Celebrating after finals...

Does alcohol count as a drug?

You could always go on a trip for a few days or a week, like a ski resort, Vegas, the beach, etc...
do whatever else you like to do with your free time thats not drugs or sex. For me thats rock climbing or hanging out with my friends.
call me boring, but for me, not stressing about school and not having to stay in at all on weekends working on projects is enough of a celebration! :)
play night frisbee in the mud.
That's what I did upon finishing grading the undergrads' finals.
I was pretty drunk, but we can bracket that aside.

Or just enjoy all the free time, it's taking me a little while just to adjust to not being stressed, it's like a totally foreign lifestyle.
i celebrated the death of my finals with 5 steel reserves and some dank chinese food.
if you want to reward yourself for the completion of finals w/o sex or drugs, just buy yourself something nice or get yourself some bombie food or anything!