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Where is a good place to pick up (syringes) in melbourne?


Feb 20, 2002
I'm kinda a beginer when it comes to opiates and don't have any using friends, but I really wanna try some shmacky whacky.
[Edit: Please don't ask where to get shit from. Bluelight is an information resource only, not a place to find out where to get drugs. BigTrancer]
I also don't know where to get syringes. I know in some countries you can get them at pharmacies no questions asked, but in others they will deny you unless you have a script for insulin or something. Do Melbournian pharms let anyone buy syringes?
If not, will I be able to go to a needle exchange and ask for a pack without giving them any used needles in return?
thanks guys.
Disclaimer *sigh*:
And YES, I do know the perils of using opiates and intravenous drug use in general. I am well read in this area and I have done it before. I am a mature person and I will not respond to judgements about my decision to use. So basically, if you feel like calling me an idiot for using, don't bother. Bluelight is about harm reduction through information sharing, remember?
Thanks heaps, sincerely -
[ 22 February 2002: Message edited by: BigTrancer ]
Your best resource for all the Harm Reduction info for injecting users would be http://home.vicnet.net.au/~vivaids/ which is the Vivaids website. Its got a lot of useful info in there.
Its a bit messy to get to the info you want, but I'll quote the relevent bits:
Call Directline for location and times of nearest exchange or chemist who sells fits and other equipment.
Telephone: 03) 9416 1818 or 1800 136 385 (24 hours)
There is a link also to all the Melb metro needle exchanges being: http://home.vicnet.net.au/~fitshop/metrovic.html
They will be able to give a lot of info about safer using, drug info, HIV/AIDS, sharing, and referal programs.
As for where to score? No idea really, and I believe there is a bit of a drought at the moment and has been that way for quite some time.
[Edit: Cheers, BigTrancer]
[ 22 February 2002: Message edited by: BigTrancer ]
Jesus, I'm nearly crying just reading this mate. It tears me apart hearing about people who were once normal people trying smack, only for a few months later to get completely dependant on it. Fuck me, have you ever heard of any of the horror withdrawl stories.
Why would you want to try some that is so unbelievable dangerous like hammering yourself. If you are that desperate to give it a try (cos' if you are, I aren't in any position to stop you), smoking it is as about as safe as you can get.
Smack is seriously uncool dude. So many people think they are in control before they try and then they get physically hooked on it.
How about you shut the fuck up before judging other people's usage.
Judge not others unless you too be judged. Remember all that shit. Go fuck yourself. You want people to be put off by asking for harm reduction information? Prefer people dying from HEP/HIV stick injurys yadda yadda? Prefer the problem just swept under the carpet. Yeah.. thats better... all nice now.... oh look.. cricket on thge tellie... luvverly.
Ever heard its not a health problem, its a social problem?
Go take your fucked up middle class prejudises elsewhere white boy. Its not wanted, accepted or needed here.
Raving Loony:
*sarcastic slow hand clap*
well done. thanks for confirming once again the opinion of many in the wider harm reduction community that Bluelighters are a bunch of closed minded, suburban, middle class kids who put the world into two categories; our good drugs, and other people's evil drugs.
ignoring someone's request to not be judged, and ignoring that they've said they are already experienced with these substances is patronization on a level equal or beyond that of the mainstream media's treatment of your favourite drug.
you have a right to an opinion, and there are many better ways of expressing it, but our priority here is harm reduction. we aren't going to be able to reduce any harm if people are too afraid of being judged to admit what they are doing, or considering doing.
thanks for ruining an otherwise useful thread by causing us to descend into flaming.
[ 22 February 2002: Message edited by: johnboy ]
This thread (as posted) was in violation of Australia/Asia/NZ/Middle East Drug Discussion Forum Policy. Please do not request information on the availability of street drugs, pharmaceuticals or anything else.
Any further threads on the topic of chemical glut/shortage/availability will be closed or deleted immediately. Please refrain from making these kind of threads, because it's all about who you know. The people who post these kind of threads leave themselves open to solicitation by email, and the people who respond with varying comments predictably reveal themselves to be in regular contact with drug dealers. I think people can see the logic in this one.
The current availability (and obviously locations for buying) depend upon the source, your location, any recent busts and many other factors may influence the availability of certain drugs in your area.
