What constitutes irresponsible drug use?

Err - what constitutes irresponsible anything? Carrying out an action without due consideration of the consequences I guess?
Good question though...
1. Allowing your drug use to become a priority above things like family, friends, work, etc.
2. Using a drug over and over again despite very clear signs that it is doing serious damage to you either physically, psychologically, or socially.
3. Doing crazy stuff you would never do while sober and then blaming it on the drugs. (robbing a store, getting in fights, date rape, etc.)
I'm sure there are other things as well, but those three things are sort of my "reality test" that I use to make sure I'm not becoming TOO fucked up.
When they become more of a priority than the important things in life.
As for what makes up the "important" things, that's another question entirely - but the general gist of what I'm saying is stuff like JerryBlunted said: friends, family, work, food, etc...
[ 21 November 2002: Message edited by: Pleonastic ]
when a friend or someone nearby is in trouble from using drugs (ie: overdose, convulsions, passing out, etc) and you don't get help because your scared of taking them to the hospital.
To me, irresponsible drug use is anyone that takes something without being aware of possible side effects or dangers. Know what you are putting into your system and what *can* happen. Anything less than that strikes and irresponsible chord with me. (I might be considered a bit uptight, but why take chances?)
id say when it interferes with ANYTHING important..
like you're supposed to goto work, but you're too hungover..
you're supposed to write a paper for class, but you cant think from being monged on drugs.
supposed to see your signifigant other, but too drugged to care.
some people can do a mass of drugs and never have a problem, others do few drugs and it fucks up their lives. i think the point of "irresponsible" is really dependant on the individual, and is never the same for anyone.
when you start lying about your usage to hide it from other people.
when it starts to impact your life in negative ways - you are late to work/school, fail to complete assignments, etc.
In the eyes of Australian law... If you have ever taken drugs, you are a drug abuser! No shit.
when you start lying about your usage to hide it from other people.
Try when you start lying to yourself about your drug usage to make it seem ok.
Not understanding all possible consequences of your drug use, to the best of your ability and not being fully responsible for any consequences that are the result. This includes needing any kind of assistance, if for instance you get yourself addicted to something, damage yourself and are no longer able to work.
I would also say that engaging in behavior that does or could hurt other people, due to your drug use, also qualifies as irresponsible. Example: Driving a car while intoxicated.
amen to driving intoxicated!
also taking stuff when you don't know what it is, as in, "oh god, I'm having heart palpitations and I took this blue pill - what was it??"
getting others fucked up and taking advantage of them in any way.
talking others into taking something when they're unsure if they want to.
allowing others to talk you into taking something you're not sure you want to.
the three rules i have always lived by,
1. Know your substance(s)- this means research before taking something, especially if its harder than something you usaually do.
2. Know your body (this includes mind and soul)- ensure you are taking the drugs and the drugs are not taking you.
3. Know your boundaries and have limits- limits that are concrete, if a substance is above your personall threshold for whatever reson, dont be talked into doing it. For example i wont do needles, but that dosen't mean i look down upon those that do, its simply just not my thing.
i also agree with most ppl in what they have said, basicially, if you know what going on with youself then you should be okay.
Most people are extremely reckless. They don't give a damn what pills contain, they don't even wanna know. They don't care how to protect from the negative effects. Some heard that taking lots of vitamins is good, and they end up with hipervitaminosis or drink Calcium - go figure what that does to your jaw ;P
I think the first warning sign is when you want to hang out with friends that share the same "hobby" - drugs, at the cost of spending less time with your "usual" friends. It's not necessarily bad, but it should make you think about what you're doing.
This thread started out in Drug Basics, but I think I will send it around to a few different forums to get various perspectives. Next stop, Australian Drug Discussion!
Hmmmm, irresponsible drug use...
Well in the context of "recreational" drugs, I'd say it is when the only reason you are taking them is either because they're there or you just want to "get fucked up".
I believe the thin line that separates use from abuse is the REASON one takes them. Every drug I've ever taken, before I consume I tell myself why I'm taking it, and what I want to get out of it. Usually because of this I've naturally steered myself away from the more physical/dopamine/opioid highs, just because it's hard to define an intangible boundary on something that is only a body high.
I'd have to go with the definintion of using them without regard for other parts of your life. I've been guilty of it recently, when I've been depressed, but taken pills anyway, knowing that it's going to fuck up my week more than it would already be, just for the sake of being fucked for a night.
If my essential tasks overly suffer for the sake of a night, or I know it's going to affect my mental or physical health to a point where it will make life too difficult to cope with, then I consider it irresponsible.
I think you generally know when your use starts bordering on irresponsible. It's when you just do it anyway that you have a problem.
PuristLove : Not understanding all possible consequences of your drug use, to the best of your ability and not being fully responsible for any consequences that are the result. ]This includes needing any kind of assistance, if for instance you get yourself addicted to something, damage yourself and are no longer able to work.
i would consider my self pretty educated on MDMA etc and its affects on me, wat i should and shouldnt do and how i can limit the damage etc etc etc...
so if i happened to have taken one and a half pills unaware that they happened to be particuarly strong and began to feel dizzy, was becoming increasingly hot and getting a bit worried about my current state. and beacause of this i approached the club medic for some assistance, ie. his knowledge, a cool room and the reletive saftey of a medical area i would be irrisponsible?
i dont think that is irresponsible, i think it is quite responsible. if that had happened i would have taken the right and approprate course of action in order to minimise any danger/ill health that was about to occur!
furthermore, requireing assitance in the instance of addiction may point to 'irresponsible' drug use but is what i would consider to be a responsible action - as that person is choosing to accept that they are not in a good position and are trying to make a change in order to be responsible.
can i also point out that an addiction is an illness and is not an easy thing to deal with. people who are addicted to something no longer function in the same whay as 'normal' people. it is very hard to break the addiction and to once again be responsible. life isnt just black and white and there are a host of reasons that contribute to someone becoming an addict.
and one last thing in response to your statement...
for instance you get yourself addicted to something
are smokers responsible or irresponsible?
excuse my spellin!!! oops?!!
It depends whether its just drug use to excess in one off bouts or an addiction matter.
I would say my use of GBL when I had to was just plain stupid, I played with it and got my butt kicked. (I od'd and went to hospital)
I would say you know drug use has got a bit out of hand when its the focus of your life, I remember when I was using speed a lot I would plan my life around it. I'd go out to the shops but rush to get back to make sure I was in time for my planned next set of lines.