Announcement: Name Changes & Custom Title for Current & Ex Staff

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Bluelight Crew
Apr 30, 2005
Some of you have noticed that there have been a few username changes here recently, despite our usual response to requests for these being a resounding 'no'. So I've been asked to post this on behalf of the admins by way of explanation.

Bluelight has been around for quite some time, and is the result of both members' and staff's efforts alike. While the members provide most of the content, the staff (past and present) are the ones who have given their free time to forming the guidelines, enforcing the rules, and putting a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into shaping this site into the wonderful place it is.

In appreciation for their efforts, we are affording them two small favours:

1. For current and ex-staff, we are offering the one-time chance of a name change.

If any of the above would like to change their username, please run a search first to confirm that your desired new username doesn't exist (or is inactive anyway ;) ), and either report this post or send a PM to your favourite admin. Please send some requests to Finder so he doesn't feel left out.

2. All ex-staff (and future ex-staff) will be offered the chance of a custom title under their username (where it currently says 'Bluelighter').

What we all need to do first is decide on the wording of this custom title. In the past it was 'Bluelight Crew', but that was discontinued some time ago during a board software upgrade.

So we're looking for suggestions for this custom title, which will be the same for everyone. The suggestions are open to all members, so if you'd like to offer a (sensible ;)) idea, please post it in this thread. We'll collate them all together after a while and put a shortlist to the public vote.

Once it's decided, any ex-staff wishing to take advantage of this exciting opportunity merely have to hit the REPORT button on the appropriate thread and it will be taken care of. Some ex-staff may not want it, so we're leaving it up to people to request it.

Getting back to the name changes: we've tried to clearly state the site policy on changing account names, and that still stands as "NO", because doing it for one member means doing it for everyone that asks for it. There are already a large number of such requests every week, and opening the floodgates to everyone would quickly kill any time the staff have for addressing operational issues. So unfortunately, as things stand, we still have to refuse such requests.

We just wanted to make this practice known so you don't think there is a level of unfairness at work. Hopefully you understand.

Now... suggestions please! :)
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I'm still for 'bluelight crew' to be an ex mods or future ex mods title. It really worked back then, and can't see why it still wouldn't work out the same way now even with how the board has changed.
I think BL crew is way cool, but I also like IJ's BL Alumni.
My vote goes to bluelight crew

Alternative could be "sucker for unpaid work"
I'll trade that for having Fuck Infernal pasted under everyone's name. Or hell, just mine.
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