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ever think how long your gonna abuse drugs?


Dec 21, 2003
I cant imagine a world without gettin high. I'm not sure how this is gonna be like but it seems to me, I can never quit. Because without them my life becomes so pointless. Without them nothing happens. So am I gonna do all this shit til the end of my life? Anyone else feels the same?
I also feel like I'm going to do drugs for the rest of my life.
Well, define drugs. I could see myself quitting substances people see as "drugs", but alcohol and nicotine are a whole different matter.
I think I'll always do some sort of drug. My current pattern is that I get into one type of drug, use it for what it's worth, and then move on to something else. Who know's what I'll do in the future. I'm not too worried about it.

<- Wooo, 2000 posts!
aye saying abuse drugs is bad. I will use them for the rest of my life.
Right now I see myself as a user for the rest of my life. Not sure if thats a good thing though...
I see myself as a user for the rest of my life.

Like i'll be hittin those spliffs when im 80. lmfao
it all depends on what my life is like in the future, tho to be honest, I do find it hard to imagine life without any substances.
I see myself scaling WAY back after I graduate, if not sooner. The unfortunate fact of being a drug user is that it does bias good people against you. It can alienate you from someone who would end up being a best friend, a wife or husband, an employer, etc. Drugs are fun, and can definately be used responsibly by alot of alot of people, but as long as they are stigmatized to the extent they are in our culture, drug user is definately a "master status" and will affect your social/work life unless you are completely secretive (which, in my opinion, defeats the entire purpose of getting high). So, I'll have my fun while I can, but when I entire the real world after I get my degree(s) any substance other than alcohol will be very rarely, if ever, consumed by me. At some point it's not worth fighting the stigma and it's time to throw in the towel and give in to what society thinks.

Not to mention that I want to be able to enjoy life WITHOUT substances, as I feel a certain guilt whenever I get to the point that I need [insert drug here] to get through the day, or to have a good time with friends. It's also pretty undeniable that all drugs are bad for your mental and physical health on some level or another... with very few (if any?) exceptions.
ive already quit using drugs for the most part and i find i am happier than when i was using drugs. if you think life is pointless without drugs you seriously need to reevaluate your situation.
ive learned to recognize my abuse patterns with various drugs. if i ever get into opiates i may abuse a drug again, but i I have stopped and never planned to start abusing a drug ever again

Ill prolly smoke weed till the day I die (well not every day) i do plan on raising kids
considering im in the art industry, i need to have a psychedellic experience every so often. that beign said, i dont abuse drugs, but ill partake in the experience forever.
at the current rate - hopefully not too much longer. At least, that's what the plans are.