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DXM Scraps & Redundancies

drexil_spivy, reading your post reminded me almost exactly of how I trip on DXM (almost always 750mg or 8oz max strength, tripped maybe 15 times). Especially the part about the rare lucid dream trips with heavy trance music, I've had these happen maybe 10% of my trips. Those rare trips I experience extreme CEVs..every trip i try to attain CEVs but 90% I don't get it. Also, its been reported that some people have better trips with GrateFruit Juice, I've tried this twice, and one time it produced amazing visuals, the other time, nothing. Take it with a grain salt.
I would suggest to anybody interested in DXM and cant get powder, and dont want to chug syrup: try agent lemon extraction method. It works awesome, 0% nausea (for me anyways) and all the effects.
drexiz_spivy i fully agree with you on smoking weed with dxm. I downed a bottle of tussin max streghth and smoked like 3 blunts before it really kicked in, and it just kicked my ass, it was like i was seeing things from a different angle, like i was this little man looking out through my eyeballs, n e wayz, it made me paranoid as hell though and i was trippin on my breathing, i thought i kept not breathing for long periods of time, and i felt like i had no ego, like i was nobody, just there, and then i felt as though someone was pushing on my chest very hard. i thought this was funny, everytime i would lift my leg to walk, my leg felt like it was going in to seizures and shit until it hit the ground, well it's funny now. as far as sickness and vomiting, i only experience a little sickness but i never vomit. and waking up the next day isn't bad besides the puffy eyes and dirty scrungy feeling. dxm has got to be one of my favorite drugs, cept for E ot LSD.
Ive tried it twice and had two different experiences. The first time I made the mistake of taking it at night, so naturally I was up for hours and hours feeling nauseuos and totally wiggin out. First i couldnt feel myself breathing, and actually thought I had stopped, then I kept feeling like i was being pushed back and forth while I was simply laying down. It was an unpleasant trip, and i thought I wouldnt do it again. Second time was a blast. I did a low dosage and found I had a lot of energy, and dancing was euphoric. Just swaying to the music with my eyes closed was amazing. I wouldn't want to have a higher dosage, I was quite happy with the trip the second time around. Something to pump me up alittle, and make dancing a surreal experience.
if u tried dxm & felt it was unplesent or overwhelming. just have smaller dosages.
has anyone ever noticed that if u keep it at around 100 - 150 mg (platau 1 for my weight) makes u feel floaty with less body weight (like a stimulant). It really put me in a good mood. I tried 300mg. this made me feel out of it & made me act like i was a little bit drunk & stoned.
that's as much out of it as i want to be. espeically if i wanna go out.
dxm feels like differnt drugs on different plataus. I can see how ppl wouldnt enjoy platoa 2 but I think that nearly everyone should enjoy platau 1.
I've done a 1 gram pure powder dose of DXM once. It was a real good trip, it nearly took me to a new plane of existence. Of course the next day i could barely remember wut happened. Oh i don't really suggest anyone do a gram though, i weigh a good bit and had a tolerance at the time so u know
I really enjoy the effects of DXM and I recommend that everyone at least try it a couple times in their life.... Although I don't recommend it when combined with mushrooms (how fucked up)... mixing it with weed on the other hand rocks
DXM is great not only is it cheap and legal but it can really teach you something. I always here people talking about it not being a "real drug" why is that because its legal? because its used to help people with coughs? well what do these people think about weed, is weed not a real drug b/c it helps with pain and what not weed is legal in amsterdam so it must not be a real drug. DXM is a very intense trip and i always learn something new about myself when i try it. I suggest smoking good quality bud about an hour after to really boost it.
DXM is BS for me......itchy is shit and totally not worth it....but everyone else seems to love it.... :(
i've never felt itchy or had any side effects like that when i trip DXM. the only thing bad about it is the nasty taste of the cough syrup.
I wish this was available in pills, but I mean something like 100 mg DXM pills
It is!!! Just check out ecstacydata.org
There are a lot of people out there pressing DXM into pills at high doses, even mixed with other stuff (ie:codine) to give a better experience.
Who here would be happy if they bought a pill that turned out to have a couple hundred mg of DXM, and perhaps a potenator as well?
For those of you who say you like it, except for the nausea and itching; dimenhydrinate aKa dramamine aKa Gravol works wonders. It is an anti-nausea drug as well as an antihistamine. DO NOT take a massive dose of it, simply take it at the reccommended dose along with slightly below the usual dose of DXM. It is also a mild potenator of DXM. Taking this along with the DXM will eliminate or significantly reduce the nausea and itchiness of DXM, and it will also potenate the trip.
