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PedEgg: Awesome or Disgusting?

Is the PedEgg Awesome or Disgusting?

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Jul 8, 2008
PedEgg: Gently Remove Callouses and Dead Skin!


So, the question remains, ladies and gents, is this a totally awesome, must have product or a super revolting waste of money?

I am actually genuinely curious. I honestly want this As-Seen-On-TV product and they are available at Walgreens (thankgod). Yeah, I'll admit, its kinda gross and sort of pathetic but it seems like something my feet need. =D

So has anyone tried this product, or own it, and what do you think?


(mods, a poll would be great!)
how eggsactly does that differ from a cheese grater?

i'm sure it works if you have thick callouses, but the concept is pretty simple. for someone with fairly healthy feet, i doubt if all that much will come off, unless you run around barefoot a lot in the summer.

on a more disgusting level, though... i've accompanied people who have horrid hygiene to podiatrist appointments in the past. it's one of maybe 2 or 3 times i've ever been nauseated from healthcare. i'm talking about feet you could put a cigar out with, and the person wouldn't feel a thing. feet bottoms that look like 5 layers of leather. and the foot doctor used a razor/scalpel thing to scrape that shit off, and the sound of it hitting the floor was just, mah gawd, disfuckingscusting. i don't think that egg grater would be enough for feet like that. so i guess somewhere in between normal feet and nauseating?
^ hahaha, this is not the first time I have heard this cheese grater comparison.

I think the creators of PedEgg would say it differs in that the PedEgg is gentle, gentle enough that it won't even pop a balloon! (see photos/infomercial) whereas a cheese grater would really hurt ... and probably pop a balloon.

Its really not different but that doesn't change the fact that I kinda want this. I doubt it really works but it would be fun, imo, to try it, just for the heck of it. Who knows, maybe it would improve the beauty of my feet, lol.
so basically it works, as long as your skin is more delicate than one millimeter layer of latex?
Um, you would have to have some seriously gnarly skin on your feet to warrant something like that. I imagine it's probably pretty overpriced to boot. I realize some people have issues with the skin on their feet, but seriously, a pumice stone and some good lotion every day will prevent the need for something like that.

Have you been staying up late watching too many infomercials? :) no need to answer that
my mum actually has one and claims it is awesome....i also have a male friend who loves his....i suppose if you have callouses and do not want to fork out a bunch of money to have a pedicure, then it would be great.....
I have actually used this product. It works but.... like many other products; I am totally opposed 8o to it's advertisement or it's appearance in a public venue. I understand the economic need for organizations to create buzz, introduce their product to the marketplace, etc. It has, however the exact opposite effect on me. When I hear the name or see the advertisement. I think of a pedophile in utero. Strange association, I know but it is absolutely that repulsive to me. The place for products such as these would be direct to consumer marketing in a podiatrist's office. Of course, that would not be as viable a strategy as nationwide prime time television exposure. That is an implementation that would work most likely, in a country with something akin to a national health system; but, I digress. So in summation I must answer both, either. As usual I am of two minds.:\
haha, my feet aren't even that dry or anything, they are pretty normal girl feet, but it is just one of those silly things I have decided I need.

^ I am glad to hear that your mum and friend both like it haha, this is good news for people like me :)

and QuestionEverything, they are only about 10 bucks at Walgreens, which is either fairly cheap if you want it, or a waste of 10 bucks if you think its stupid ;)
"I think of a pedophile in utero"

omg....hilarious. your mind obviously works in strange ways...
oxyidated said:
When I hear the name or see the advertisement. I think of a pedophile in utero. Strange association, I know but it is absolutely that repulsive to me.

i don't think it's strange; i thought the same thing when i saw this thread title! (i don't have tv reception and have never seen a commercial for it)
I guess $10 isn't so bad, but I'd still go for the pumice stone and lotion. Hell, they make 'foot files' that look basically the same as this scary ass thing. The difference - a few bucks and they don't catch the awesome callous crumbs for inspection later on. ;)
This might make your feet look pretty, but I don't think they are very good for your feet. Callouses are formed as a way of protecting your feet, and unless you completely change your lifestyle it might be painful to not have them there.
^ I was actually thinking that. Whether you had realllly calloused feet or just normal calloused feet from everyday wear, removing all that stuff and then walking around might make your feet soar or tender. Despite this knowledge I doubt it would stop me from using it haha. I imagine it being so satisfying, removing all the dead skin. Although its pretty gross seeing all the "feet-shavings." :\

(oh and Spork, I really like your icon ;) )
Yeah its not a bd deal for $10. Hhaha funny that someone was sitting around looking at their gnarly calloused up feet and looked around the kitchen and saw a cheese grater and went hmmm EUREKA! I'ma get me a patent on this shit and get me an infomercial going and make some cheddar.. lol pun intended

For some reason my aunt bought 3 or 4 of these and handed them out on fathers day this year. One for gramma and grampa, one for my mom and dad and one for me and one for my brother.. Mine is collecting dust. The rest of the family opted to sit around after dinner on fathers day and do each others feet, my dad has horriblly huge like prolly 1/4 or 3/8 in thick callouses on his feet and it slowly took a few layers off, I guess you'd be at it for awhile if you had huge callouses..

Your a girl right? (the original poster) If you run around bare foot and have big honkin callouses like some hippie chick it might take awhile to do it but if you have fairly dainty girly feet with minor callouses it should do its thing real quick. The little collector does fill up pretty quick. When I find I've got a big callous somewhere, on my hands or feet I usually take a razor blade or a utility knife w/razor and slice it off.. but thats just me. No insurance for fancy feet doctors or $$ for mani/pedicures. My friend who used to do my hair and other body services type things just od'ed so once the bleached/dyed parts of my hair grow out my hair gonna be its og color forver.. I just don't go out for those kinda things.. he had to convience me to start dying my hair and occasionally giving me mini french manicures years ago for little weed trades or $10.. now what metrosexual there was in me has died with him :(

hhaha back to the little cheese grater.. wtf its only $10 give it a spin and if it dosen't work return it with a ton of dead skin in the little collector for shits and giggles.
lol @ the thought of a family 'PedEgg'ing each other's feet. Kinda gross but still funny. :)
^ agreed Amor, super funny, the image of the family all gathered around using the PedEgg, just like in the infomercials, haha! Its always like a group of women sitting around in some fancy room, shaving their feet off. lol.

Yeah, it is only 10 bucks, so it seems like I should be able to grab one but for some reason I'm never willing to spare that 10 bucks when I see it in a Walgreens .... maybe that is a sign that my inner consciousness does not think I need this product and understands how silly and frivolous it is.
About the "cheese grater" comparison... surely a cheese grater would be much harsher on your feet and probably make you bleed.

A lemon zester, however, would work just as well as a "PedEgg" (it sounds like a criminal offense), and be much cheaper.

My mom owns it.
She loves it. Uses it after every shower.
I have yet to try it. I tend to forget. But definitely recommend it.

Oh and that's where my mom bought it. Walgreens. Figures.