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News: Alarm raised on new and deadly drugs - The West - Tuesday 31st May 06


Bluelight Crew
Oct 21, 1999
Alarm raised on new and deadly drugs


Police and health authorities fear a new range of deadly, hard-core "recreational" drugs are about to hit WA's party scene after reports of an increased supply in the Eastern States and overseas.

The drugs, tipped to overtake the popularity of ecstasy, are produced from high-grade cleaning products, paint thinners and other chemicals in backyard labs predominantly in England and the United States.

WA Police alcohol and drug co-ordination unit education officer Sgt Gill Wilson said police were on alert for the designer drugs called 2CT-2, 2CT-7, 2CI and TMA-2.

"These substances are quite different than anything else we've seen before," Sgt Wilson said. "These (four) drugs have been identified in Perth through seizures but not in big quantities . . . they're on our radar," Sgt Wilson said.

They sell for about $300-$400 a gram on the internet or from $25 a pill on the street. Causing hallucinations similar to LSD, the drugs' adverse effects include vomiting, seizures and death.

Sgt Wilson said another chemical drug on the radar was 14Butandiol, or CD cleaner, which was metabolised into the deadly party drug GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate) which caused respiratory depression, coma and death.

Authorities were also increasingly worried about growing supplies interstate and overseas of GHB, also known as grievous bodily harm or the "date rape drug".

Royal Perth Hospital emergency medicine consultant Dr David McCoubrie said there were a number of cases in WA of psycho-stimulant overdoses where young people had legitimately sourced their drugs from global chemical companies because legislation was unable to keep up with the rate of misuse of chemicals.

Dr McCoubrie said internet chat rooms were rife with hints on how to get the best high and avoid death.

Authorities were not aware of deaths in WA from the new drugs.

Australian Federal Police and Customs confirmed several prohibited chemicals could be bought online.

National Drug Research Institute director Steve Allsop said that with drugs such as GHB, there was a "fine line" between effective dose and overdose, making it far more risky for people to die.

From The West Australia online

I don't think these RC's are new to Perth at all, maybe they have just started to be noticed. I didn't realise people were making these chemicals in back yard labs these days.
lol.. anything to scare you..

since when was 1,4-b "cd cleaner" i've heard it be called a number of other things - never cd cleaner... gotta get me some of that cd cleaner :p.. To my knowledge CD Cleaner was always Isopropyl Alcohol... lol
zaineaol, how soon we forget. or weren't you around for the 1,4b importations from a certain New Zealand company about 5 years ago? even if you weren't, about 30 seconds with the search engine would show you that it was quite the rage to have shiney, shiney CDs...
Although I doubt they are "new to Perth" (obviously we know this!), I wonder whether they are being sold as what they are (or as ecstasy) and whether there are a few unsuspecting users learning about tripping for the first time after taking what they believed was MDxx.

Can be quite a scary experience if you've not been there before and you weren't planning to! Lack of comedown is a nice surprise though %)

Could a test kit show up these substances? My understanding was Marquis reacted to 2CI/2CB, but how about the others?

(as per usual, West Australian gets a prize for dodgy sensationalist journalism)
I reckon it was probably just one person importing G as well as RC's around the same time to the same address. I had TMA-2 imported from Japan last year but before that I'd never heard of one Australian talking about it.
Heh, 5 years ago i was still in nappies ;)

i was still a wee lad then, never even heard of g at that point.. i was like 15.
I have noticed from what I've heard recently from friends that 2C-X substances are starting to move outside the domain of the "drug geek" into more mainstream circles.

Friends of mine have taken what they think was 2C in the orange bermudas and blue mitsibishis in the last twelve months, having bought them in a club and sold to them as 2C, not MDMA.
I've heard recent reports from patrons that 2CI is available around the club scene in SE Qld, and PEAs and other exotics have also been reported to be common within the doof scene of late. One girl - devoted peer helper- claims the use of 2CI & 2CB is quite extensive.

As for making them from paint thinners. It's certainly not uncommon for certain solvents to be replaced with over the counter available types as found in paint thinners and paint stripper. Your MDMA could have been made like this, and a lot of local made speed undoubtedly is. When it comes down to it, one less common product can even be used as a starting material for meth ( don't ask)

2CI and a number of ring substituted PEAs can be synthesised from the starting material used to make PMA via OTC synthetic routes (not the 2-C-T series though). Some of the chemicals are now tightly regulated (restricted) but in almost all cases they could themselves be made from available chems/ certain metals etc (again, no requests for specifics please). The starting material for these drugs is commonly available and will in all likelihood never be scheduled. In a "back yard" situation, it can be used to create many of these drugs, so in a sense the article is not that far off the mark.

I will remind that a drug made in this manner - using OTC ingredients- particularly synths involving ring substitutions- presents increased probability the final product will contain impurities, side reaction products and a host of other contaminants from the OTC chems. Just how bad these could be to your health is anyones guess, but I'd definitely advise avoiding anything where the source can't be confirmed to be trustworthy - and when are they ever from a trustworthy source? Of course many of these compounds, particularly the 2C-T drugs, also present additional dangers relating to the drugs themselves.

Things are going to get very difficult for local drug producers, as all states intend introducing tough new precursor legislation over the next few months (following in Qld's footsteps). So, you can bet some desperate/unscrupulous producers will resort to less conspicuous methods of obtaining the needed ingredients.

Be Aware

For some additional info check this thread

2C-X: Dilemma for Law Enforcement and Harm Reduction?
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Cool, so when I'm not filtering, that orange sticky speed going straight through my heart could be paint thinner? Fabulous.
zaineaol.nu said:
Heh, 5 years ago i was still in nappies ;)

i was still a wee lad then, never even heard of g at that point.. i was like 15.

i agree
fuck i hate articles like this.
i remember when today tonight order heaps of research chems over the net.
i wish i was older so i was in to research chems when they were still legal.
Wasn't the trend stealing mums credit card to buy drugs for you and your friends?! That's what the news told me.. So ofcourse that BECAME a trend then.