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Best OTC Painkiller - Self Medication required for wisdom tooth pain.


Oct 14, 2005
As it stands, my right-rear wisdom tooh is coming through - and it fucking kills.

I REALLY wanna go out this weekend, but i have no clue if this is gunna be any good for me, and i guess i've prolly done something to deserve this - karma is a cunt.


The Dr. is a fucking hike away, and i dont drive - being i live on the gold coast this is near impossible to get anywhere on a bus without walking the same direction the other way.

Would i be right in thinking CWE on some Nuerofen + is the way to go? (thus also getting me high enough to not care either ;).... About the party on friday night, i plan to take some bix - any thoughts on this, coz i really dun wanna let my tooth troubles fuck my night up.

If anyone else knows any other OTC meds which would work well to ease this pain - it'd be appreciative - espically for the duration of about 12 hours ;) - and not make me groggy.


i would stay away from doing any e as the next mourning your going to be in pain,

if you goto the doctor im pretty certin hes going to give you panadein fort, so id cwe n+ as well like you suggested
im gunna do the e regardless man - thats a given... i've been on a 10 week break and waited for this big rave for that entire duration... like fuck am i backing out now. pain or no pain. lol.

Cheers, CWE it is... im gunna go buy some soon.

MODs feel free to close this thread - unless you see it fit for some discussion.
When i had wisdom teeth pain N+ helped a bit. One night i got on the pills and for those 4-5 hrs i had absolutly no pain it was bliss, then the next morning came and the pain was twice as bad for the next 24hrs. My advice is probably take a small codeine dose before hand but stock up for the next day becuase that is when the pain will hit.
I've found that usually from the second day after taking pills and onwards; taking MDMA can greatly increase the sensitivity of nerves in the mouth that convey the pain signals from your teeth to your brain.

Any slight toothaches I get in the week after taking pills are usually advanced warning of tooth problems that will become serious a few months down the track.

The pain won't be too bad while you're on it, but it will come back and rip you a new one next week.

I'm going to leave this open because I'd like to hear back next week about how it goes? Cheers.
Something to remember:

Some drugs are metabolized (broken down) through the same liver enzyme as MDMA, known as the CYP2D6 enzyme (pronounced "sip-two-dee-six"). If you take MDMA along with another drug that is metabolized by the CYP2D6 enzyme, they will both be metabolized much more slowly, as the same enzymes struggle to break down two drugs at the same time. It is like taking a higher dose of both drugs, and this can be dangerous, especially if the other drug has a low overdose threshold.

From http://www.dancesafe.org/documents/druginfo/contraindications.php

Codeine is one of those other drugs processed by the CYP2D6 enzyme... I've always been wary of combining the two substances within a short space of time because it's going to put some mega stress on your liver. I also read in another thread that you were planning on double dropping at this event. I would be very careful about ingesting large amounts of codeine at the same time.

Just my 2c :)
I personally have never had a problem. The body is an amazing machine and can compensate for a lack in one area. 2d6 is one of the major p450s but when 2d6 become saturarted the other major and some minor p450s take over such as 3a4 1a2 2c9 and 2b6 it called multi-substrate specificity.
I don't intend on taking codeine for the 8 or so hour leading up to taking the pills. i only intend to take it afterward.

I've waited a long time for this weekend, and im not gunna let a toothache get in the way.
Yah, Zaineaoul - as previously mentioned nurofen + should do the trick. anti-inflammitory and codeine working together (little soldiers). If in Oz try Mersyndol over the counter - it contains a calmative also. Will have to give name and address etc,. buy worth it.
If not, try nurofen + AND mersyndol day strength together. My suggestion is 2x nurofen + then 2 or 3 mysendol day strength. That way you get nurofen (anti-inflammitory), paracetamol (analgesic)l + lotsa codeine (weak opiod agonist). Triple action IMHO. In my experience with wisom bastards, it's worth it. Best of luck from me and my kitty (pictured left) ;)
Yah, don't flame re: the suggestion of 3 mersyndol OTC. The one off paracetamol extra (all 500mg of it shoulden't matter as a one off....) I'm an experienced, and i mean hard arsed mersyndol day strength junkie. As a general user **I should suggest 2 mersyndol day strength along with 2 Nurofen +** to proport the excellence of harm minimisation and lower the risk of hepatoxicity due to excessive paracetamol consumption. Cheers! Hope It works and Mweow from my Kitten Ishtar Isis. :)
I had a tooth ache a few weeks ago and found n+ not helpful. After a weekend of hardly any sleep I went to the dentist and got anti botics + panadiene forte. The forte worked like a charm (ok I slept for 2 days after wards).

