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$30mil drug haul


Nov 29, 2000
wow this one will surely put a dent in australia's supply:
taken from http://www.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,4057,3069492%255E1702,00.html after i heard it on local news.
Major drug gang busted
From AAP
THE seizure of $30 million worth of ecstasy imported into Sydney has cracked a major drug syndicate, leading to charges against six people, police said.
The ecstasy - 430,000 tablets weighing in at 150kg - was hidden inside 69 boxes of marble tiles imported by ship to Sydney from Malaysia.
The shipping container carrying the drugs was tracked to commercial premises in the Homebush area in western Sydney, where six people were yesterday arrested in connection with the haul.
The six - four men and one woman from Sydney and one male Hong Kong national - were all arrested in the Lakemba area yesterday and charged with offences including being knowingly concerned with the importation of a prohibited import.
Justice and Customs Minister Chris Ellison said a major Australian drugs syndicate with international connections had been smashed as a result of the seizure.
"This sends a very clear message to anyone who is involved in drug trafficking in Australia that if you do you'll be caught and if you are caught you'll face serious penalties," Senator Ellison said.
"As a result of this inquiry there are other charges being laid and also other investigations continuing." He said further charges were likely to be laid.
NCA national director Bob McDonald said the investigation uncovered what was believed to be an Australian-based drug ring with international links to Hong Kong and Canada.
The NCA-led investigation began in March 2001 and the final stages of the operation involved customs officers, Joint Asian Crime Group, the Australian Federal Police and NSW Police Crime Agencies Group.
Following months of tracking the suspected organised crime members, the prohibited drugs yesterday arrived from Malaysia by ship at Port Botany.
wonder if it was caught thru monitoring bluelight? :p
The thing is!
The drugs will keep on coming in no matter how many busts are made because the big boys will just employ another group of people to send more over!
haha! It really is fuck all in the over all picture of stopping the drug trade.
Think about how many pills would have to be made it through costums for the circulation of green MTV's to go to Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Adeliade... for what is about 2months months now! The reward from that success is so great that traffickers won't be able to help themselves but to send more in.
but ouch! 430,000 tablets! damn shame.
i saw blue butterflies on the news... didnt recognise the press quality or nething though.
fuck they went to some effort to hide em. customs had to hacksaw open these blocks of tiles to get to em.. but then you would really.
I have full confidence that the crooked cops will get that back to us! C'mon... you really think that half of that wont end up on the street.
And what about the OTHER shipments they let go through customs. Im sure the one they "FOUND" was a publicity stunt.
POLICE "ok mr X. You let us catch one of your shipments, we the the others go through. We have to been seen to be fighting this war on drugs
MR X: "what's it worth"
POLICE: "We dont kill you"
MR X: "BWAA HAAA HAAA. Fuck you. U can have one shipment and then sell it back to us"
POLICE: "ummm..... OK"
^^^^ I rekon anyway........
If I melt dry ICE, do you think I can swim without getting wet?
looks yellow to me though.
430,000 pills .... that is alot of bikkies
To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often.
- John Henry Newman
(a) no one would ship a whole batch of pills in one go
(b) it is generally accepted that for every shipment, there is another 4 or 5, and these get through
(c) 430,000 pills...if there is another 5 shipments coming in, thats almost 2 million pills.
fuck, hope they're good.
and on bunny's note, i've always thought it funny that you never hear of another batch of the same pill from the same place being busted within a few weeks, you'd really think they'd be able to get a few of the other shipments of the same pills...wouldn't you???
maybe thecops are stupid...cos we all know they're not corrupt

**waves to cops**
I'm with bfb on this one... we'll be eating them soon.
If you meet someone without a smile, give them one of your own.
You conspiracy theorists make me laugh. Not EVERY seized batch is rereleased by corrupt cops you know!
And as far as hurting the market, yes this will hurt it for a couple of months, if you remember the couple of 250k busts last year and the 500k bust early in the year, both created a drought (albeit small) for a month or two.
I'm not saying this is gonna turn the tide or anything, but it's still a big bust, and does make the Mr Bigs wary for a little while.
Also you'll notice they reckon they knew where they came from, who they came from etc, which has much wider implications than if they'd just stumbled upon them.
Man if I ever have the money to traffic hundreds of thousands of pills I'm bringing them to Oz! They're worth $70 each even in that amount? hahahahaha
Senator Vanstone says "The average homie is paying between $400 and $500 for each pucker e"
Actually I've only noticed one very minor drought this year for about two weeks. You have to remeber that there's a lot of different syndicates out there trying to get the aussie dollar from us!
Dancing, the eternal quest to mash my ankles into dust.
^^70,000 short 'ey billyboy??^^
looks like some kneecaps are gunna be a rollin...
on the drought thing...methinks that nye is coming up, so there is increased demand, and even tho drugs are illegal, they still follow the same business principles...so therefore around nye there are more pills...so if there is a shortage, methinks mr.joe chopper who wants to go to one of these 'raves' with their mates and have some beers and an 'e' will be the one struggling to hookup. scary thing is that these opens the doors for bad speed bombs, k-pills and anything else that some mug with a pill press wants to make...
**looks at harm minimisation disclaimer**
**looks at cops**
wow...they really do help the community out 'ey??
Dont get me wrong.
I'm not saying that all the pills busted will get back to us. I'm saying is:
1: The budget to fight drugs is approx 1% of the amount of cash all the drug cartels have to play with to get the goodies over here. They will never win the war on drugs. They know this
2: You can almost GUARANTEE the cops are 'given' these shipments to keep everyone happy and make it look like they are doing their job. For the joy of 'catching' a shipment, the cops let the rest go through.
3: RBB is right. Drug busts are NEVER are the same type of pill/drug. you would think that if it is a legit bust, they would be able to find more.
4: Do younotice how these busts are regular? Kinda like a shipment would be regular?
5: DROUGHT? What? you found it hard to get pills once or twice? If the shipment was one of one coming in.. we'd have fucking none! PLus, there are SOOOO many different cartels, we will never be without drugs.
Don't worry about it. Just hope the cops act quickly and get it back to us
I guess I'm going to have to put off tiling my backyard

Dancing, the eternal quest to mash my ankles into dust.
Couple of things to consider -
* election time - it helps to have a sizeable bust at this time
* terroism - resulting in beefed up security *everywhere*. This sting had been planned for 8 months, so is not related to the terroist issue, but dont think for a minute that there wont be more busts.
As to whether they get let back on the street is another matter. in the mean time i reckon there will be some pretty weak re-stamped bickies going round for the next 2 months. Hope everyone has started saving for nye's already !!!