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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Crystal Methamphetamine - (250 mg) - Experienced, First Time IV - "What did I do?"



Crystal Methamphetamine - (250 mg) - Experienced, First Time IV - "What did I do?"

Trip Reports please

So I'm fairly experienced with meth. It was actually the first drug I ever did years and years ago in thailand, smoking the yaba pills. I didn't encounter any more until many years later when I moved to the US. In the last 5 years or so, I spent the first 2 dabbling with smoking it every month or so, then a year doing it every weekend, then about a year off, and then had done it 3 times over the space of 4 months before this experience. To give somewhat of an idea of tolerance, a quarter gram smoked was usually enough for me and another person to have a good night with.

I started off on a Thursday night having picked up a quarter gram to smoke that weekend with a play buddy of mine. I had been staying away from meth for the most part but I had an entire week after that weekend before classes started for me so I figured I could have a nice "balls to the wall" weekend and have some fun with plenty of time to recover, and then not touch the stuff during the semester.

Well anyway, one thing lead to another and ended up partying that night on someone else's stuff anyway. Slept for a few hours and then came friday night. Met up with my play buddy, (we'll call him B), and we went on to smoke the shit I had bought the day before. It turned out not being very good and my friend wanted to get more, did the usual calling around and found one of his old buddies.

The original plan had just been for the two of us to get a good buzz going, fuck around all night and then get some sleep. But it ended up making things faster if we invited the other guy for a 3-way. Sure, why not? Everything sounds like a great idea when you're already tweaking, right?

For whatever reason, I had been the one talking to the other guy even though my friend was the one who knew him. He texted me asking if he needed to pick up points. I wasn't really sure what he meant but I had an idea and I wasn't looking to shoot up and I didn't think my friend was either so I just said "I don't think B is into that."

Then after hanging around waiting for the guy to show up, B says "I think this guy wants to slam." So I say "OK, why, should we? I haven't done that but whatever, I'd try. Not like I'm doing this again any time soon." So we call the guy and tell him to pick up some gear.

Guy shows up, we'll call him C. C looks VERY high. "Man, this stuff is strong, I did a little to test it out yesterday and I haven't slept yet." Hmmmm, typing this now, looking back, maybe I should have paid more attention to that. C has a bag of new packaged insulin-type needles. Then he takes out the crystal and dumps it on a plate. Very nice looking stuff. He puts a bill on top, then crushes it all up with a lighter. Then he divides it into one large pile for himself and two smaller piles for us. He backloads the syringes, draws some microwaved tap water (should have used saline I guess?) shakes em up and presto! All dissolved and ready to go.

So, I'm up first. We use my belt for a tourniquet. Poke, finds a vein right away (wow, he's better than the nurses who always have to stab me like 5 times before they can take my blood). "So, after you take off the belt, raise up your arms." Ok . . . He's done, we take off the belt. I raise up my arms and . . .

Huh? This doesn't feel like meth at all. Wait a minute, I taste something, that's wierd. Holy crap I'm high. I can't stop smiling. I sink back into the couch breathing heavily feeling almost like I'm going to puke and yet overcome with the most intense euphoria I have ever experienced. My entire body feels warm and light. It was a lot like my first hit of ecstasy, only better and more intense. I can't talk. What's interesting is that I've had other experiences on other drugs that were not as intense where I would say to myself "This is too much" but all I felt with this was "This should be too much, but it's not." I still can't talk. One of them asks if I'm OK, all I can manage is a thumbs up. I look down at my arm, and I see the drop of blood from the shot. I wipe it away and casually realize that I just broke the one rule I had set with drugs that I had never broken. I stuck a needle in my arm.

I finally sit up and look around. Half an hour has passed. I am suddenly very bothered by how bright it is. I get up and dim the lights. That's better. Now that I'm able to function, I start to enjoy the buzz even more. My clothes feel softer, my skin feels smoother, the air going in my lungs feels cleaner. I still have a stupid grin on my face that I can't get rid of. What were we doing? Oh yeah, having sex. I take off my clothes without much hesitation. Usually I like a little getting in the mood beforehand, but not this time. The three of us play for a while. C says he has a friend that would be fun to invite over. Sure, why not?

