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Apr 22, 2010
how bad are your comedowns? do you take anything (5-htp, etc.) or do you just deal with them? how long are they?
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Not bad at all. I very rarely get a noticeable comedown/hangover from any substance. If I do have one it usually lasts for a few hours to one day max.
horrifying i started taking 5htp after rolling on sunday and i feel hell of a lot better
done it twice in my life
a month amd a half ago took onepill and a half felt lke shit for a while!
i rolled on sunday once again and now im feeling okay but tired/hyper even with htp i will get some mood swings but they aint nothing compared to the last time i am usually very bipolar so 5htp has helped with mood swings thank god..
im 18
It's taken me once about 3 days to get over a hangover. I rolled like once every month and a half, but that hangover was over two G Up's Hoe's Downs. I basically dealt with it. Just eat right and keep positive thoughts and keep yourself busy and sober for a few weeks.
horrifying i started taking 5htp after rolling on sunday and i feel hell of a lot better

But you had also being doing coke! Coke + e = one mean comedown

The next day I need to sit round and drink tea. The day after that I may still be a little frazzled, the third day I am usually capable of work again.
The best thing for an mdma hangover I find is lots of bright sunshine and tea.
Depending on what got consumed, comedowns for me vary from non-existant to absolutely awful. Non-existant = clean mdma, awful = pipes! :mad: The worst will last 3-4 days, tops, but I'll still feel down for a couple days after that before I'm back to normal.

OP, sorry if I missed it, but how often do you use? More use = shittier comedowns, in my experience. Also, getting cleaner drugs (I know, not always possible) will result in a less shitty comedown. But.. sometimes you just can't help it. Stick through it, things will get better. Eat healthy/ drink water, get lots of sleep, try to keep yourself busy rather than let yourself dwell on the shitty-ness.
Just meph comedowns...they combine with lack of sleep and the fact that I'm usually away from home and have to travel back. Only comedowns I've ever had, and initially I didn't feel a comedown so much as a return to normal, but recently they've been getting longer and much more intense.

If I'm not occupied with previous arrangements during a comedown I just try to sleep through it. Usually works since the nature of a comedown is lethargic.

But ohh why oh why do drugs have to have comedowns?...I want to invent a serotonin generator that just plugs into my brain and produces the stuff faster than the drug can deplete it.

Please tell me this is vaguely possible...
when i was rolling twice a month (bad i know, but i've cut it down to about one every two months) my comedowns were getting worst but i've started taking 5-htp and my comedowns have been almost non-existent, combined with the fact that i've only had pokeballs the last few times =D
It's taken me once about 3 days to get over a hangover. I rolled like once every month and a half, but that hangover was over two G Up's Hoe's Downs. I basically dealt with it. Just eat right and keep positive thoughts and keep yourself busy and sober for a few weeks.

If those were the original G's up from a few years back then yeah I feel you. Not even a mental hangover but I had a motherfuck of a physical one the next day. Stomach felt like shit the whole day, I couldn't eat the soft part of a bagel my teeth hurt so much, and I could barely move. Mentally felt pretty good though. Large amounts of MDA are a bastard on the body. I miss those pills.
I have been rolling for 7 years now. My most sporadic usage is a few times a year, and my "heaviest" has been monthly, and only a couple of times have I used mdma two days in a row.

My comedowns have ranged from awesome and wonderful afterglow to downright dirty and nasty hangover.

I think the severity of the crash and comedown has a lot to do with your psychlogical well being at the time. When you are in a good mind I think your body is much more resistent to horrific crashes, but if you are already depressed, it may not take much to push you over and make it harder to crawl out of a bad headspace.
Following a Friday/Saturday binge I'd spend sunday drinking poppy pod tea, and then I take some 5-htp before work on the Monday. Works a treat for me.
It really depends on what your consuming and how much of it you take. Even clean mdma pills can have a bad after effect if you take enough. My comedowns are fairly good, although i've had bad pills where the entire week after just sucks dick. Personaly I use vitamin C capsuls, OJ, and other fruits and healthy foods. Then I go to the gym to release endorphins and continue to do that till i feel 'normal' (the gym is key tho i always feel great after im done there). Just take a break if your comedowns are harsh and they'l go away. usually if you're feeling terrible for a while after popping it means that its time to take a long break