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got screwed...


Jun 15, 2009
Today i bought half of g speed, from texture it looked like it is the real thing, i was busy so i took it and only tasted/sampled it at home, i was angry as hell when i snorted it, it was like a baby powder, in the bag,from texture it looked like the stuff i've been bought, but i didnt even got a drip, no taste, nothing, Heartbeat still normal, pupils - normal, not feeling a shit, and cant find the dood that got me this shit...Fuckhead, it tasted like flour, and its fucked up, i paid 10 bucks for it...

How to deal with those situations?
where are you from that you're buying speed? (I'm assuming you mean amphetamines), which you don't normally see in the US except for prescription pills.

but you gotta mark it off to the game, it happens. luckily it was only $10.
Getting badly cut product is bad enough, but when its actually flour or some shit, that makes me sad. Only happened once but when me and a couple mates bought 4gs of ketamine (icing sugar), I almost cried. Turns out the guy has been ripping loads of people off the same way. Cunt.
Be happy it was only ten bucks and not more. It really is not that much. You should have known something was up when you got a half g for ten bucks. where im from that would be to good to be true
The teenage years were hard on me and my friends. $20 on powdered aspirin and $40 worth of grass... not pot, though, this was actual lawn clippings. I was not responsible for that buy. Lessons learned.
No shit!? Your friend bought grass..Someone tried to do that to me and few buddies once as a joke. He couldnt keep a straight face. Idk how people can sell other people completely bunk shit. If its cut as hell thats fine if the price is right but completely bunk is asking for a ass beating
You said you can't find him so about all you can do is learn a lesson. At ten bucks it's a pretty cheap one. Don't let your money leave your hand until you get the drugs and try them while the dealer is still there. And buy scales.
speed has a very distinct smll even though its cut to 10-15% purity mostly, its an acrid smell (i think thats the wod, "acrid")... even packaged up just sniff the baggie/wrapping, no smell.. its not speed
If you can't find the dealer and make him wish he never messed with you (beat up, torture, or rape), I wouldn't cry about it. I mean... it's the drug world, what do you expect to happen? You'll get completely ripped off from time to time.
Don't let your money leave your hand until you get the drugs and try them while the dealer is still there.

you can't always do this, especially for like heroin, as heroin deals are usually done on the side of the street.

I don't know anything about amphetamines, but appaently phatass does, and that sounds like a good thing to do from now on. I used to do that with cocaine, because good coke has a smell and heroin buttons (vinegar). so I would suggest what phatass said and smell the baggie and stuff.

also, look closer at your drugs. and just be glad that it was such a small amount of money. chalk it up to the game. thats not the last time you'll get ripped off.
The first times i bought weed i got ripped off with ditch weed shit, i was nervous as hell because i put some big money on it, about a 90 bucks, and this was worse than that time, i've had the withdrawal coming on me and no money, anyway picked 2g's today, GOT RIPPED OFF again, kind of, it was some crushed pills, i didnt picked it up this time, my friend did, i needed to snort alot to feel something and it was a weak adrenaline buzz, im thinking that it may be aderall because it made my wd's come off, and i've got a slight buzz, and a higher bloodpressure but pupils didnt dilate, it dilated but just slightly...still gonna pick my money back.Now one dood owes me 5 bucks, another one 50 and other one 40 bucks.85 bucks overall, i would get shitload of speed if i will get my money back or if i dont find better connections i just gonna buy fuckload of poppy seeds and make some tea, because this whole scam thing isnt fixing my day...

Anyway, thanks bluelight :)

oh and the pills - it tasted bittery sweet, like the pill would be coated with something sweet, it was wrapped in celo and then in a paper, after i bring that stuff at home and poured on a glass i still saw some ungrinded pills that got on my nerves, i snorted fuckload and my mucus was just POPPING.It burned a lot and made popping thing(dunno how to call it) in my nose, after a while i got a shitload of drips, and then it hit me, it wasnt a placebo but it was weak shit that im not satisfied with because it was my last drug money this week, and tommorow is friday, and i still aint got no speed(Good movie btw)
well it was $10. that's justification enough to get a hammer and bash the dealer's fucking skull in.

or better yet buy a gun. it'll come in handy.
Hell I lost 120 dollars trying to buy some dank weed from this connection that my friend knew, its not that bad. Fucker took the money and basically told us he'd be right back. Lesson learned that im never giving anyone a cent till i get my drug in my hand.
never knew a dealer that got some speed with him, always needed to hand out money first and wait...shit need to get better connections i think.
Yea buying drugs in powdered form adds a whole new facet to the already significant subterfuge that is inherent in small-scale drug transactions. Like others have said, at least you didn't give him money for a gram or something.

You just have to get used to the game. Getting ripped off in drug deals is just one of the facts of life, as Ms. Garrett would say
Shit happens and assholes make it! As you get used to using drugs you'll smell speed in sweat from other users. I don't care for speed or any of that stuff, i'm a H man and love to trip dxm etc. I buy most of my drugs from the chemist, and my weed off of familly men, that you can go to the house. They don't screw people cause they live there. "no one want's to shit in the nest"
Just learn, and fight to make drugs legal, so next time if we get ripped, we can take it back and exchange it, not that, that would happen in my perfect dream world...
Imagine shooting talcum........your blood would smell nice i spose.
be thankful it was only $10 worth
if it was meth then i wouldnt doubt u got a bag of cut for $10, $10 worth of gak aint even worth buying

when i moved up to cleveland i was looking for a ball of some white and my neighboor said he could get it. long story short he hands me a bag of cut i wasted $120 on.. and before i could run outside and confront the dealer he had already left (he knew what he was doing)

No shit!? Your friend bought grass..Someone tried to do that to me and few buddies once as a joke. He couldnt keep a straight face. Idk how people can sell other people completely bunk shit.

my brother in all honesty (hes dirty, he cuts his crystal, his coke, sells "dummy" rocks) he takes his vaporized kush weed and uses it as cut for sacs
*yeah, thats right, he cuts his weed with brown vaporized weed*
how he hasnt gotten his face beat in yet is a mystery to me
A "friend" sold me 120 bucks in fake heroin this weekend. I know the shitty feeling but he is the one that ultimately loses, grifting fuck.