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What have you done to change the world??


Mar 27, 2001
I'm curious as to whether most people are all talk or do they actually live by their principles??
A couple of examples...
Put and end to litiginous (sp?) thinking.
Was in a car crash which was the other persons fault. They were going wrong way round a roundabout, drunk, hit me and then drove off. Eventually caught them and got the cops. Afterwards loads of people told me to sue, but I was uninjured, so all I did was recoup the value of the vehicle.
Deemphasise money in my life.
I have a very healthy and (in my opinion) profitable arrangement with a local food store. I do IT stuff for them (about 3-4 hours a week) and I get all my food for free. Lots of nice cheeses and stuff, organic veg etc etc. Barter... it's the way forward.
composed two concertos which will someday be premiered to rapturous applause...
part educated a child with cerebral palsy.
forgiven my mother's killer.
helped people in general i suppose. but things i've done to change the world needn't only be good things, because bad things can change the world too... altho i don't think i've done anything that bad...
good one seuss... and I meant good changes, but sorry about the ambiguity. also sorry about your mother, but good on you moving on. that takes courage
I know I have brightened people's lives that I have come in contact with.
I'm always open to helping people deal with their issues...and I offer guidance to them...along with love most importantly.
I have given up on choosing people and instead let them choose me. I don't pick favorites, I hold all at an equal acceptance level (until they bite or disrespect me...then I may proceed to ignore for a while).
I aim to some day shed new light on the world with my artful expressions. I will always work towards that goal...it's a life long achievement.
I try to encourage everyone when they tell me a passion of theirs, to incorporate it into their everyday life.
On a more practical and scientific level, I'm working on research that may one day influence policy on the way child witness information should be examined in the legal system, thus (hopefully) decreasing false imprisonments :)
well, I don't actually know how much of an impact this has made, but I gave up a year of my life to volunteer in different communities across the US. This act literally halted my own life, in an effort to benefit the futures of others who may not be so fortunate.
I spend about every free moment maintaining this site and although it is "passé" to believe in any community other than a dystopia, I know that you all love Bluelight and that it makes you happy that there is a place like this.
I am a member of the dutch Green Left party and MAPS; I always vote and actively encourage others to do this as well.
I plan to start volunteer work for the police when I finish at university if my background is not a problem (probably not as it would concern minor neighbourhood/administrative issues and such)
[ 17 October 2002: Message edited by: skydancer ]
Well I haven't done any overly admirable (like the above examples). I've always been a source of help and inspiration to friends with problems and often put on parties/dinners at my house as a way to help them de-stress & chat. I believe people work too much & need to be able to relax.
I'm expecting a daughter in Feb, so I'll be a major part in one person's world.
Most of all, I constantly try to be the person I wish others to be.
i like to make people smile. i build a burning man camp designed to make as many people smile as possible. it's a small thing but sometimes small things make all the difference.
i try to make my girlfriend as happy as possible. if i go to my grave knowing that i've made her life a better time, in the grand scheme of things it's a small thing but again...
Me? Do you REALLY want to know?
From clearly acceptable things, such as being a preschool teacher for migrant workers' children, to spreading my word whenever I can, spending most of my cash on charity (not institutional charity, giving money to people who need it), participation in protests and demonstrations, organization and agitation of the disorganized and apathetic. I'm vegan, don't drive a car, and obviously try to live my life contrary to institutionalization, hierarchy, patriarchy, hate, environmental damage, and capitalism.
Then there are a lot of other things that, due to the world we live in, I can't talk about on a public message board, or over e-mail, or on the phone, or inside many buildings, or with many people. Not to parade my actions, but just the fact that I can't talk about them, even tho all are non-violent (I am a pacifist) should be an adequate indictment of the world that we live in.
Oh yeah, and I love people. Not just people in general, but specific people. I think love is the only thing that really accomplishes anything. Ever. Go out and love someone, unconditionally, someone who hates you and despises you for what you do, who you are. Go out and be peace. Go out and be love. That'll change the world. Not today, not tomorrow, but someday.
I give money to the homeless, sometimes I buy them ciggies or booze (and I'm a broke uni bum - but who needs money when you've got friends and happiness :) ), pack them a cone or just have a chat with them.
I pick up hitchhikers.
I try hard to be a 'greenie' (not hard enough sometimes, *slaps self on wrist*)
Although I probably shouldn't eat meat, I've really cut down this year.
Other stuff involving the demise of political authoritarianism.
And the TLR 'love' thing - make it infectious.