The buzz I have never really fades. It wasn't like with ecstasy, where I would have the intial rush, which would get very intense and then come down a little bit to where it was managable. No, with this, it was the initial rush, which I eventually adjusted to, rather than it coming down. The buzz never really faded for quite a long time. When the other guy got there, we'll call him D, we played around for a few more hours. The buzz still hadn't even faded when they offered me another one. "How much was in the first one anyway?" "Oh, a quarter." Fucking Christ, you put an entire god damn quarter in my first IV? I wanted to scream at the guy. But really just as much my fault for not specifying in the first place. Oh well.

I do a dose of G at around 2 or 3am. As for timeframe, I think we did the first shot around 10 or 11pm, but I'm really not sure. The G ends up knocking me on my ass, which is very unusualy because I normally have a very high tolerance, and it's the same batch I had always done. After laying down and letting the G fade a little, I get back into playing. We play until around 6:30, the other 2 guys leave. By now B and I are kind of tired of sex. The whole night had basically been a boring limp-dick jerk session. We both don't usually have that kind of problem, but then again we usually smoke it. At this point my buzz starts to come down a little when I realize what a stupid waste the night was, and realize how unattractive the two guys were. I'm not one for groups really, I like one-on-one, and I just started feeling kind of gross. I eventually get to sleep around 11am after lots of benadryl.

I sleep for 2 or 3 hours. Pretty normal for me compared to when I smoke it. Crappy sleep for a few hours, awake for a good 6 or 7 hours, then sleep for like 14 hours.

Well, that wasn't the case this time. After waking up feeling sober, I manage to eat some food, and laze around watching TV, feeling wierd about what I had done as far as using a needle, but otherwise feeling not as worn out as I usually would. I also notice how my lungs aren't totally fucked from smoking chemicals all night, so I feel good about that too.

Well then around midnight, when I was supposed to start feeling tired again, I rub my arm because the muscles are sore. Now it doesn't make sense to me that shit could be stuck in my veins but I don't know how else to explain it. My arm started tingling like crazy, then the tingling spread to the rest of my body and I was high again. I wasn't full-on high like I was the previous night but I was definitely buzzed. I was unable to eat or sleep until very late Sunday night. (Anyone else reading this who has experience IV'ing this stuff, has this ever happened to you?)

So I've spent the entire last week reflecting on the experience. At the time it never felt like too much, but looking back on the entire thing, it was far too intense. I became a completely different person, and although doing meth any other way would definitely knock down inhibitions in some regrettable ways, it was nowhere near the extent of the personality shift I experienced during that whole weekend. I don't care to repeat the experience. And I don't think I will, because while in the past I've tried to cut down on smoking or snorting it, thinking about or picturing in my mind a pipe would get me going "Mmmm, that would be fun." When I picture in my mind the whole process of shooting up, I feel sick. In fact, the whole thing has turned me off of harder drugs as a whole. It was pretty much the ultimate experience, and I don't know that I need to go there or need to try to go there again. The whole thing also lasted FAR longer than I needed it to.

Strangely enough, it all felt far less taxing on my body and mind after the fact than a weekend of smoking it usually does. My muscles didn't ache as much as they usually would, my lungs felt exponentially better of course, and apart from my disgust with having used a needle and had sex with people I wouldn't have normally, my usual days-after anxiety and depression were pretty much non-existent.

