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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Recommend me some kung fu classics


Bluelight Crew
Aug 20, 2003
I've been into more recent martial arts flicks (Crouching Tiger, Kill Bill, The Matrix, Rush Hour) for some time now. But only now am I beginning to explore the classic 70s and 80s kung fu flicks that started the whole thing off.

I'm sure there are plenty of geeks and hipsters here who know their classic kung fu and samurai films like the back of their hand. Come on out of the woodwork guys, and recommend me your favorites.

If you say 'Anything starring so and so' or 'Anything directed by so and so', please give me some examples of specific titles.
my favourite for many years was the iceman cometh starring yuen biao, yuen wah and maggie chung



a psycho murdering rapist is being pursued by a just and noble warrior back in the early ages. they both fight atop a snowy mountain and somehow (it's been ages) fall into a ravin or something. they both are frozen in the ice for ages and are thawed in modern 1980's hong kong where they continue their battle amidst a world they don't understand, and a ditsy materialistic chick caught in the middle.

other recommendations:
the young master
project A 1 & 2
once upon a time in china 1-3
armour of god
police story 1-4 (check out an amazing michelle yeoh in part 3. from modelling to jumping a trailbike onto a moving train!!!)
the dead and the deadly
close encounters of the spooky kind

generally speaking, i loved everything sammo hung, jet li and jack chan from the 80's
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anything with jackie chan
and the specific examples are... everything on this page http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000329/ :D

hard to recommend one
wheels on meals is indeed good for its freshness
for medieval chinese style, try drunken master
for silliness try city hunter
some impressive stunts at the beginning of armour of god

and tony jaa :
4 minutes long uncut fight scene as he goes up the floors of a building
good candidate for the best fight scene ever

this chase scene is fucking good too
*hugs* get your ass to the states, i won't be your way for another year and a half :D

not old, but i really enjoyed these two noobs, ong bak 1&2/the protector 1&2.

the kid is amazing. story, ok. some muay thay fun

be careful just digging around old jackie chan films. some were brilliant, some were the worst shit storms i ever saw on film!
^^ it's ong bak (let me show off a little bit with my thai : องค์บาก :) )
and tom yam koong (ต้มยำกุ้ง - a thai dish, but the english title is "the protector") (of which "ong bak 2" was only the working title)

ong bak 2 will come out in 2008

(yep, sorry. definitely not 70's or 80's. but already classics)
when i was in china i saw some rather humourous dvd cases

firstly enter the dragon became

the enter dragon

and secondly, a tony jaa film dvd back explains

The hardest part of watching this movie was that the action scenes were so good, but the story was painfully bad. You may want the DVD version so you can just skip through the story line to the beautifully choreographed fight scenes. The movie starts pff with so much promise - great the elephant kidnappers, which takes .... to Sydney where he uncovers endangered species restaurant. He ends up fighting ... ... the ... evil head of the Chinese gang.

L2R said:
The hardest part of watching this movie was that the action scenes were so good, but the story was painfully bad. You may want the DVD version so you can just skip through the story line to the beautifully choreographed fight scenes. The movie starts pff with so much promise - great the elephant kidnappers, which takes .... to Sydney where he uncovers endangered species restaurant. He ends up fighting ... ... the ... evil head of the Chinese gang.
Wow, Chinese adds are actually honest.
That's it, now I'm a communist.