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Trouble sleeping on pills


Feb 18, 2002
The very first few pills I ever had always left me with absolutely no problems sleeping, which was one the the things I loved about them, but for the last 6 months, everytime I drop I am awake for hours....I feel as if I can't really relax enough to fall asleep...These are quality MDMA pills I am talking about...no possiblity of speed...
Anyone else experience this problem?
Lots of people complain of this exact thing.
As a matter of fact BFB even has a simple way of helping you get to sleep.
A Warm Drink
Do a quick search, theres heaps of other suggestions.
Have you tried waiting til you got home because I always find the loud music to be a problem too.
you must be joking prometheus !
i've gone to sleep with loud music on after pills its not that hard :)
i wish i had a speedy after effect from pills sometimes i hate going out and having a night cut short from being tired, although thats where meth takes over now so meh
I find after strong MDMA pills I can do what ever I want, fall asleep, or be wide awake still. Try putting on soft music, chilling out with your partner and just relax. Try having a warm drink like everyone else is saying, I reckon it would work well. I usually can fall asleep alot easier with the TV, to stop the ringing in your ears after being at a club. Try these methods, it should help you. :)
[ 20 March 2002: Message edited by: MOTOMAN ]
Well you could try some melatonin pills. Kind of a natural sleeping pill. I find they put me to sleep if I've just got normal midweek insomnia. When it comes to pills I just take 'em and a bit of coke and then take an alprazolam (xanax) when I want to sleep. Prescription only but they will knock out you for 7 hours no problem.
I don't know if I would recommend Xanax. I'd prefer Valium anyday. When you wake out of a induced Xanax sleep you feel absolutely shit and it can take upwards of two or so hours to feel 'human' again. I'm not the only one who believes this.
These days I try to get to sleep as naturally as possible...warm drinks do work though!
[ 21 March 2002: Message edited by: Rubin ]
^^Actually it's usually the other way around - alprazolam (Xanax) half-life = 14 hours, diazepam (Valium) = 30 minimum.
Some people find valerian helpful. If you search here and in Health you will find some old threads on the topic.
Thanks for the advice.
I will try drinking ovaltine (seeing I dont fancy any other hot drinks - especially milk).
I also have a few natural sleeping pills which I might try as a back up as well.
Hopefully I won't have to punch up my boyfriend anymore when he crashes leaving me awake by myself for hours! :)
I know how you feel. I can get at most an hours sleep after a pill and I think that is why I always feel so shit on a Monday after a big weekend. I have tried sleeping tablets but because you use up your serotonin on a pill I find sleeping pills only work for about an hour or two. I am thinking of using 5-HTP next time and see how I go.
Okie dokie..
I've been where you are. Thanks to the wonders of this site and its invaluable info regarding postloading, i no longer have this prob.
I used 5-htp and valerian.
Slept like a baby, woke up feeling great!!!
Try it cos this stuff works.
I also used Vit B and C wheni woke up.
They say that Valerian is the natural Valium.
No mid week blues either. And i used to have them in a BAD way! once again..
Valerian is available in health food stores, supermarkets, chemists etc. They're subtle compared to Valium. Chamomile (tea or in herbal tabs) is good, and I believe contains some l-tryptophan. And 5htp may help you sleep, and should help you recover quicker.
I got and still get this problem all the time, especially with good mdma pills as they totally drain my serotonin which is vital for controlling
not only your emotional state, your appetite, your ability to think but also your ability to sleep and im pretty sure your ability to go to the toilet.
5-htp is a god send for combating all of the associated problems above as it (as everyone knows) balances out your serotonin levels so that i can go to the toilet and can sleep. Within 3 hours of a 5-htp i can do all of the above, but i find that the main benefit is from the actual sleep i get on the day after - if i get that sleep before the afternoon of the day after i totally miss out on messy mondays, terrible tuesday and the always dreaded wrecked wednesdays.
In addition i find that a fan or a fish tank in the background helps to create a soothing background noise to alleviate the tintinnitis (sp??) that i get when stupid clubs dont properly eq their speakers.
However one thing that i found that was something to watch out for was taking a 5-htp too soon after dropping a pill, after two tribes i took a 5-htp at 5 in the evening and then went on to twitch my way through 5 hours of bad sunday night tv (simpsons excluded). I am not sure what the cause of this was, but from older posts it seems similar to serotonin syndrome with the twitching, dry sweats and general instability.
Each tablet Contains: DOXYLAMINE SUCCINATE 25mg
Each pack contains: 20tablets
Cost: $10
Available over the counter at chemists, I have only been briefly asked why I want it, who recommended it and given a brief warning not to take it on consecutive nights.
I agree (from what is reported) that it is not as effective as say Valium or Xanax but it is easy to obtain without telling a story to a doctor.
Opinion varies on it though, once again to the after effects. I do notice after effects..
BigTrancer..... I notice very prolonged wake-up period the morning after doxylamine succinate. Body load, yawning, large effort to get going and general apathy on occasions are all things I have attributed directly to the doxylamine succinate.
Doxylamine Succinate
I guess it depends, which is the lesser of two evils? :)
just because it's 'ecstasy' and not 'speed' doesn't mean it wont keep you awake past the peak effects. ecstasy is an amphetamine, and all members of the amphetamine family and it's relatives (methamphetamines, etc) will keep you awake for a while... correct me if i'm wrong anyone.
[ 22 March 2002: Message edited by: apollo ]
Natural remedies are always the preferred method IMHO. There's generally a reason benzo's and other drug's are 'prescribed' rather than available at your local supermarket :)
If you can find a routine that lets you relax, and get in to the mood for sleeping that's probably the best way to go about it. Even if it involves taking some sort of Valerian or other natural remidy, settling down with a hot drink and perhaps some soft music you'll probably find yourself nodding off in no time flat.
Have something soft to eat perhaps... fruit or other vitamin rich substances work perfectly.
I wouldn't start throwing around the Xanax or Valium/Ducene tab's just yet. Not only are they unnecessary in most cases they also come with the risk of being unsafe as they are prescribed medicines.
KAVA: a natural plant root which calms the limbic system.
+'s^relaxes mind & muscles.
^reduces mantal chatter.
^increases mental focus.
^no habituation, tolerance or addiction
Im useing a brand called micro-genics,
30 capsules for $16 and its great for relaxing