In a way, I'm very thankful I was given such a giant dose. It has thoroughly scared me away from the shit. I'm just glad I didn't have a heart attack.
Nice report man, extra respect for the lifestyle honesty in this one. I am not usually into longer trip reports but this ones frankness kept me very interested the whole time.
Thats seems very intense. Thanks for the nice writeup. I find meth a very interesting drug, i have no desire to try it though
great report - your description of that initial IV rush got my heart pounding. fuck, that shit has a way of getting a grip on your mind! i started out extremely carefully when i first IVed it and so it wasn't until i had done it a few times that i actually got that unbelievable rush. . . maybe i should have started with more so i could have been scared off like you. personally i'm trying to stay away from it for a while right now; doing a pretty good job too actually!

glad to hear you probably won't be IVing again - it definitely has a way of changing you
According to of iv is the least cumbersome and cleanest way of doing H or meth. Other routes are not only wasteful but waste most of your stuff the only downside is that if not done hygienically it can be lethal. When iving saline solution, a new set of works and disinfectant are mandatory.
^snorting is the most economical way of using methamphetamine in my personal experienc,e although i haven't IVed because it scares the shit out of me. i'm always amazed how much less i can snort than my friends who smoke and get high...
interesting report tho. oh meth, what a wonderful horrible thing.
^ Sorry, but I must disagree. The bio availability of nasal administration is 79% compared to 90% smoked. My guess is that your friends aren't smoking the pipe correctly, holding the lighter too close to the bowl and burning the shards.
PNP is not sexy to read about. Be careful, you don't want to wind up HIV+ or if you're Poz already getting reinfected with another strain.
Fantastic report!

I find it interesting you got little/no comedown.

I bet that rush is INSANE but it's something I just would not be able to do. Needles make me squeamish. I cant even watch a medical show without leaving the room!
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Never share needles and please please please use condoms with IV users.
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Hi guys, original poster here. So many responses, didn't expect that.

^snorting is the most economical way of using methamphetamine in my personal experienc,e although i haven't IVed because it scares the shit out of me. i'm always amazed how much less i can snort than my friends who smoke and get high...

Have you considered tolerance? Your nose is actually much less effective than smoking or shooting it up, but I'll tell ya if you're happy snorting it then stick to that. And yes like the poster below you said they might just be burning their stuff. So many people that smoke like to use these giant fuck-off torches and burn the crap out of their dope, it's ridiculous.

PNP is not sexy to read about. Be careful, you don't want to wind up HIV+ or if you're Poz already getting reinfected with another strain.

I already am poz, (undetectable and I probably have higher t-cells than most of you, ha ha) and yes I agree PNP isn't sexy to read about or picture when you're sober. But regardless, no one's dick got hard enough to do anything remotely risky anyway. Part of what disturbed me about this experience was these guy's complete lack of knowing or caring what their status was. (I am ALWAYS honest about mine). Regardless of how fargone I had ever been in my reckless drug or sex habits, I always got tested regularly. I don't understand how people who know they are high-risk don't at least get tested regularly so they can do something about it early if it happens.

Never share needles and please please please use condoms with IV users.

I agree, and used clean needles. I don't think the condom comment needs to be applied specifically to IV users though, you should use condoms with everyone regardless. I know I didn't get the butt flu from an IV user.

So, it's another 2 weeks later, I feel good. Smoke some weed on the weekends, play some video games and watch TV and that's enough for me. I'm definitely done with the hard shit for a long long time, if not indefinitely. Again, I've spent this time reflecting a lot and thinking about "why".

I think somewhere along the way I decided I wanted to be someone else, and this was so long ago it's been very hard to remember who I really am. Maybe some part of me feels it's more acceptable to be gay if I'm the stereotypical testosterone male fucking everything I can and being a dirty pig about it. Having no feelings that would show me as vulnerable or attachments to anyone emotionally. But, that isn't me. I'm a romantic, I want love and affection and someone to hold onto and hold onto me. I want a monogamous relationship. For whatever reason, I thought that made me weak.

