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tv: the tudors


Moderator: S&T
Staff member
Jul 22, 2002
the tudors


i'm about half way through season 2 and i am loving this. i think jonathan rhys myers is a great henry and jeremy northam a great moore.

i've been doing a lot of background reading on the characters and history. it was a very interesting - and turbulent time - in england.

anybody else watched it?

I'm sorry, my girlfriend and I started watching it, and I love the history behind it, and I absolutely love Jonathan Rhys Myers in anything, but we're almost done with season 1, and we are so over it.
I can't stand it anymore. Its getting so repetitive, I just want him to start lopping off people's heads already. And Ann Boleyn isn't even very pretty on screen. She looked great in the posters, but kind of piggish onscreen. I keep anticipating her head in the guillotine, but don't see it happening anytime soon.
But in general, I've become dissapointed in the show overall. I really did want to like it, and I wish I could still somehow.
was it on BL that i read that the girl playing anne boleyn really "got into" her part? i seem to remember DarthMom or another female bringing this up. anyone?

i've been wanting to watch this series but i don't get HBO...i s'pose there's other avenues i could take to watch this, but i don't generally like watching movies on my computer.
Yeah, do you get Netflix? or go to the movie rental store.
i've been meaning to sign up for netflix for months, but keep forgetting. i know i need to. :)
^Finally got the DVD of the first season over the weekend. I'll probably watch it this weekend. Cant wait ! :D
My Mom is a huge fan, though she has the advantage of being a Tudor England egghead to begin with. :)
When I first saw the previews before this show came out, it looked like a cynical attempt by showtime to recreate HBO's success with Rome. I watched a few of the first few episodes. It moves a little too slow for me. Very talky.
As long as this one is doing the talking, I don't mind ;) I could stare at him forever even if he was reciting the phone directory.
Ooooh...just finished the fifth episode of the first season...I ended up sleeping at 5 am and had to force myself to turn off the DVD player or else I wouldnt sleep at all. LOVE IT!
Obviously Jonathan Rhys Meyer had me ooohing every five minutes...and Sam Neill as Wolsey is just so wickedly evil in his role. I think Natalie Dormer as Anne Boleyn is perfect...she pulls off the intelligent, sexy schemer very well here.

I am very satisfied and cant wait to get season 2.
he is hot but even thou I have nothing to do I'm not that interested to watch it after watching season 1...I might watch it...prefer Big Love, it's my favorite show at the time
Am about to finish the second season...just one more episode to go. I do wonder what will happen in the 3rd season...it might just be a tad bor-ing because the actress who plays Jane Seymour is just SO SO SO bland and unappealing!

And Ann Boleyn isn't even very pretty on screen. She looked great in the posters, but kind of piggish onscreen. I keep anticipating her head in the guillotine, but don't see it happening anytime soon.

Oh, it'll happen alright ;)
Hehe dshock its funny, at first I thought Natalie Dormer was quite attractive at first, and than I kept noticing she looked more and more piggish like you mentioned, especially during her love scenes with the king, there was one where her nose was smushed all the way up and it was HILARIOUS and embarassing to watch! Also when she gets all worked up and angry and her nostrils get really huge...oh my...oh well, she has amazing eyes, but she has no waist whatsoever (ok , I'm just being shallow and picking on her;))