Injecting equipment may be purchased quite cheaply from any pharmacy, and some needle exchange programs will actually give out free needles too, however others may require actual exchange of used goods for clean kits.
And for those who think that heroin is nasty and pills are nice and clean, just remember that most of society think that pills are just as evil as heroin. Judge not, lest ye be judged.
BigTrancer :)
I will not apologise for what I have said. Judge me, like I give a fuck. It's not like I am dependant on the praise of others here.
I try discourage smack use to those wishing to try it for the first time. It is something that is very close to my heart having friends and loved ones that have had to restort to stealing in order to feed their physical addiction.
I can't help but say my mind. Consider smack minimisation my raison d'etre.
And with regard to syringes, is not smoking heroin safer than injection. I did kind of recommend smoking heroin instead.
[ 22 February 2002: Message edited by: Raving Loony ]
Heroin quality and availability have been down for a while, but there has been a significant increase in overdoses in the last couple of weeks, across the country. So it appears the quality has risen again. That means that if you used a $50 packet two weeks ago, the same amount might kill you this week. Be very careful.
Soma: rofl. That was pretty funny.
"white boy" heh.
Petrol and Smack are bad mmkay?
Anyway seriously though, never having done heroin (and I would NEVER do it anyway), I would always be against anyone I know wanting to try or take it up. There are too many risks involved. Addiction is the big one (Wouldnt want to take up anything as addictive as coke/nicotine), which leads to (and multiplies the chance of) all other risks. If you're addicted to heroin, you must admit, your life is fucked, until you OD and die or get help.
Street heroin is fucked, full stop. You don't know how pure it is. Who wants brown sugar and baby powder in their veins? I wouldn't. And even worse, you may get used to a dosage that you have been getting for weeks, only to find out the next deal you get is a different batch, cut less. Bang it.. Boom. You're dead.
"Ever heard its not a health problem, its a social problem?" - It's both.
Oh and that "Judge not, lest ye be judged" crap. Isn't that from the bible? The tool used to brainwash and gain power of human kind. Down with Religion :)
[ 22 February 2002: Message edited by: Splatt ]
Can I add to others comments here, and express my absolute disgust in some of you?
Why is it E-Tards always think it is their place to inform Heroin users how good pills are and that smack users should be condemned to hell? To me it shows a frightening trend that you people think that because ur MDMA comes in a pill form, it's safe... Well it isn't. That's why we're here, to make it safer. So if one of our friends on here says they want to do Heroin, why don't you suggest ways of making it safer, offering constructive advice if they're getting in trouble with addiction, not force your opinions on them, like so many of you complain your parents do.
If we can give one person the knowledge to go to the chemist and spend some cash on a syringe as opposed to using some blunt, AIDS infected, second hand job he gets given on smith street, then this website will have acheived everything it set out to do.
By all means, question whether the person is ready for this step, but as long as they feel they are ready, and have done as much research as they can (posting on this site is one part of), then the decision is theirs to make, not yours.
I never said MDMA was good for you :) Hell, I don't even use it. I stick with MJ, nangs, acid and shrooms mostly.
Thing is, just offering him a place to get a new needle isn't harm reduction.. Sure It's a start. But unless you know everything there is to know on heroin and opiates (With help of sites like this and Erowid), and know how to properly and safely intravenously administer it, along with the right doses (starting off small).. You should not even think about using heroin.
Bluelight is an information resource only, not a place to find out where to get drugs.
Although I find the wording of this statement humorous, I accept your moderation decision BigTrancer. I always knew I was pushing the line with that question. ;) Respect.
Soma: Thankyou for your useful info, much appreciated. Pretty much exactly what I was looking for in relation to obtaining fits. Although your reply to Mr "seriously uncool dood" was unnecessary, I did appreciate that too. :D
Can I ask for one of the mods to close this topic now please? My question was answered in it's first reply. Thanks to all who took it seriously. Peace bluelight!
[ 22 February 2002: Message edited by: alternate ]
Short and sweet: people that use any other drugs and still think heroin is evil are fucking hypocrites. They are also usually the first ones to jump on a media artical that doesn't "admit" that ecstasy is the best thing since sliced bread.
Open your minds people, for fucks sake!
Topic Closed.
At the request of the original author.
If you wish to further reply to this thread, please email me at [email protected] to discuss reopening.
BigTrancer :)
[FormoEd: Closed By Request]