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Bris News Article - "Net kits link to drugs boom - Sunday Mail - 21/4/02


Sep 11, 2000
More great reporting from our friends... The Media!! ;)
Net kits link to drugs boom
CHEMISTRY kits able to produce huge quantities of GHB and available on the Internet are believed to be behind major shipments of the drug flooding Queensland.
Street supplies of GHB are so high throughout the state that drug counsellors believe the glut originates with the thriving Internet trade, where the kits are available for as little as $120.
But of more concern are the claims of illicit Internet distributors that just one readily available kit – costing about $300 – can produce up to 585g of GHB powder, enough for about 120 $20 deals.
GHB is street slang for gamma hydroxybutyrate, a central nervous system depressant which, when abused, can produce hallucinations.
GHB, used to make the drug fantasy, was developed as an anaesthetic but withdrawn because of its unpredictable side-effects.
It found a new popularity in the early 1990s as a hormone stimulant for body-builders.
The Sunday Mail easily located a string of websites offering drug kits and GHB.
One US site advertises "pharmaceutically pure GHB" for sale as a special, offering 10g for free to anyone who buys 100g.
Queensland Drug and Alcohol Foundation chief Bob Aldred said ordering pharmaceutical products on the Web was illegal and there was little control.
"The problem with any black market drug is that the strength is not quality controlled," he said.
"It's more good luck than good management that so far we have not had a death."
A man, 20, was placed in intensive care last weekend after a GHB overdose in Brisbane. He was later discharged.
At Easter, a woman in her 20s collapsed at a Brisbane dance party
hmm.... fantasy is made from GHB?!?!?!
The full article also said that they are developing a cure for GHB-induced-coma... Wouldn't that usually be SLEEP???
Linkage to article
[ 21 April 2002: Message edited by: Maxi ]
"The problem with any black market drug is that the strength is not quality controlled," he said.
He's absolutely right ... and do you know what? GHB used to be available legally - but since it's been illegalised, the popularity has boomed and the blackmarket supply of GHB and analogues is inconsistent in strength, dangerous in the lack of information and unreliable. More people are overdosing now than ever.
BigTrancer :)
so true... and that can be said for a lot of recreational drugs (MDMA, LSD, GHB, etc)
unfortunately that's what is happening right now with 2-CT-7 and its cousins :(
Here's a story that was published next to the above article.
Clubbers warned on lethal cocktail
by Chris Taylor
Queensland teenagers are dicing with death in a new craze that combines designer drugs to produce a lethal cocktail.
Nightclubbers under the influence of GHB are using a mixture of heroin and amphetamine - known on the streets as "pineapple" or "phonetic" - to ease out of the grip of the designer drug.
GHB, or gamma hydroxy butyrate, is a central nervous system depressant abused for its ability to produce hallucinations.
Drug workers last night warned the combination of GHB and stimulant amphetamines could lead to coma and death. Drug Arm spokeswoman Judith Hart urged teenagers to avoid the combination, particularly as an extremely strong batch of GHB - also known as fantasy - is being sold in Brisbane and Gold Coast nightclubs.
Ms Hart said the psychedelic effects associated with the strenght of GHB now in circulation were taking users by surprise.
"So users are finding they need something to help ease out of the effects," she said.
Trials of a proposed cure for GHB induced coma are under way in Adelaide as health authorities fight an epidemic of the liquid designer substance
So...heroin is now a designer drug, GHB is a psychedelic hallucinogen...What next??? These facts can easily be checked. A Google search would clear up almost all of this crap. A for "pineapple" etc, I'm wondering if this was just completely made up by someone trying to get into a newspaper...But, I can be a bit cynical.
Any Brisbane folks wanting to get involved in a bit of a campaign around the GHB stuff, send us an email.
We're looking at getting some kind of resource out (even though we have very little money) and we're looking at forming somekind of working party, including promoters, club owners and punters. First task might be a media release to Sunday Mail correcting some of the crap they are coming out with. Any ideas of a particular approach to this issue would be most appreciated. We'd prefer a ground-up response, so any input would be greatly appreciated.
*Takes a bex and has a lie down*
I don't know who'se agenda is getting pushed in the courier mail, but rarely a day goes by that thee isn't some damning account of drugs given in the paper. First shuglin as Dr Death, now all this pap.
Today - article on a "website", which i'm sure would be pillreports. The user's quoted i've never heard of, and i wouldn't put it past a journo joining and posting bullshit to quote.
As for making G off the net.. i'd like to think you hear about these type of things before they hit the papers.. but most of their shit - "pineapple" (what a load of fucking bullshit!) and last year's home made ecstacy kits - no-one has ever heard of, and i seriously doubt they exist.
In any other sector of the world, business, law, sport, etc - you'd be close to being jailed or at least massively publicly shunned if you actively promoted this amount of lies, and information that is (i highly suspect) made up.
I had considered writing a letter to the editor asking for clarity, and less of an agenda, but i figured that would be the fastest way to have the fucking police at my door as a *known or suspected* mass drug peddler, not someone who wants to see more people informed and less absolute bullshit dominating page 3.
Hardup - please, for the love of god, write an open letter. It would take a miracle for it to get published, but maybe the writing staff would take notice. I wish there was some form of action against the CM for being incorrect and sensationalist this often.
[ 22 April 2002: Message edited by: SupaspeeD ]
SupaspeeD: Who's agenda? Hmm.. let me see. The National Illicit Drugs Campaign - the public relations strategy included a part about continued media coverage of drug related issues.. of course there could be other reasons. But that's definately a likely scenario while they're developing the second phase of the NIDC