences. Giving in to it can make you feel so pathetic that you just can't help blaming it on anything other than yourself to try and keep your self esteem intact. But yeah, ultimately it IS a cop out.
dear friend
use me don't abuse me
and I'll take you to places unimaginable
abuse me and I will hurt you.
with love
- your friend.