I love DXM. I took it an hour before Bush's State of the Union address and by the time he started talking I was in the 3rd pleatua. I love going to the 3rd and 4th because then things tend to change shape. Bush's head was changing shapes from a pea size to taking up the entire screen. His eyes, mouth and ears would change shapes and create the funnest of combonations. His head got so small once that my TV also got smaller. I ended up placing my hands on both sides of my TV to confirm the size of it and it had shrunk from 20 inches wide to about 12 inches wide.
Another thing I like to do is to look at my self in the mirror. My own head will change shapes and you can also change into differnet people.
What I hate about DXM at high levels is that it is impossible to sleep. I always end up looking at the clock every two minutes. Even when I think I get to sleep and dreaming I am not and I'm just thinking about fucked up things. I also always think I have jobs/goals to do before I am allowed to sleep, like open a gate or drain water out of my room.
I also get dehyrdrated from DXM, and it always feels like I have to take a piss but I can never piss when in the higher pleataus, I couldn't piss my pants if I wanted to.
Overall, I can't stand taking the syrup, half the time I choke why trying to down it.
DXM has been very good to me. Opinions vary widely about this one (more than most subst'nces, it seems) but it has helped me open my consciousness in ways I haven't before in my life. And I wasn't looking for it from this- it just happened.
People who know me well have commented on me being a different, more open, engaging, different person- grabbing the reins of my soul and dashing thru the golden meadow of life in recent months. I attribute it to a regiment of this in my diet. Truth, or shite? My soul says it's pretty cool...the desert shaman Don Juan (from Carlos Castaneda's book 'A Yaqui Way of Knowledge') said the only path that matters in life is a path with heart. Strangely, this has given me more heart than I thought possible.
Not bad for a cough remedy. Bigger soothes for the soul have been found elsewhere, tho..
haha. time travel at a dose meant for nothing more than a buzz/light trip? 360mg shouldnt do that to you.
360mg is enough for many people to occasionally dip into third plateau space, if they have an open enough mind and are experienced at navigating DXM-space.
Besides that, I'm a skinny dude and tend to be somewhat sensitive to psychedelics. But yeah, I would agree that for about 50% of people, they would probably never get beyond 2nd plateau on 360mg. Then again, with the powder I took doses twice that much once or twice and didn't have as psychedelic a trip.
It probably can't be explained but I'm not complaining!
I wish I was small enough that 350 mgs would take me to the 3rd plateua, I'm stuck taking 700 mgs to get to the third plateau and 1400 for a 4th plateua trip.
Would you believe that I have a small tattoo of a DXM molecule on my ankle? I used to be heavily into the shit 2 years back. I'll be damned if my brain doesnt already look like swiss cheese from the shit. One time I ordered 15g of the shit. That lasted me a lil over a month. One time I went on a DXM binge that lasted 6 whole days. I ate about 7 grams of the shit. From the moment i slept to the moment i woke up, I would be poppin doses. I think my highest dose was about 1.7g of it. Can you say plateau sigma? I was a very intelligent druggie then lol. I only touch the shit about once a month, if even that. I had to stop taking it for a whole year and a half to let my brain recover. As a note, never mix that shit with X. The only thing DXM can combine with nicely is pot and acid/shrooms (shrooms and DXM is fucking awesome. I recommend it) And for gods sake, if you ever get the pure shit, NEVER snort it. Snorting chili powder is probably more pleasent. If you ever want some cool music that will actually INDUCE an out-of-body experience on DXM, come into #dxm on efnet and ask me for it. This shit was written for dissociative drugs. As for me, ill stick to other psychadelics in the meantime.
DXM is a good, good, thing. I've done it about 6 times, ranging from 350 mg-800 mg (never done the powder, just drank tussin xtra strength cough syrup) and nothing that bad has happened to me. However, I've had some truly magnificent experiences while on it. I highly recommend using it with marijuana...it's wonderful.
I did DXM for the first time about 2 weeks ago. I did it too late in the night I believe, as I fell asleep 2 hours into it. Look for my trip report. It's not very good, so beware! lol

Anyway I did a 4oz bottle of robo max str. I believe that equates to 354 ml or something like that.

I would like to try it again because I did notice some effects. I was told DXM doesn't start taking effect until 3-4 hours in. How I slept through it, who knows?? But I got 12 hours of sleep!!!