anyone got visual snow?

Silly sam

Sep 18, 2010
hey, i have had a lot of anxiety and problems recently but have finally found what i am experiencing. its called visual snow. i have read on other forums that apparently it can happen after taking LSD?

wondering if anyone else is suffering from this? as it is really annoying at times, fine if u forget about it. but now have realised its permanent it is easy to stay in you mind.

causes anxiety, depression. the lot!

i get it even when im in bed trying to sleep. if i concentrate on it, its the worse. added with memories i can see images from the day extremely clearly. is quiet terrifying at times. i think i also have tinnitus

im only 18 and only noticed it in the last few months since i did acid in august.

also good to know that there is no proven cure at the moment.
Search up HPPD, you'll find plenty of threads on it. I have it too, it's not that bad once you accept it and learn to live with it. I get tinnitus too but I didn't think it was related.. could be I don't know.

Good luck :)
so its for life after doing just one trip on acid? well that truly sucks. yea i accepted it fully today after got a bit down and annoyed at my self last night. oh well.
Do u always have the visual snow?
is it worse in certain settings?
is it closed eyed, open eyed, or both?
Do you have a history of migraines?
When was the last time your vision was checked?
erm, im not sure if alway have it. i try not to concentrate on it. is distinctive when looking at a white wall or computer screens.

its was pretty bad last night.

when closed eye in bed is very annoying. i had basically the whole of my acid trip with closed eye lids and had a big weird hallucination going on in my mind. was fucking intense.

iv never had any head ache problems. dont think ever had a migraine. the last time i smoked weed though my head felt like it was filling up. then i had a massive anxiety/panic attack. have stopped drugs except alcohol and ciggy's since. but am stopping smoking today as think makes the visual snow worse.
I experienced "visual snow" as one of many neurological problems associated with a non-psychedelic drug reaction. As my other symptoms began to resolve, the visual snow did too. I have had migraines with and without aura. The aura kind of looks like a more fluid version of visual snow I experienced. The snow usually only kind of vibrated, but at the worst could be almost like a strobing visual field.

Since the visual snow resolved, I have noticed that some circumstances can result in weirdness with my vision that mimics it...these are things that are, for the most part easily changeable.

I don't know if what you are experiencing is truly visual snow because there is a good possibility that you may simply be noticing some things in your environment that you weren't aware of prior to your intense LSD trip. These things can mimic the visual snow effect.

Now, if you haven't already, you should see a doctor just to make sure that everything is okay with you health-wise.

If you haven't had your eyes/vision checked in the last year, please do so immediately! I started to experience the visual snow effect again about a year ago and panicked thinking my neurological problems were returning. The symptoms resolved immediately upon receiving a new pair of glasses. My right eye's vision had worsened from 20/30, to 20/75 while my left eye was still 20/35. The visual snow effect was from looking through one unfocused and one focused eye.

White wall and computer screens...if you live in the US your power is likely 60 hertz. If you have not changed the settings for your computer monitor, the default setting is most likely 60 hertz. Now, most people do not notice and therefore aren't affected by this...but there is an annoying fast vibrating flicker to TVs/monitors (default 60 hertz refresh rate), and fluorescent lights.

Fluorescent lights alone, can definitely cause a noticeable visual snow effect when you look at white walls. When I watch TV or especially sit at a computer for hours on end, I experience the visual snow effect AFTER I get up and wander away. This happens only when the screen has less than an 85 hertz refresh rate (you can change the refresh rate for most monitors, and some TVs). It can persist for minutes to hours afterward. It seems like the flicker from by the screen settings causes some type of benign flickering visual artifact...I notice it is more obvious if I am in a dark room trying to sleep just after getting off of the computer after working for hours on end.

Have you ever heard of Synesthesia? It is a (really cool IMO) condition where some of your senses kind of overlap. I see some sounds. I always have. I thought everybody did. Didn't realize it isn't normal to have pale pale pale pastel almost imperceivable patterns and sometimes fractals play out in my visual field. If something like a fan is making 'white' noise in a room, I can see the basic shape and location of everything in the room with my eyes closed. If you have this, and you don't know what you are really perceiving, the image can appear to be "visual snow." Frankly, it usually looks like you are seeing your room through a bunch of static when in fact, you are 'seeing' the shape of your surroundings through your ears.

Finally, when was the last time you took a multivitamin, or had enough vitamin A in your diet?
ok i think im just going to go to a docter and get an eye test. seems to be too many diffrent things that all seem kinda the same. thank you very much for your information.

i live in the UK so im guessing monitors already set?

when in alecture theater at uni. i get a like halo / glowing rind around things that are on or against a white background?

iv been trying to watch my heath as people were telling me when going through anxiety that its very important to get minerals and vitamin levels up. iv been taking multivitamin tablets almost everyday. but only cheap ones from super market?

its defiantly worse in a dark room or white wall.
I was wonderin what that was I was seein didnt kno there was a name for it though or how it came about jus kinda swept it under the rug. Thx for the info people
Yeah I get that shit, I have kinda gave up putting a definition on it and truthfully I kinda like it. Usually I get just a plain white aura around people if I concentrate I can get colors in the aura's. For the longest time I have gotten this phenomena that I call 'bees', it happens when I am outdoors and I have animals around me. I see all these little white gnats/bees spinning around in the air, moving as a swarm. Similar to a big old mess of birds swimming from trees. Again I like it because it seems like it is a living organism, pulsing and constantly shuffling its shape. This has been happening for shit, ever. 15 years?

