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How do you make the night not feel like a blur when rolling?


Oct 2, 2001
It seems that every time I am rolling at a big event, the night just seems to fly by and I’m wondering where the last 6 hours went. I am sure I had a great time, but ask me why and what I actually did or listen to and it’s more than a bit puzzling. This leaves me slightly unsatisfied at the nights end.
So in summarizing I guess I’m trying to ask is what can I do to
1) Make time appear slower
2) Remember more of what I did during the night.
3) Feel satisfied at the nights end.
These were some things I am considering:
1. Don’t take any drugs.
2. Take some LSD with pills, and hope that time distortion effect kicks in.
3. Take my pills earlier.
4. Take speed with pills.
5. Wear a watch.
6. Take mental snap shots during the night.
"If you want to win anything -- a race, your self, your life -- you have to go a little berserk"
[This message has been edited by TeXtbooK (edited 07 October 2001).]
[This message has been edited by TeXtbooK (edited 07 October 2001).]
The memories you get are the times when you're actually concentrating instead of floating away with the mdma. Had a great night at the party, remember about 15 seconds of it, and that was bumping into some wierd looking person in the toilets.
To get more memories, you have to consciously be sociable on the mdma and make yourself concentrate on dealing with the feeling and adding it to your normal feelings instead of replacing them altogether.
I think. Works for me.

Load universe into cannon. Aim at brain. Shoot.
*jumps on Big Trancers Back and nods*
Agreed. I found I remember the whole night compared to when I first started of remembering pictures and stills from the night.
Just be aware of it dude. I still have nights where the harder I try, the less I remember....
At least I know if I had fun or not! That good yer?
candy flipping werks for me, for the reason mentioned obove, the time delay, just take half a trip, it makes the night a lil more interesting, but also makes things slow down a bit, and byt the morning ur saying to urself omg what have i done for the last 20 hours, werks well for me, but then again i dont recomend acid to anybody, u have to be strong in the mind!!!!!
*****i Am ThE tRiBaL ALiEn*****
7. take a tape recorder or write in a journal...I've never done it, but the results would be interesting
I find that if I pay attention to the tracks being played it makes the night seem much longer. I'm guessing because they can act as a rough gauge, each song being 5minutes or whatever. But yeah, paying more attention to the music being played works for me and DON'T puddle cos then you have fuck all chance of remembering anything
Yeah, carry a notebook. Write in it regulary, and invite others to do so aswell.
Should be an interesting read come morining...
Im taking a video camera to the house party! THAT should be fun............
Journal when out tho.. what a fucking good idea.
I saw a doco on a photographer that was friends with Andy Warhol(can't remember her name)..
She was prescribed speed from the age of 8, to regulate weight..Naturally she became dependant..
During her artistic peak she recorded, wrote and took pictures of everything, she couldn't go out unless she was getting it down somehow. She felt that her memory would not do it justice.
She carried a book with her, with "topical bible" printed on it, just about every artist, manager or famous person from that era drew a penis in it..
off topic I know...but if a book like that did the rounds at a bush doof, it would have a funny story to tell..
exactly the same for me, i wish i could remember the equinox : infected mushroom night more!!
I read that MDMA "attaches"(?) to your memory receptors or something like that. Thus there is very limited chance for memories to be saved in your brain, damn.

Anyone know how to stop the MDMA from blocking our memory receptors?
I know ginko has been shown to vastly improve memory performance in ppl. Although im not sure how it does this. I don't think anyone REALLY knows yet. More research is probably needed. Ive been taking Ginko laterly, and my memory has been fairly good. Although i haven't been out clubbing since to test it there.
be safe,
I said....nice one brova!! :)
There is no such thing as a memory receptor.
However, MDMA does mess around with the various neurotransmitters in your brain (particularly 5-HT) which help play a role in memory retention.

Load universe into cannon. Aim at brain. Shoot.
Have you tried taking a camera. Worked for me at GC earlier this year. Or do you remember Fear and Loathing. Strap a tape recorder to your head and let it record the whole night.
the name is Brigitte (or Brigid?) Berlin..
that's an awesome doco of an awesome life..
and if I see a , polydrug user wearing a watch, with an expression of deep thought on their face, writing in a journal, camera round neck and a satelitte looking microphone strapped to head at an event....
I'll be the one rolling round on the gound having epileptic like fits of laughter
that notebook idea is awesome!... doing that for system!... bring on the rave journal!...
rhythmatic movements in unison with others prolong an act of sensation with no limits or boundaries >
i usually have my journal with me at events and ive gotten sum great stuff the only problem is:
1. trying to read the handwriting the next day
2. then trying to decipher what the meaning is (usually followed by WTF?? and a laff)
and also the main problem in writing shit down is trying to remember what you wanted to write down in the first place...which gets ya back to where we started...

because this moment simply is.
We do the notebook thing heaps. Mostly at house parties, but the occasional event Notebook comes along (Notebook is now it's own entity).
It's hella fun to read 6 months later

Everyone knows cool hit it's peak in 1974.
ok heres a little theory of mine,..
life is just a memory
confused yet? hope not, but ill explain what i mean)
its like if you are out somewhere, anything you see/do if its happening to you you can remember it, if you ever are wondering if youll remember what you did durin the night the next morning, just remember that lifes a memory, everything thats happening to you atm is somehow being remembered by your brain, just finding it in the morning is a bit hard,
lol, damit,
whenever i start talking i feel i make PERFECT sence, and it seems so good, like the perfect explaination, then i start talking, confuse the hell outa myself, and probably leave others just as confused, with me sittin there lookin like a fool
sorry what was the topic?
how to remember the night? or how to make it last longeR? the video cam would be funny, but id only watch that movie if i was fucked up, cause else it would be too embarasing i recon, lol
"look at that fool, he is soo messed up,.. oh shit thats me,.."

notepad is a nice idea
but quite a few people (myself included) wouldnt use it even if it where around.
though dont knock lack of memory, its actually quite a good thing
anyways, i feel ive wasted enough of your time, thanx for listening, love yas

the world is over and i realised it was all in my head.
Drugs are baaad m'kay!

Actually I find that photographs are extremely useful in remembering nights. If I see a photograph I am much more likely to remember the events surrounding the photograph. As it is, my memory isn't too bad anyway. But I still get that "OMG what the FUCK happened to the time?" thing.

-plaz out-
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