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Nine Msn Poll: Do drug carriers deserve the death penalty?

my innerself

May 9, 2004
I found this poll on my home page and thought I'd add it here for discussion.


I am amazed at how many people actually think that drug carriers deserve death. I mean if there in a country that has the death penalty, and they know what the penalty is (which Im sure any drug mule does know) and get caught I dont have a great deal of sympathy for them. But thats not what the question asks. Do drug carriers deserve the death penalty? Fucking hell...DEATH!!! just for being in possesion of drugs? Kiddy fiddlers deserve death, rapists deserve death etc etc but just for being in possesion of drugs? What about drug carriers caught in Australia? do they deserve death? I really cant beleive how many retarded people clicked yes to this poll.
Link no longer works, I think they do a new poll every day.
Apparently running drugs are nearly as bad as being Saddam!

Wednesday, 27 December 2006: Do drug runners deserve the death penalty?
Yes: 29241 (60%)
No: 19513 (40%)

Tuesday, 26 December 2006: Should Saddam Hussein be executed?
Yes: 41838 (70%)
No: 17900 (30%)

Once again it proves only morons watch and believe Nine News or A Current Affair.
And to go on a bit of a rant, I don't even believe in the death penalty, even for murderers. Why? Because being executed is a lot better than rotting in a cell for the rest of your life, in my eyes. In fact, if I was ever caught running drugs in Asia, and it was a big amount, I'd be ASKING for the death penalty over even 10 years there! I'd probably end up dead, or disease ridden and sick for the rest of my life after ten years. Yeah there is family that want you to live, but without sounding greedy, they're not the ones shitting in a hole in the ground with 10+ other people in a small dirty cell, and having guards piss in their rice and beat them.
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I don't believe most Australians favour the death penalty. As the polls don't usually run for more than 24 hours, and in this case, are conducted at a somewhat inconvenient period (e.g. xmas) they are hardly a representative sample of the "Average Joe" IMO. I'd say it's more of a representative of the type of person that watches channel 9 :p
^ Indeed :)

I remember seeing a poll in the paper within the last 12 months that said between 45% - 55% (I forget exactly) of people favoured the death penalty in Australia for one or more given purposes. This was an AC Nelson or such so was possibly more representative, but given that was the death penalty for any purpose I don't think that the amount of people who would have drug carriers executed would be quite so high.

Also it was done at a period when terrorism on Australians was a bit more fresh in peoples minds and various other events that would influence people.
Still its pretty fucked that nearly 30,000 channel 9 watchers think drug couriers should be put to death. I hate these kind of polls, trust channel 9 to use execution as an audience grabber. The good ol' folk who watch channel 9 just love a good public lynching! :X
He doesn't love Ray Martin... WWIIIIITTCCHHH!!! BUURNN HIMMM!!
I am no longer surprised by this. I often hold opinions that seem perfectly reasonable, well-supported and rational, to then find out that the vast majority of the public wholly disagrees with me and instead thinks that, for example, drug couriers ought to be killed, or that there is a invisible skypixie, who created the universe 6,000 years ago and who still presides over proceedings.
Just had an argument with a mate who is in the Air Force about this subject.
He believed drug runners should be killed in Australia, because drugs kill people and make people schizophrenic (his words). There's no arguing with these types. His resoning was not solid when I asked him many questions. He thinks Murders, Rapists, Pedophiles and Drug Addicts (yes addicts, not just runners/dealers) are all in the same class, because they harm people. He ignored any time I brang up cigarettes and alcohol (he doesn't smoke but he does drink, this guy used to smoke marijuana in school but never tried anything else).

Lol.. what a world we live in. It just sucks that when people like this have an opinion so strong, they will do anything to enforce their beliefs on other people.. like become leaders of a country or senators :)
yeah, i used to get so annoyed at people who called me a 'junky' for my moderate drug use while they hold a ciggy in one hand and a beer in the other. I don't anymore since there is absolutely no point arguing with those sort of people. it's a total waste of time.
this just goes to show how many ignorant people there are out there
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These "polls" are statistically insignificant.

Agreed with "technixs' " response. I call these people "Ignoanus"....People who are both ignorant and are ars@holes.

Take no notice of these polls.
i think its wrong to say these polls are insignificant for the fact that it is these very idiots that seem to have the power at the moment.

lets see on the side of enlightenism laws/polices/wars we've stopped: Zero

On the side of the idiots, wars they've started, people they've killed and pointless laws they've enacted: well they're riding on a cool 100% success rate here.