I chalk it up to massive amounts of lsd, mushies, cactus, dmt, and all those new'ish neuro nukers [2cb, etc.]. I lost track in the late 90's concerning the number of lsd trips but I am easily into the thousands.

Sometimes I try to convince myself I am some kinda metaphysical savant that is more in-tune with life but other days I just think that is wishful thinking. :)

Ive had it since i was a kid. Some people who dont fuck with any substances develop it. Real weird phenomenom. Mine is really apparent. You just have to learn to filter it out.
Yep, I got it from dimenhydrinate, the first time I tried it. Weed, diphenhydramine, and pretty much every other drug make it worse, but it slowly fades if I reduce my drug use. Sometimes I'll close my eyes and see coloured, arced shapes with a bit of visual snow and vibrating vision. The visual snow sometimes turns into faint spiders/spider legs and the like.

Maybe you should've believed them when they said acid was bad for you. I don't believe it's got anything to do with interference from a positive source (i.e. energy fields) but I do think it has an order, formed by some kind of synesthesia-like effect.
I've gotten it and I had it for awhile like a few years. I found that when I stopped using all psychedelics including herb, then it went away.

I did get my eyes checked out and have had them checked since I was a kid since I wear glasses for distance. I have what are called floaters and flashers this is not visual snow or static. I can also see the blood vessels in the back of my eyes when there's sunlight or when I'm driving it's something you can train yourself to do.

When I had it I found that lack of sleep, lots of caffeine, florlescent lights, and stress made it worse.

I don't think that any of this is HPPD though since it was more of an annyoance than something that completely disrupted my life. I think this sort of stuff is called visual static or visual noise. I also used to see breathing walls and other visuals but it was not like a full blown heavy LSD trip.

I have other friends that got it from using LSD and had it for awhile after using acid even if the LSD was in a low dose. Their visual snow/pixelation went away after they abstained from psychedelics and herb.
yea it defiantly gets worse the more i concentrate on it and get stressed out.

i also had my eyes checked out as i heard someone had similar symptoms due to there eye sight changing description. my actually eye sight is perfect with glasses/contact lenses. they also checked by eye to brain nerve with some weird moving light test. also fine.

so its some weird thing i have noticed since taking lsd, or my trip did mess with my eyes. i had an extremely intense trip. consisting of wondering off without knowing. came back to myself miles away from place i took it. then passed out after feeling exhausted from the visuals.

im guessing when a lady shined a light into my eyes to wake me up is when my eyes may have been scrambled during the trip?

i then spent the next eternity (felt like forever). laying down engulfed in some crazy other world. which at the time i thought i was stuck in for ever! winding myself up, full out anxiety trip. pretty horrible. i think my eyes were closed for most of this time.

next thing i remember, i was fine with some weird visuals still going on for hours in the morning, thinking i was in a place a bit like avatar, in touch with everything' energy.

from all this i feel liek have anxiety problems and pretty down at times
i have learnt to ingor my visual problems now. but when i close my eyes. i get some sort of meditation/closed eyed visuals. seeing objects and shapes. im also have crap nights sleep consisting of very intense vivid dream, virtually every night unless go out drinking.
I get intense, vivid dreams every night, no matter what I take, but LOTS of pot can reduce it and make me sleep poorly. Usually it's a really trippy dream (there are several 'layers' and ways of moving my body, communicating, perceiving, etc). Lots of nightmares about bad trips and suicide. It usually feels like I was in the most confusing, weird dream for weeks and weeks, always a huge surreal adventure around the city. But when I wake up I barely remember it. I'm thinking your problem is in your mind rather than your eye.

And whether or not pot is bad for you, it DOES make the side-effects of other drugs worse, most of the time.
vivd dreams suck. i remeber almost all of them and sometimes forget what was in a dream or real life. i never used to have them this regular. but i did smoke weed fairly heavy for a good year. seem to have come on since stopped. anxiety makes them a hell of a lot worse.

im coming over all this mental stuff now but as been such a weird few months hard to fully let go of my thoughts even though want it to be in the past.
Hi Sam are you still suffering from the visual snow?

I'm from the UK I took LSD regularly when I was 15 years of age (I'm 34 now) I had a bad trip, a few weeks later I had a bad panic attack like a flashback maybe where something reminded me of this bad trip I had, ever since then I have had this visual snow permanently for 20 years! The only way I can decribe it is looking at a old tv pixels, when I look up in the blue sky and concentrate they are hundreds of little white dots all move in scquence in a clockwise movement, and night time it looks like flashing this is the only time I notice them really, they are always there in the day but I have just got that used to them being there I don't notice them, had my eyes tested an I have perfect vision, I have just accepted that it's permanent damage and will have this till I die. The only time these dots have ever got worse is lately when I've been taking sleeping tablets and have woken up in the night the dots seem to go crazy I put this down to the medication as everything resumes to normal after the tablets wear off. Thanks Ant
Smoking multiple grams with no tolerance once a week fried my head pretty hard and gave me visual snow which I see to this day. I used to get very upset about it but honestly it doesnt actually effect anything, I simply notice it when I remember I have it.
i just googled this and it blew my mind. i thought everyone experienced it?