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Sleeping Disorder question relating to E


May 23, 2010
Ughm I have a quick question. I sorta have a sleeping disorder where I'll wake up from sleeping and then I can't move for a few minutes. We think it's panic attacks in my sleep but were not really sure. I did research on it and it's called a night terror. It use to freak me out but now when it happens I'm use to it. It's not really frequent so I don't see it as a big deal. Anyways one night I took 4 pills, snorted kedamine, smoked a bowl, and drank some beer. I ended up getting sick and two days later I had one of the worst night terrors ive ever experienced. So my question is do you think taking those pills and doing that other stuff intensified my night terror?
Sleep Paralasis. Check it out in the ED Directory at the top of the ecstasy discussion forum...

it happens because of lowe serotonin...scary stuff i would know because everyone knows anyone and that knows me knows that i roll more tuffer than anyone i know
Yeah I know all about sleep paralysis. That's what I think it is because all the symptoms show, but everyone keeps telling me it's night terrors. Whatever it is it kinda sucks.
Dis is a real expearence of a guy who i know knew someone that probably knows mdma can gives nightmares in high doses


he is jus one exerpt of his expereance:

""It started off not bad at all there was a beautiful girl holding a stick (let me set the scene, I was barely awake in the dark lying on my friends couch) she was giggling and started softly taping on my head with the stick. At that point I was relaxed, couldnt move, but I didnt fight to get out of sp. I was trying to talk to the girl but I couldnt say anything. Then the tapping turned into thumping and the giggling turned to laughing. I still didnt try to fight an break free. I tryed to tell her to please stop and that shes so beautiful. Thats when the thumping turned into pounding and laughing turned into evil devilish laughs.""

This is just one of da many like me who get lucid dreams from too much 5 htp
My experiences are slightly different. Whenever it happens to me I'm always dreaming, then all of a sudden i go conscious but I can open my eyes, move, scream, or anything. And it always feels like someones trying to choke me out. Then when i snap out of and i can move and stuff i always seem to be breathing really hard.

Anyways this has happened since i was in 7th grade which before I even had tried smoking weed let alone all the other things Ive done.

I just wonder if that night I went over my limit It intensified the experience. Also its been happening more since I started rolling.
Definitely sleep paralysis, I have got a number of episodes.

Last time i rolled i ate two monkeys and then next two nights (maybe not the night i rolled but the two after, i dont remember) in a row i had them. I also ate a half a bar or so to go to sleep each night so that may have to do with it also. At the time it was happening i didnt realise that they were sleep paralysis (i usually do) and i thought i was just heavely sedated from the xanax. It was scary cus this one morning there were people swimming in my pool with my dad and brothers, that i didnt know. I woke up unable to move and saw a random dude walk into my room and lie down on the empty side of my bed. I was like WHAT THE FUCK i was trying to be like get the fuck out my room, but i could only breath and move my fingertips. Sucked so bad.
Ughm I have a quick question. I sorta have a sleeping disorder where I'll wake up from sleeping and then I can't move for a few minutes. We think it's panic attacks in my sleep but were not really sure. I did research on it and it's called a night terror. It use to freak me out but now when it happens I'm use to it. It's not really frequent so I don't see it as a big deal. Anyways one night I took 4 pills, snorted kedamine, smoked a bowl, and drank some beer. I ended up getting sick and two days later I had one of the worst night terrors ive ever experienced. So my question is do you think taking those pills and doing that other stuff intensified my night terror?

Hey ThizzMonster, what you're experiencing is definitely sleep paralysis. I suffer from it on a regular basis, but whenever I have MDMA it is way more pronounced and I get it for about 3-5 nights in a row after rolling. Night terrors are a bit different, they occur in the really deep phases of sleep so people don't usually remember having them. Sleep paralysis occurs in the REM phases of sleep, i.e. just after we fall asleep (when SP is usually experienced), or just before we're waking up. We have multiple phases of REM sleep during the night (usually 3 or 4).

There is not a lot of official research (if any!) in to sleep paralysis and MDMA, although just judging from my experiences and what I've read from other people's experiences, there definitely seems to be a link between MDMA use and SP. That's not to say that ALL people who take MDMA will suffer from SP, because that is clearly not the case.

