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Caffeine: The Ultimate Health Saboteur


Jan 7, 2009
By W. Randy McCreary Monday, January 26, 2009

‘Let’s go for a coffee sometime’ is now a way of life. Coffee shops are opening at record numbers and with record profits. In a generally sedentary and malnourished society looking for quick fixes, caffeine, in any of its variations, is the drug of choice to help us through the day or lose that extra weight. Caffeine or its derivatives are found in coffee, tea, chocolate, pain medication and weight loss products among other things.

More than 80% of the adult population of the U.S uses caffeine regularly, so it is difficult to view its impact objectively. The following statements are compiled from volumes of research over the past two decades. So you judge the facts. You owe it to yourself to look carefully and honestly at the #1 addiction in North America. 

The primary reason people give for drinking caffeine is for a boost of energy. Research has found that in spite of an initial burst of energy, caffeine actually decreases the body’s energy long term resources as well as decreasing focus, attention and memory. Basically we know and accept that caffeine creates jitters, as well as recognizing that it can impact your long term brain function. But it’s just a cup of joe, we rationalize.

Here are some of the ways in which caffeine impacts the entire body. It lowers the production of DHEA, a natural precursor required for the proper balance of hormones in the system. It stresses the adrenal glands and creates imbalances between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Caffeine intake over 300 mg (2 eight ounce cups) has been established through rigorous research as a risk for allergies, chronic fatigue, auto immune disorders, type II diabetes, fibroid cysts and digestive disorders.

Want some more research findings? It elevates the pulse rate, can lead to irregular heartbeat, initiates insomnia and hyperactivity, can lead to the development of headaches through constriction of blood to the brain, and has also been found to contribute to malnutrition.

Caffeine related side effects usually manifest in the third to fifth decade of life. At this point, the usual four cups of java fail to provide the customary boost to get through the afternoon. Caffeine does not give you energy, but rather creates stress in the body. It triggers the release of cortisol, the main stress hormone in the body. This activates the stress fight or flight response in the body, putting it in a state of high alert. This increases blood pressure, raises the levels of glucose and fat within the blood. The adrenal gland, which is responsible for the management of the immune system among other things, becomes so preoccupied with producing the stress hormones that the immune system suffers. It creates havoc within the endocrine system, which is responsible for the production and maintenance of brain neurotransmitters and hormones for healthy functioning. Depression, fatigue, impotency and erectile dysfunction have all been traced to connections with chronic caffeine use. 

There are many drugs that have either been pulled from the market or never been FDA approved for presenting side effects much less serious than this. In fact, if caffeine was being presented today, it would probably only be available as a prescription drug. Well, its approval would be subject to lobbying and economic pay offs. But we digress. The reason its available today so readily is because so many of us already use it. Couple that with powerful international organizations with interests to protect and you can see that we are easily ‘a nation addicted’. 

Is it tough to go caffeine free? Absolutely, is it worth the sacrifices (withdrawal) to reap the benefits of vitality rather than chaos and illness? Only you can decide.
That’s not rocket science, its common sense. But remember, if you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always done.

William McCreary, PhD., Doctor of Natural Medicine
Contributing Writer and Instructor (Energy Psychology)
Legal drugs are more dangerous than illegal drugs. End prohibition now.
I've been thinking that I should quit coffee soon and reading this has only reinforced that idea. Sigh.
I can't take this article very seriously. I have never heard of caffeine causing "allergies, chronic fatigue, auto immune disorders, type II diabetes, fibroid cysts and digestive disorders."

The wikipedia entry for caffeine doesn't mention any of these possible effects; given that these are serious side effects, you would think that they'd be mentioned.

The author's credentials (an "Energy Psychologist?") and his hyperbole don't win him very high marks either...

This article is as propagandistic as those "Above the Influence" commercials.
If you visit BL then caffeine is the least of your worries when it comes to drug intake :p
I know many many mothers and fathers hooked like a fucking fish on caffeine... and they are completely normal!

Caffeine is cheap as shit and it just isnt very powerful.

Huaca's comment must be a red herring or a joke.
I can believe that. When I was younger I could drink coffee no problem but after a stunt of abusing MDPV caffeine effects me MUCH more..

...If I drink one tin of relentless (160mg caffeine) I swear it does actually make my internal organs hyperactive so im 99% sure the statement about digestive disorders is a fact. It does it on strong coffee also..

