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where to get caps??


Apr 17, 2001
Im really keen to try a cap although i can't find them anywhere....are they imported in limited supply?
Yeah nice one brov! :)
They are certainly not as common as pills. But no - we can't tell you were to look. Just keep looking and you will find.
They sell them at most sports shops and they come in a variety of different team colours.
Other than that, we really can't help you here...
People have been reporting good caps so I can understand why they might interest you, but remember they are the easiest thing to tamper with.
My first and worst "e" experience was with half a cap in 1993. If I'd had a whole, I think I trully would have died... intense headache for 5.5 hours, crying from the pain... so be careful... we thought we could trust these ones - reliable source, friends who had had them before - it means nothing...
As for imported, wouldn't caps be the last thing someone would import? Too unreliable. There's been good powder around, so the good caps would probably be made here from that???
"Go peddle your kippers elsewhere clown" - Renwaldo Hoek
[This message has been edited by *chaoscat* (edited 14 May 2001).]
If you do not have a relationship, or a dd that is solid enough to help you find caps, asking on this board will not help you.
There is no magic cap supply.
Buying "caps" from people you do not know or trust in Aus is generally a waste of time and money. You can get lucky.
Mostly powder in Aus is difficult to get hold of, as are caps. SOmetimes you can get lucky but it is about being in the right place at the right time, and having forged the right relationships
thanks all,
i have great sources although they are normal pills eg HQs clovers BB's never get caps though...maybe just stick to em cause they are always reliable. Never got bunk shite.

Rob, i already told you in another thread NOT to fucking ASK FOR DRUGS!
Caps are hard to come by. They are always local powder, they, if good quality, will be the most chopped you have ever been, but, if your connections aren't up to scratch, or you haven't been lucky enough to get some, DO NOT ask on bluelight.
You already were told once, and common sense should also tell you that asking where to get them is stupid, akin to an undercover cop asking you if you do the "ecstacies".
If you want better drugs, search them out, they exist, but this discussion board is not the place for it.
Sorry to be an asshole, but it is stupid to ask for drugs, and could get most of us in a lot of trouble if there are grounds to release ISP numbers.
Just remember, everything said here by everyone can be linked back to all of us. And i for one, don't want to have to deal with that shit because you decided you want some powder without fucking looking for it.
umm superspeed...
did i ask you or anyone else on here if i could get a deal from you? no.
I asked if it was harder to find caps then pressed pills. geez.
[This message has been edited by robE (edited 15 May 2001).]
The phrase 'Where to get caps??' is not the one you should have used then...
The woods are dark and deep, and you have miles to go before you sleep...
Have you received email from some dodgy geezer offering to supply you with caps yet? If not I'm suprised. Posting stuff like this is asking for it. Whether you meant to or not I won't make a call on
but if you do post like this, you will get emails of offers most of the time, and they will be as reliable as some guy that comes up to you in a club and tries to push drugs on you. You're incouraging dealing through this board, not directly thru the board but thru the board none the less. I'm not saying you intended to, but you are. (honest, it's happened several times where I've had contact with the people that have been emailed)
Be careful please!
You can get caps from people not places. No-one can answer that question at it's face value. And if anyone did, naming a place where it was possible to score certain drugs, (eg the dealer with spikey blonde hair and a tight shirt that's in Home every night
) they'd be breaking a rule. Dunno if it's a written one at this stage, but I'm afraid that for the protection of people that would potentially be involved, and the integrity of this board, it can't be done.