Meth let me be the person I thought I was supposed to be or wanted to be. But over time, and especially this last time, I've realized it just doesn't work any more. Maybe during the intitial rush but that's it. But why do I need to pretend to be something I'm not? And that's just it: I DON'T! And I've found a lot of comfort simply in just realizing that. For some reason I think it's just finally clicked. Now that I finally really understand the "why" behind all of this, I can put it down. I've wanted to stop for so long, and I tried so hard and got nowhere. And now, with what felt like very little effort on my part, the answer finally came to me.

I dunno, it's strange, the more I look back on all those twacked out nights, I realize everyone seemed to have a reason they were tweaking beyond just having fun. Everyone I've ever done meth with seemed to have something they were hiding from, some much deeper-rooted than others, but still there regardless. I find it hard to dismiss anyone as 'just another fucked up tweaker' because I feel for all of them. I know everyone has some sort of hurt they just can't bring themselves to face for whatever reason.

I wish there was some magic answer to give everyone, because I also know that most of the people I've partied with had at least some desire to stop. I think finding the "why" is really the solution. But it seems like the harder you grasp for that answer, the harder it is to find.

Sorry for the rant, that's all guys. Be safe.
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Thanks for this awesome report. I really liked the honesty and it kept my attention the whole time. Your second post is also very insightful. I can relate with a lot of the feelings you post about. I only tried meth (nasal administration) one time, but I realized that I was flirting with something very dangerous and haven't gone back.
And yes like the poster below you said they might just be burning their stuff. So many people that smoke like to use these giant fuck-off torches and burn the crap out of their dope, it's ridiculous.

Tell me about it man. When I used to shout people pipes, I had to fucking light it for them half the time. When they were using jet lighters (blue flames) and then complain that the shards 'disappeared' and that they didn't get a good puff. :|
Im glad you havent let this get to you too much, the shock of a first time IV, I was too fucked up on other drugs to get this shock until id been shooting up anything and everything for 2 months!

Anyway great report mate, I liked it and im glad you didnt share and you did use a condom. I have had an experience I dont feel 100% talking fully about but I got spun on meth and xanax one night and had sex with someone that I never, ever would have if I were even half as spun as I was, I picked them up online and for a long time after I regretted my actions but it was a learning experience. people are changed a huge deal while on meth so sometimes you have to stop for a second and think about what your doing.

IV meth does feel a lot cleaner IMO, I have my own opinion that it can be safer than smoking depending on cuts and impurities but I always feel better after a night of shooting meth than I would from any other ROA including snorting/oral but its obviously not recommended.

Id like to hear about the following weeks/months and whether you got cravings for the needle and whether you use again. dont panic though, I know many people who have used meth once or a few times IV then never done it again, heroin on the other hand usually sucks the person in but dont feel like your going to be stuck on the needle forever, just keep this the one and only time if you can, youve experienced it now so if thats enough for you then yer, go back to the smoking which is more fun and social anyway.

EDIT: My last paragraph was immature and closed minded, I apologise to the creater of this thread, I hope I didnt offend you :/
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PNP is dirty too, it is for scumbags and you dont sound like a scumbag, your too good for that scene, as the priest said, its not nice reading about PnP, the first thing that comes to mind when I think of PnP is HIV.

What exactly do you mean by PnP, and why are people that do it scumbags? My partner and I occasionally take E and have a night of sex and exploration at home. At times that has involved other couples or people that we are comfortable with. The ground rules are that everything is safe and everyone has absolute veto power. Is that not PnP, and how does this make us scumbags?

If you're talking about individuals who load up on crystal meth and engage in unprotected sex marathons in bathhouses, sex parties, etc then there is definitely a huge concern there on a lot of levels, including bringing to mind HIV. I have chosen not to use crystal meth, but I read on tweaker.org from time to time, and it seems that even in the tweaker community that becoming HIV positive often goes hand in hand with using meth.

I guess all I'm pointing out is that saying that people who PnP are scumbags is like saying that "all drugs are bad.......mmmmmkay" to paint all drug users with the same brush. (Which for the record, I'm not sure I disagree that all drugs are bad). :)
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