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eating after dropping.


Jun 13, 2001
i ate after i dropped last weekend and i was wondering if this effects the pill?
i was feeling a little offf before going out and then so immediately affter having my pill. i decieded food might be good as i hadnt eaten in a while.
nobody ive spoken too has ever done it before, ate immediately after, and no one knows of the effects.
No, I've never eaten after, but i have eaten just before, and it really affects the 'strength' of the pill.
I had a sandwich for dinner about an hour before i dropped (a RR), and i noticed that the pill was taking a LOT longer to come on that what it normally would. After an hour or so, I had big eyes and i was clenching, but i wasn't 'flying' like i should be. I ended up taking another one, and i was fine.
But think about it - if you've got food in your stomach, then you've got to digest that, and the pill. Consequently, it will take a lot longer for the pill to dissolve in your stomach & go into your bloodstream. This will probably make it seem weaker than what it actually is, because you're not getting a high dose of MDMA in a short time - you're getting it over a much longer time.
As for eating AFTER, i don't know. It COULD have the same effect as chewing gum, where it speeds up the digestive process. I guess it would depend on what you ate and how much.
Did you think that it affected the pill?
Just for the record, I suggest that you eat about 4 hours before dropping, but no less than 3. If you get hungry in the middle of the night, order a milk (yes, you'll get funny looks) from the bar, or alternativly, a kahluha and milk (if you don't want the funny looks). It'll stop you from feeling hungry.
Hope that helps.
yeah it did affect the pill, or i think it did, as i said i was feeling a little sick, but as you indicated i wasnt flying. i was trying to sus out wether or not it was a bum pill, the food or the tummy ache.
i was thinking before i ate, that it would detract from the overall pill, sensation as i have eaten a couple of hours before dropping previously.
this affected the pill(s) i had then too, but i figured its alot slower digesting food than a pill, and the pill should have gone through the system before digestion even started.
It also depends on the pill that you have. A lot of imports have traces of rat poison or glass in them, which makes your stomach bleed, and the pill will be absorbed (digested) faster.
yup....done it before dropping, just after dropping and well into the roll.
the first two basically weaken the come on and the strength of the pill (makes sense cos ur stomach has more things in it to absorb mdma i guess) while eating while rolling doesnt stuff up the bic in any way, just causes some wierd looks from people and its very hard to do...yuck
all three make you feel better though, especially the next day and help you avoid any bad experiences that might result from dropping on a very empty stomach.
my g/f had 1.5 yonnex (over the period of about 6hrs) on NYE and hadnt eaten much that day. along with other factors which im sure contributed, she ended up never taking yonnexs again...she had a horrible stomach from it and threw up n felt sick and all of that...
so its always a good idea to get something in your stomach at ANY time in relation to the roll basically because it gives your body some REAL energy (not just chemical...like md or speed) and makes you feel heaps better the next day...
thats why you would have seen me eating a packet of WEDGES (and yes they r better than chips
) drowned in sour cream at two tribes on about 3points of speed...hehehe... very interesting...

just my opinion.
Neva eaten just afta.I eat lotsa fruit (not too much though) about half an hour before I pop, or if im out I eat it just before I leave. That fills me up but I know that fruit is mainly water it wil be gone quickly, plus I have fluid and sugar to keep me going.
Also i heard somewhere that fruit helps your pill somehow
Anyhooo, whatever works for you!
"excuse me sir, have you seen my plot? I think I lost it...."
The one time I have eaten AFTER dropping was at , errr, ummmm, goddam shocking memory, was Elekrik 003 right about the time the Motorola was kicking in. Some idiot walks past me with a tray full of watermelon while I was spacing out to tha pretty laser they had upstairs. Watermelon I think what a damm good Idea, so I start munchin on a few peices, BAD idea. Prolly doesnt apply to this thread but anyway I found due to myself being extremely chopped I couldnt swallow properly and didnt relise I was eating the seeds aswell. The seeds then decided to stick to the sides of my throat causing and extremely unconfortable feeeling which no amount of swallowing or shots of water would budge. I ended up having to spew em out. Not good.
Just thought I'd add that
I agree.. eat good stuff. and eat heaps.
BUT no less than three hours before you drop.
That way youre not taking it on an empty stomach, you're not taking it on a FULL one either, and you have heaps of good stuff to help you dance all night and recover.
Its ALWAYS worked for me.. and I find my pills hit me quicker and last longer.
I *CANNOT* believe what I have just read...
Rat poison!! Ground Glass!!
BUBBLES, I'm really really dumbfounded that you dont have the enlighten crew tryin to track you down and burn your house down... they have probably let you pass this once cos you're still a greenlighter.
Rat poison?
C'mon.. Amanda Vanstone sounds just the *tiniest* bit sexually frustrated when she says with heartfelt passion on national T.V. that we currently have "a tide of these deadly tablets sweeping into our shores from overseas".. I actually believe that she knows full well that the pills that have the highest likelyhood (though still minute) of fitting that category are the ones produced right here in our own backyard...
I mean if YOU were gonna expend the resources neccessary to import millions of tiny tablets over an ocean to be used for the purpose intended wouldnt you find it easier to put the real deal in em so you get happier reception on the other end..(?).. and if you were going to bother even using MDMA because of that assumption, dont you think you wouldnt be bothered "puttin' in a little RATSAK just for the fun of it" ..(?)..
Generally speaking, "If there's MDMA present in a pill.. its usually the ONLY thing present in a pill"
(emphasis on *USUALLY*)
Be safe
speaking of fruit, i have been told, cant remember by who or when, that eating banannas release serotonin.
Bananas are like natures own 5htp caps. But are full of l-tytrophan, and heaps of other good shit too. I assume it would take ages to convert to seratonin and it helps replenish seratonin not really realases it.
i used to think eating before rolling didn't affect ur pill, but looking back, all the times i'd eaten before rolling and still experienced strong MDMA effects was when I'd eaten HEALTHY food (fruit or steamed vegies) and in small amounts. recently before going out I've carelessly gobbled down greasy fast food and crap like that, and yes, from sad personal experience I can assure you it makes a BIG difference. The minimum time to leave between eating & rolling, for me, seems to be about 3hrs at least.
does anyone know how long it takes to digest a main meal, ie. dinner??
depending on your meal size about 2 - 3 hours.
BUt there are exceptions...
Does anyone know if pilz effect your stomach. I ask this because I had my craving for KFC when coming down so ate at about 12pm. By 6pm I was still full and bloated (I know..KFC?) Eventually my body decided to puke and it looked exactly the same as when it went down. It had not been digested!!
***blufluffybunny apologises for disgusting story**
I figured iif these drugs can affect body parts and function (ie: willy...) then your stomach as well??
There are serotonin receptors in your gastro-intestinal tract, so yes, you would expect pills to effect your digestion.