My advise get panediene forte if you can.
one thing i found great when i was in pain from my wisdom teeth was applying difflam mouth gel on the sore areas of the gum, its an anti-inflammatory as well as an anti-bacterial. It will make your sore areas go numb as was as help the swelling to go down... and its has a weak plesant taste.

if this doesn't work try mersyndol or nurofen plus... they both contain codeine....
little bit off topic -

I've taken coodeine heaps of times after i comedown off a strong pill (MDMA) and normally it's just a normal opiate high, no strange shit or anyting.

About a year and a half ago i was going out to a party so i dropped my pill beforehand and when i got there it was already filled up and getting way too huge, the cops ended up busting the party at 10:30ish so i just cruised home and downed my codeine even though i was still peaking pretty hard.

Once the codeine had kicked in i felt a nice warm buzz (not sure if this is with all opaites mixed with MDMA) and i felt 'smacked' out in the MDMA kind of way for about 2-3 more hours feeling loved up and just fucking awesome, not even close to my normal codeine dose felt like that did.

i'm thinking the MDMA might have had something to do with it since someone mentioned above it uses the same liver enzyme??

i'd tryed that same batch of pills and codeine at different times and they were both fine.
Also, a friend of mine had this happen to him aswell when he took the codeine about 3 hours after drop. He said he peaked for 4 hours and couldnt sleep for at least 6. Much different and longer but i guess he could of had a mega strong pill with meth in it.

- ill tidy this post up tomorrow, sleep time.
Conclusion: I've been dosing up on panadol and neurofen - thats seemed to keep the pain at bay.

Took some pills last night - got rid of the pain whilst i was on them - but today the pain is no worse than it was the otherday.

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Hmm iv had strange effects from poppy seed tea followed by a good MDMA pill. I probably ate the pill 2 hours after I drank the tea. I have no recolection of what happend that night but my friends say they have never seen anyone so fucked up off pills before. I was struggeling to walk down the street, trying to sell non existant pills to strangers, kept trying to cross the road. There is about 8hours of blackness. I can remember 2 events the entire night, getting a beer from the fridge when I got home and selling my phone to a taxi driver in exchange for a lift :(.

Over the course of the night I also lost another pill which im assumeing I also ate. For me the mix greatly enhanced the effects. I woke up at 3am on the couch and against all odds was totaly ready for work the next day, no scatter no hang over or anything....
i had some very very bad tooth pain last year - i had an exposed nerve in a tooth after a filling came out and it needed a root canal pretty badly. i was in terrible pain at some stages, very very bad.

i was taking the strongest nurofen plus that the doctor could prescribe me, but it wasn't doing very much for me at all. apparently no tablets you can take are good for this type of pain - you need to get a local anesthetic.

i found that weed helped a lot!!

i wouldnt ever consider taking pills with a toothache, after you've spent a few hours chewing your face off it would be absolute agony.
voltaren 75mg pills. They do the job! way better than panadol and neurofen.
I didn't find the voltarens did work that great, diclofenac is a great anti-inflammatory (i use it for chronic tendinitis) but didn't do much for my wisdom teeth, a 50-100mg dose of codiene did wonders but.
btw - i took magnesium with the e to stop the jaw clenching, im assuming that played a large role in my lack of pain the next morning