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Interesting drug related misquotes from the media...


Bluelight Crew
Oct 30, 2001
Well, after hearing a news report on Sky News this morning, here's a quote that disgusted me... Disinformation to the max.
Fantasy, also known as Grievous Bodily Harm, is available for around $20 a pill, a third of the price of ecstacy. It's so powerful that it's used to tranquilise horses...
Please add more, so we can get some type of thread that compiles the stupidity and misinformation that the media is spreading...
Fuck, that is a good one! :)
I'm suprised this version of fantasy doesn't also contain heroin... ;)
and glass!
all three for the low LOW price of $20 how could we be so fortunate?
how can they print such stupid shit ? obviously they dont fact check but HELLO common sense anyone?
$20? For something that can put horses to sleep?
But seriously, they're probably talking about K pills.
yup K pills
and by Grievous Bodily Harm have they assumed a different meaning GHB acronym?
One of the worst things to come about from the report though, thinking retrospectively, is the distain in the reporter's voice for the users.
The biggest problem is that there is no distinction between the drug users, and the drug dealers/manufacturers in the eyes of the media. All involved in drugs are pure evil, you see.
There's no way possible in which I could be a perfectly fine working member of society, because I take drugs...
[ 04 April 2002: Message edited by: Dante ]
Just as a short pre-face, I know I should be more mature, but the entire point of the thread is a piss-take, so I'll simply post what I was intending to (except I added this pre-face).
I want to see the bitch from Sky News trying to get a horse to rail one these funky ass Fantasy pills
That is all :)
LOL.... Once again more proof that the media have no clue about anything but make up bullshit stories to attract misinformed readers and are just out to make a dollar.
Ive given up on the media.... !! If there going to say something say it write i say..
Like that Riki lake show, now that was a classic.
heard about that one
'the agony of ecstasy'
what a fucking stupid show to have a drug discussion on!
This one's from the web...
Ingestion of ecstasy is followed by an almost instantaneous 'rush,' occurring in approximately 30 to 45 seconds if taken on an empty stomach. The rush lasts 15 to 30 minutes and is followed by a gradual descent back to normal consciousness.
Find out more HERE
Adverse Effects include Rape and Pregnancy (unwanted).
Firstly, how many guys could do either of these things whilst pilling??
Secondly, I thought these were more likely to be an adverse side effect of being a right wing redneck :)
That URL is a cack!
WTF is with Dancing for hours on a broken ankle?!!?? ahhhh sorry... thats PCP, not E... totally different letters!
and give me a pill that gets me rushing in 30 seconds... YES PLEASE!
What a load!
im actually quite happy with ppl believing that bullshit cos if they are stupid enough to believe it (no matter if they read different reports with conflicting information, that just means its REALLY bad.) then they dont deserve to be enlightened.
Andromeda :)
The difficulty is that with illicit drugs, misinformation can lead to harm or death. The only harm minimisation approach to take in the face of gross misinformation is patient education.
BigTrancer :)