....Maybe the chronic fatigure comes AFTERWARDS xP...
yes too much caffeine is certainly a bowel irritant and it increases anxiety and it wears you out.

but i also find it puts me in the serious mindset necessary for work and allows me to put a very small amount of focus into menial tasks while keeping my mind free to enjoy my imagination. i find that tea in excess has wayyyy less side effects and negative effects than coffee even when a lot is consumed. overall it is a good drug for work and i find that it does motivate me. i find that without it my sense of time and prioritisation is poor and i become easily distracted. i have ADHD and i find it helps to direct the ADHD in a productive direction.
I can't take this article very seriously. I have never heard of caffeine causing "allergies, chronic fatigue, auto immune disorders, type II diabetes, fibroid cysts and digestive disorders."

The wikipedia entry for caffeine doesn't mention any of these possible effects; given that these are serious side effects, you would think that they'd be mentioned.

The author's credentials (an "Energy Psychologist?") and his hyperbole don't win him very high marks either...

This article is as propagandistic as those "Above the Influence" commercials.

There's a difference between it being a 'risk factor' for those conditions, as opposed to directly causing them.

And wikipedia is hardly the most reliable of sources.
caius said:
The author's credentials (an "Energy Psychologist?") and his hyperbole don't win him very high marks either...

http://www.energypsych.com/ said:
What is Energy Psychology?
Energy psychology addresses the relationship of energy systems to emotion, cognition, behavior and health. These systems include electrical activity of the nervous system and heart, meridians, biophotons, biofields, etc.

Your suspicions are well founded my friend. Clearly this article is written by some stupid hippy. I wouldn't believe a word of it.
Some of the more outlandish statements are probably worth ignoring, but drinking caffeine regularly is unlikely to do anything beneficial for you. Come on, it's a stimulant, doesn't take a genius to know that using it regularly is a bad idea.
ha, i noticed a post from Huca in another thread bitching about government....now this thread, its all starting to make sense

I'm busted!:) Now you know where I get some of my information to dislike totalitarian government. But that web site is more conservative, while my thing is libertarian (big personal freedom, small government).

I am not sure about the caffeine article I posted, maybe it's just more propaganda lies. I will keep drinking coffee. I only take it about half strength. It's really hard to know what to believe sometimes. There is so much misinformation out there.
Bad news for us caffeine addicts. Here I thought It was one drug that actually helped you function with (relatively) minimal side effects. It really is funny/disturbing the damaging shit people can consume as long as big corporations already have a vested interest in it.
And Cannabis gives none of these negative effects, yet it is demonised and presented as harmful. Madness.
But what happens if they were to stop drinking it? :)

The worst: Having a headache, feeling low on energy and offset mood.

The usual: Fatigue, longing for coffee.

I cite my mom as my caffeine addict and the above is what few observations I made when she couldn't get coffee (obviously there may be more or less symptoms but those are what she complained about). She has probably been drinking 2-5 cups a day for 20 years and as you can its truly nothing debilitating.

And although I am not sure, I would bet this is nothing an Excedrin or some OTC pks couldn't solve.

Personally, the only negatives of caffeine for me is loss of sleep, and biting my finger nails. Also, I have no idea how long it takes to require caffeine because I go through a shit ton and have never had a problem.
I consider caffeine to be a strong drug, as strong as sugar and almost as strong as alcohol.
As a father, I would much rather see my kids using marijuana than any of those 3 drugs.
Marijuana is not (physically) addictive.
People who claim to have no side effects from caffeine just haven't given it enough time, or aren't sufficiently sensitive to their bodies' conditions. One study I saw showed that caffeine reduces sleep quality, for those who are able to sleep on it, and others strongly suggested that caffeine leeches calcium from the bones. My friend who drinks 4 large mugs of coffee has broken two different toes on two different occasions by accidentally kicking things that sound relatively soft (a bag of cat litter and a bag of rice). She is barely 30 years old. Coincidence? Maybe.
What really decided it for me was getting off of caffeine and seeing how much more energy I had all day, every day. I felt mentally clearer and maybe even happier.
I still use caffeine when I really need to, but as someone here already said, daily use of a stimulant is not a very smart plan.
And Cannabis gives none of these negative effects, yet it is demonised and presented as harmful. Madness.

I don't think any substance is harmless if abused enough.

I'd much prefer to find out my (hypothetical) child was drinking 5 cups of coffee a day to finding out they were smoking weed every day.