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What book are you currently reading?

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I havent read a book in a while and found myself abt unsettled at the thought, so today after my interview I went to my local library with the intention of sourcing and stealing some good ones. The selection was awful, so im gonna go to our main one tomorrow.
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^ Agreed on both counts - you really do have good taste, whore:).

Kate: I love the film and book of Naked Lunch. The book can be hard work but once it clicks it's an incredible piece of work :).
whoremoaning said:
Junky is a lot easier to follow than Naked Lunch :) as is Queer.

Aye, found Junky easy to digest and understand... loved the language of the time but found the concepts scarily familiar......

I've not read Queer.

Book before NL, was Albert Campus' Outsider - wow that still spins around in my head.

Social lies n' bull make the world go round
Read that just recently! Picked it up in the charity shop for 30p :).
I'm considering re-reading Bukowski's Post Office, but it'll probably just be lame in comparison to Burroughs :p
Never read any Bukowski. But I've got most of the films based on his work and umpteen hours of interviews and documentaries and stuff. I really must get around to actually reading some of it too :D.

Let me know how it goes, whore - you seem to be a man of trustworthy taste :).
I've read that addict book as well. Not bad for a quick bed time read.
Never read any Bukowski. But I've got most of the films based on his work and umpteen hours of interviews and documentaries and stuff. I really must get around to actually reading some of it too .

you have got to read tales ordinary madness by charles bukowski its pretty funny. I can almost relate to some of the drunken stories.


by the way what is the status of creating this book club? maybe what about a book club forum - INCLUDE DATES of the start date -
^ Thanks for the recommendation, dr-ripple. I've got the documentary of the same name so I'll keep an eye out for the book (or any of the others) at the charity shop. I rarely buy books new, but they always seem to find their way to me eventually :).

As to the book club, I'm not sure about when it's starting, but the current discussion about it can be found here :).
Just read "TV Nation" by Micheal Moore and Kathleen Glynn.

Tells the tale of a "radical" 8) tv show they had once. Horribly oversimplified and written like it's intended audience was 5 year old kids but not the worst thing ever.
that is the point of Moore. people take the piss because he simplifies everything, but he is often trying to address a very uneducated audience who don't question their government.. not read TV Nation, does sound a bit rubbish, but Stupid White Men was a good read imo
A lot of what Michael Moore says is absolute bollocks. The one about 9/11 (I can't remember the name) was one of the biggest loads of shite i have ever had the misfortune to waste my time reading!!

He's a proper c u next tuesday. :)
He certainly twists the truth to fit his own agenda a bit, but I've enjoyed most of his stuff that I've seen/read. If for no other reason then he has spent his whole life pointing out how ignorant Americans tend to be and how they are governed by pigdog cunts :).

Guernsey-based pigdogs are the exception to the cunts rule ;).
Shambles said:
He certainly twists the truth to fit his own agenda a bit, but I've enjoyed most of his stuff that I've seen/read. If for no other reason then he has spent his whole life pointing out how ignorant Americans tend to be and how they are governed by pigdog cunts :).

Guernsey-based pigdogs are the exception to the cunts rule ;).

Hahah, all Yanks are pig-dogs. Maybe that's why I like a lot of them! ;)

Except Moore. He's a wanka. He spends half that book going on about the Bin Laden family. If he'd done his research properly he'd know that they are a big players with some very legit members. Then again, he prob did do his research but found it wasn't sensational enough.

But I guess you are right in that he does do a fair bit of looking inward, rarther than bashing other nations.
^ That's what I meant about fitting the truth around his own agenda and I really wish he wouldn't do it cos it just weakens the good points that he does make :\.

The Bin Laden stuff and so forth: He's not lying, but he's hinting at things that aren't necessarily all they seem at first glance. The Bin Ladens are a big old family ranging from pigdogs to terrorists. Then again, you could say the exact same thing about the Bush family :D.

He did something similar in Sicko. He makes some excellent points about the appalling state of US healthcare and then goes and makes a cunt of himself by saying that healthcare in Europe is all perfect. I love the NHS, but the picture he paints is so rose-tinted that even I cringed :\.
The NHS is actually heaven on earth, apparently. Kind of like a 7 star hotel with hot naked chicks to give you a bed bath and free drugs of your own choosing... or something like that :).

I just wish he wouldn't embellish so much. The US healthcare system is totally fucked-up and he really didn't need to go so stupidly over the top to make the point.

And no - no superbugs in Europe, naturally :).
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