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Benzines in Brisbane Speed?


Oct 30, 2001
QuIVAA has just received some reports of benzines in Brisbane speed. Wondering if anyone knows much about this... Benzines are a type of solvent found in paints, petrol etc. and can be used in the production of speed. There can be immediate effects such as headache, nausea and vertigo. At high doses, it can cause death. Benzines are also known to be carcinogenic.
Reports are pretty sketchy at this stage, and could be totally bogus...Just wondering if anyone has had any wierd reactions to go-e lately...
Got any links to the reports you read? Are they online? (I had a search on the web and on the QuIVAA site but I couldn't find any info pertaining to your post).

Load universe into cannon. Aim at brain. Shoot.
[This message has been edited by BigTrancer (edited 31 October 2001).]
The reports we've had have been made anonomously to us over the phone. A bit wierd, but we're intereted in following this up.
OK thanks muchly hardup - would love to hear if you find anything out.

Load universe into cannon. Aim at brain. Shoot.
There have been reports of bad goey on the streets of Brisbane, but it was a week or two ago now. A bit of a warning went round the grapevine, but never really heard or saw anything after that. The one thing i can tell you is that it was bought in a valley club.Just be carefull everyone..
You must know about the draino sold as speed incidents about 3-4 weeks ago now?
Happened at a "notorious" valley nightclub, i think 4 people affected, all went to hospital with internal bleeding, nice ulceration of the stomach and vomitting of around 300/400/500ccs of blood.
It really worries me that people would do that type of stuff. They obviously aren't in it for much money, they are just in it to fuck people up. This certain club though has been getting very very scary of late (not that i've been there in the past year - just what i hear through the vines).
Tis fucked though especially with people booting speed.. this type of stuff equals death.