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Choice: Chuppa's or Chewy's?


Aug 4, 2001
Interested to know what other people find best to use when raving to avoid the familiar jaw grind. I have tried both with the following results:
Chuppa's: End up cutting my mouth on bits of it and chipping teeth.
Chewy's: Go home with one hell of a saw jaw and can barely open my mouth for two days.
Combination of both: All of the above symptoms!
Neither: either chipped teeth or bitten cheek (or both).
Anyone have a particular favourite thing to use when rolling? Would really appreciate the good advice on this one. Ta.
Life is best described by this question:
"Is there anyone aboard who knows how to fly the plane?"
Magnesium. Try it!
But if I didn't have that and had to choose .. then chupa chups. Chewy's mess up my jaw. Another option is a pacifier (dummy).
chuppa chups are evil!. They have air bubbles in them, and i have literally shredded the roof of my mouth from them. yes, that hurt, and i had blood in my mouth for a whole day after. plus, they leave a FOUL taste is your mouth.
and you usually don't have enough saliva in your mouth to hold the chewie together, and it 'breaks down'.
have magnesium, then you don't have to go through this.
Go to search and check this thread:
How to avoid breaking your tooth feelings while rolling
Hmmm well Chuppa Chuppa make your mouth go all dry and shit, and when u smoke and drink water as well... it tastes fucking ugly.
As for chewy that is just as bad, my jaw hurts and one again the taste with water and smoking.....!!!
Overall id go with Chuppa Chuppa's cause they last longer and much nicer taste...
Hmmmmm Fruit tingles . ahhhhhhh
hehe, i'm a fruit tingles and tic-tacs man. Damn chuppa chups kill the mouth lining and chewy just kills the jaw muscles.
Magnesium works a treat, but i've found now that i don't need it as i've made a wilful effort to stop the mad jaw disease from affecting me
I prefer not to use anything just magnesium
If I use a chewy or chuppa just for a little bit I find that even after I take it out I still chew but if I dont use one at all chewing is kept to a minimum
but definetly use a little magnesium
Hooray, another fruit tingles person. If you've ever seen me at a party you'll know it, I am CONSTANTLY offering people fruit tingles.
Chuppa chups are good, but just don't chew the sticks for too long or you'll not only damage your teeth but tear up the inside of your cheek.
"Herron" have tablets with magnesium & calcium, works for me...Hope it helps
Get a friend to check your gurning every now and then, and you can do the same for them. It's such an unconscious response to gnaw the jaw like a freak non-stop and not feel it till the next day.
Empathy. Grace.
The main problem I have with either chewy or chuppa chups is that all the sugar, coupled with lack of saliva, leads to ulcers the next day...
Magnesium is the way to go... I recently found tablets with 440mg magnesium in them... One of those would set you right

Here's something else which helps... If you find yourself grinding, or you see a friend chewing hard, sit down and actively concentrate on relaxing your jaw for a few minutes... Do this a few times and you'll find that you stop... Works for me anyway on those nights I forget my magnesium

[This message has been edited by Tarsarlan (edited 13 August 2001).]
Off to the Social Lolly Shop for this question

While you're there, I'll have a bag of chocolate bullets thanks... make em 9mm.