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colour of the iris changing?


Dec 28, 2007
just a quick question
does anyone else experience their eye colour changing on different substances?

i've noticed this happens to me a lot.'
and it's always dependant on what substance i've taken.

heres a basic list
normally i have blue eyes, sometimes have a grey tinge.

cocaine - baby blue
mdma - dark greeny blue
lsd - green, and sometimes brown
candyflipping (mdma+lsd) - bright green
benzo (after my drink got spiked one night) - aqua

i've noticed in one of my friends
she has dark brown eyes normally,
but on pills she gets yellow eyes
and the night my drink got spiked, she shared it with me, she got kinda tiger striped brown and yellow eyes.. was creepy as fuck

anyone else get this? or similar?
Your iris can only change colour due to aging or disease. It may appear as if you eye colour has changed at times because of a change in the ambient light, or the colour of your surroundings, which is reflected in your eyes.
My friend goes from light blue to grey to green all the time...
he did have cancer as a child but theres nothing wrong withm him now
vanth said:
Your iris can only change colour due to aging or disease. It may appear as if you eye colour has changed at times because of a change in the ambient light, or the colour of your surroundings, which is reflected in your eyes.
There is an eye "colour" known as "changing seas"
I have a close friend who has Changing seas eyes.

When he is very happy his eyes are very blue, they go green when he is upset and sometimes they are a hazel colour...usually when he's stressed.

David bowie has two different coloured eyes and one of those is also a changing seas eye.
Wow, I learnt something new today...Changing Seas Eyes, that is sweet!

Closest I ever had was one of those crappy mood rings 8)
thatd be paranoia to the max..
..ey mate, you want to fuck my mum?
*eyes change blue*
Splatt said:
My friend goes from light blue to grey to green all the time...
he did have cancer as a child but theres nothing wrong withm him now

Thats pretty much exactly what my eyes do. I don't know when they are what colour, but they alternate between the above.
what do they do on acid? :p

I want the lights they have on plants in surfers paradise as an eye colour.. slow cycle colour-shifting between multiple colours.
Splatt said:
thatd be paranoia to the max..
..ey mate, you want to fuck my mum?
*eyes change blue*

LMAO...Yeah this mate can never lie when I ask him how he is. If his eyes are green and he says he's fine...I know he's full of shit and has just been upset over something. He has to be really upset for them to change.

kinda like the hulk :)
Splatt said:
what do they do on acid? :p

I want the lights they have on plants in surfers paradise as an eye colour.. slow cycle colour-shifting between multiple colours.

I saw a guy with full black colour contacts. The same dick had vampire teeth in when he was wearing them (at a club...no shit) so it kinda detracted from the "coolness" of the contacts.
i look like that on DMT apparently. my face changes to only reveal my iris and giant black pupils.. saw what they meant on a high dose of mushrooms before.. freaky...
minus the fake fangs.. i got two real fangs on my bottom jaw anyway i can expose when i do an ultra retard neck cramping gurn
reminds me of a caller to Dr Karl yesterday. She claims her boyfriends eyes change colour when SHE's having or about to have her period.
My best mate is an optometrist. He is sitting right beside me. He is laughing his ass off at some of these ridiculous comments.

He informs me that eye colour takes months and months, if not years to change, and even then it is usually as a result or iris or corneal disease.

David Bowie does not have changing seas eyes or any such bullshit. He has Fuch's heterochromic iridocyclitis. It is a condition where the iris slowly atrophies.

Your dad's eyes do not change colour when he is sad. Your girlfriend's eyes don't go green when she's horny.

Anybody who says their eye colour changes depending on their mood clearly thinks that they are more amazing and special than they really are.

Sorry to be so blunt, but that's the truth.
Tortoise said:
Anybody who says their eye colour changes depending on their mood clearly thinks that they are more amazing and special than they really are.

My eyes are a blend of blue/green/grey and im aware that any one of these colours can be more pronounced under various lights: like in full bright day they appear more blue than they really are and in the dark they appear more grey/green. I know they dont actually change colour but i like to think im amazing and special anyway %)
I accept the medically substantiated claims however I've noted two things which have caused major changes in the rosary of the iris. One was in myself after several months abstaining from marijuana. Probably not that surprising but people often made note that they seemed much brighter and clearer.

Secondly, a Tai Chi teacher who practiced amaroli (drinking the midstream of morning urine) with intensive Chi Kung developed a deep blue rosary which was absolutely stunning. He appeared as though he wore those really bright contacts.

Ask the optometrist about arcus senilis. I have had this condition since my late twenties, yet my cholesterol levels have always been low. As the ring has increased in size (now almost completely surrounds the iris in both eyes) my vision has declined markedly. I was originally diagnosed with presbyopia in 2000, but now my my distance vision is also failing. I feel I need different glasses for macro, mid distance, outer mid distance and long distance. At 48, I feel that if the decline continues at this rate, I'll be all but blind in 5 years.
Strange, i've not noticed any colour changes with mood, but when i've been very sick with measels and chicken pox, my eyes became a vivid green - depending on light/clothing i wear, they 'change' in depth and shade - more green, more blue, more grey. When i've run very high fevers though - as in above 40 degrees (i've had those fevers 4 times in my life), my mother said she became really concerned because my eyes turned an almost emerald green. Even the GP who was consulting me noticed a change in colour when my fever broke.

Don't know what it means, but anyway...
Arcus is very common in the elderly. But they dropped the 'sinilis' because it can still occur in younger individuals (sinilis = senile = old) so it is referred to simply as 'arcus' these days. Usually, if a person below 40 has it, they have cholesterol problems as well (which you eluded to).

Presbyopia is the most common eye condition seen by far by most optometrists. Absolutely everybody has it or will get it (if they don't die first) and it starts without fail between age 40 and 45 and worsens till about age 52 where it can worsen no more. You can't go blind from it, but you will need glasses for anything closer than about a meter or 2. There is no cure for presbyopia. If you find one, you will be filthy rich overnight and murdered by a gang of optometrists the next!

EDIT: The collective noun for optometists is actually a 'vision'. You will be murdered by a vision of optometrists....
There is no cure for presbyopia. If you find one, you will be filthy rich overnight and murdered by a gang of optometrists the next!

thanks, if I'm ever so lucky, I'll be sure to add them to the list :D

What's said is pretty much what I've been told. I don't like to admit it but I'm looking forwad to a time when this programmed cell death steadies up abit. I'm the only one in my genetic family that has had bad eyes at this stage in life. But then again, decades of working long hours under poor lighting coupled with years of lasers experiements might have a bit to do with it.