Anyway, the main thing to remember about SP is that it can not harm you. As terrifying as the hallucinations might be and as panicked as you might feel from the vulnerability you're experiencing, it WILL pass, and you WILL wake up and feel normal again. In all the years I've been getting SP, I've found the best way to make it pass and to wake up is to just relax, ride it out, and remind yourself that the hallucinations aren't real, and wait for your body to wake up. Don't try and fight it because that only makes you more panicked.

I now know that every single time I take MDMA, and even sometimes when I take LSD or cocaine, or even for other reasons such as every-day stress or big life-changes, I expect to get SP at least a few nights in a row. Sometimes I even enjoy it...it's a challenge ;)

Hope that helps :)
Neo do you consider that some people are more likely to get it than others and if so then what is likely to be the x factor? genes? physical? mental?
Thanks everyone. I always believed it was sleep paralysis but my family kept telling me that it was night terrors.
I've never hallucinated during an episode though. Hope it never happens either.
Ive had this happen to me to as an after effect of MDMA use. The first times scared me a somewhat. But i learned to deal with it. In the end it was almost funny, feeling as if someone really heavy sat on your chest and trying to push him away. When i moderated my use the sleep paralysis went away.
I am amazed at the amount of people who use stims / Mdma etc that suffer from these night terrors.
actually since i've read this, i also came to realize i get these night terrors / SP thingie. and it started when i started rollin on mdXX. weird.... lol

at first they FREAKED me the hell out! but now i kinda enjoy em as a special trip from god. lol jk on the god part tho.
Like n3o said, SP is harmless. Its pretty scary though, i can handle it now, but before it would always freak me out. Ya know there's a myth to it. When you have a SP episode, its really a demon trying to suffocate you, but its just a myth.
just wanted to throw something weird out here - i suffered with night terrors for 10 years, 3-4 times a week. I haven't had a major night terror since first trying mdma. I've had hints of them, where i wake up a little disoriented in the middle of the night, but no full-on terrors like before - where I'd wake up either screaming or gasping for air. Major improvement in my life!

I have had increases in sleep paralysis and my first few brain zaps during the few days following a roll.
Ughm I have a quick question. I sorta have a sleeping disorder where I'll wake up from sleeping and then I can't move for a few minutes. We think it's panic attacks in my sleep but were not really sure. I did research on it and it's called a night terror. It use to freak me out but now when it happens I'm use to it. It's not really frequent so I don't see it as a big deal. Anyways one night I took 4 pills, snorted kedamine, smoked a bowl, and drank some beer. I ended up getting sick and two days later I had one of the worst night terrors ive ever experienced. So my question is do you think taking those pills and doing that other stuff intensified my night terror?

WOW Really?

This sounds like a personal problem. You should see a doctor and stop blaming your problems on E just cause you cant handle it.

Some of us actually enjoy E...
WOW Really?

This sounds like a personal problem. You should see a doctor and stop blaming your problems on E just cause you cant handle it.

Some of us actually enjoy E...

Do you even read the other posts
Stop just reading the first post, so you don't end up saying something stupid

BTW I said I could handle it, i was just curious if it intensified one of my episodes you fucking ass hole.
Wow, sorry for that post saying you were trying to blame your issues on E...pretty stoopid stuff. Anyway, I used to suffer from night terrors when I was younger and as I got older they only seemed to happen when I was either physically or mentally exhausted in some fashion. However, I noticed that I would suffer from them a lot more during the years when I used to roll frequently; amongst other things.
The night terrors could very well be due to serotonin deficits, whether it be from rolling or otherwise, so maybe just try to not to take so many, supplement with some 5-HTP to help replenish serotonin stores, and be sure to properly space out your rolling sessions.
The only real problem with night terrors is the tremendous cumulative strain on your heart and brain when taken collectively over time due to lack of oxygen flow from asphyxiation that occurs during the terror just before waking. I hope this helps and I'm with ya', I hate when they happen.
I get night terrors constentley but I hallicenate when I wake up sometimes I can't breath while it's happening I noticEd that I also get body shakes inside my body before it actually happens
The only real problem with night terrors is the tremendous cumulative strain on your heart and brain when taken collectively over time due to lack of oxygen flow from asphyxiation that occurs during the terror just before waking. I hope this helps and I'm with ya', I hate when they happen.

There's a sense of asphyxiation for a lot of people, but I don't think it's real. You're temporarily paralyzed, and you can't feel yourself breathe. That's scary enough, but your body is full of adrenaline and your pulse has shot way the hell up. Some people see a demon, or sense that "something" is there in the room with them, others, like myself, just have an overwhelming sense of fear with no apparent cause.