Girl Waiting to Cross the Street


Jun 12, 2000
just an observation one day
Girl Waiting to Cross the Street
Dolled up in your black Versacci dress
Your black pea coat hangs on your small frame.
Hair neatly styled by Vidal Sassoon,
Make up brushed on to model perfection -
You stand on stiletto heels, striking a mannequin pose.
I watch as you sway to the right –
Leaning away from the homeless woman to your left.
But I see what you try to cover up
I see through the masonry you have built.
Your fear hangs behinds that Revlon veal
Sadness hidden behind your mirrored DKNY glasses.
Your shoes lifting your head just enough, so you don’t drown in your personal hell.
I see what you hide
the real you
behind that fallacy comfort the world has sold you.
I know you want it gone, to show yourself,
Have people finally see you,
Shed it!
Walk away from it!
But you can’t,
you hold on,
too scared to let go.
Too afraid of what they all would think and say.
The traffic lights change, and you cross the street.
Carrying that heavy shell, hiding such beauty.
[This message has been edited by Crow (edited 21 September 2001).]
Richard...awesome!! The unfortunate part is I have seen ppl like that. I hope they find their way.
great observation

aj the femme
the extra M is for MmmMmmmm
Be Good!!!
good stuff,
and way too true. i see these kinds of people ALL the time at my school. my old roommate used to call them 'robots'

you never cease to amaze me.
Sadness hidden behind your mirrored DKNY glasses.
IM: tiggersgurl2067
"There's a part of me, that i forgot to be. Take a look and see, the light still shines in me." ~~ Milk, Inc.
i do not believe there is a such thing as a facade... the part that fears the "real" us is also part of our personality you know. its not like we're not being us, that isn't possible, through every action, we're being who we are. we all have mutliple personalities, some fear do what others believe is normal for them, understand? all im saying is, we all are aware that we aren't the same around anyone, but who is? if you were, that would be kinda dull... no adaption, how would you learn? how would you expand? how boring. but the poem wuz good.
This is not about people having a compartmentalized personality. i wrote this poem while watching someone from afar. Someone who was afraid to be who she really is because she has been so heavily influenced by everything that her "true" self has been covered by a fascade. She is not happy with who she has become, hence her attempts to fit in and go with the crowd she is expected to be a part of by society.
I believe that we all DO have a fascade, it just takes time and patience to break that down and get to know someone on a more personal level, and example would be becoming friends with someone. You don't just become friends with someone immediatly. You "feel" them out first, get to know them, try and see if your personality is on the same wavelength as theirs.
some fear do what others believe is normal for them, understand?
^^^^no I don't understand, can you please elaborate?
hey that was nice.
but when did you see me cross the street?
Do i really need one of these?
that was great!
it's amazing how much one can learn about strangers through people watching.
i've said my piece... peace out.
no to jump on the "Crow-bandwagon" or anything, but this was also one of my faves....