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Codeine: cheap, easily available, active @ 100-200mg. Is it in adulterated E pills?


Feb 23, 2005
I feel a little stupid as codeine was one substance I never really read up on until now. I knew it was fairly easy to obtain in Canada but I was never really interested in reading about it then. I didn't know that is was that cheap and available in Australia until now.

I have a serious question. Up until now I have been quoting what other other harm minimisation groups have been saying that "opiates are not in pills" because they are too expensive and generally not orally active enough. but given the fact that I've just read up that codein is relatively cheap, easily available and supposedly quite orally active at least for someone who isn't a regular user at a dose around 100-200mg wich my guess is could be quite easily pressed into the average size ecstacy pill which is around 260mg (binder included). If Ketamine and sometimes DXM and even straigh nothing bunk pills (which I've had) are out there then why not codiene? My guess is that codein would be easier to obtain that ketamine.

So I just want to get confirmation as I am not aware of heroin and other opiates pricing and relitive active oral dosage except from what I have read from a couple of harm minimisation groups. Is it still safe to say that in general the opiates other than codiene are too expensive and not orally active enough for them to be ever likley to be in ecstacy pills?

Has anyone tested a ecstasy pill that they suspected contained codeine? Ie tested positive with marquis for opiates (supposedly pinky purple)???
Opiates under Marquis are more of a light red perhaps pink colour, it's not purple though. I believe ketamine would be used especially in combination with amphetamine to create a faux MDMA-like effect. People who are not experienced with MDMA believe a ketamine/amphet pill contains MDMA.

Even adulterated manufacturers have to create a product that will continue to be bought batch after batch to their dealers, and putting shit like codeine and DXM in them which will produce effects very different to MDMA is not good business sense.
Thanks Mac...

So codeine hasn't been seen around?

I don't mean to knock your reasoning but my question is if codeine is not around for the simple reason that it doen't create a fake MDMA like copy effect to inexperienced user (whereas a K and speed mix can fool somebody... I would aggree with that), then why is DXM been around in the US? Why speed bombs here in Oz? Why are there complete bunk pills (I suspect it was filler only or paracetamol and some that have pills that have somthing only slightly active (I suspect it was a pham anti depressant). And yes unfortunately I'm talking from experience as the very first 9 pills I bought 5 were complete bunk and the other 4 was something very mildly active but in no way anything like MDMA.

Sorry that sounds very harsh... that wasn't my goal. I just simply want to know what is the facts about opiates in pills as my recent reading on codeine got me thinking.... Is it safe to say that codiene *could* be an easily used adulterant by a dodgy pill maker but the other opiates such as heroin, morphine and the other medical ones are too expensice and not orally active enough to be put in pills?
i dont even think codeine would be detectable to the individual in the tiny doses it would have to be in an ecstasy pill the size of your pinkie fingernail . . . though i could be wrong . . .

the only reason that i could think of for a pill to have codeine in it is perhaps to make up weight . . .

but then you might as well just use caffeine . . .
I understand if you missed that bit in my first post... I really get caried away typing too much, anyway I'll recap...

From what I've read (and correct me if I'm wrong) around 60mg is considered a good starting dose to try on codeine to feel some effects if you havent tried it before. Around 300mg on your first time is supposed to zonk you out. In other words pretty heavy and intoxicated, peaced out. Somewhere upwards of 100 mg more around the 200mg range 1st timers have reported as quite a good level. If the consitency of codeine is similar to MDMA powder (ie. presses well into a pill) then I'm pretty sure that around 200mg (maybe a little less) is not too difficult at all to press with filler into a normal size escstcy pill. The pink butterflies in the UK that were reported on pillreorts rumored to have been tested at 180mg of MDMA.
ok, i see what youre saying . . .

call me dumb (which i probably am), but i cant see 200mg of codeine being pressed into a tablet . . . have you seen 200mg of Nurofen Plus halves??? . . . even if 2/3 of the 12 halves is binder, there is still no way you could press that into a small pill AND have room for the MDMA . . .

but im sure ive missed something here, like the actual amount of codeine in a Nurofen plus half . . .
Actual amount=12.8mg

Youre forgetting one thing. The codeine high - while euphoric - is nothin like mdma. You can take my word for that one ok. I seriously doubt codeine would ever be passed off as an mdma pill... the effects are just way too subtle.

Ive also never seen anyone who is sposed to have been on a pill walking around scratching the shit out of themselves.
yeah, basically the amount of codiene you could put into one ecstasy-sized tablet is negligible - you wouldnt even notice it . . .
~250mg codeine for someone who's never tried the shit before, plus a drink or two, and dancing around = feel like shit and probably barf!

No, I could not imagine codeine appearing in pills unless they were a very shady backyard press.

Ie: steel tube, typewriter key (as stamp) and pneumatic car jack :D

A codeine pill would be utter bunk - not an "adulterated" pill!
Also when you have too much Codeine your face go's puffy and and red. I learned that the hard way.

If I had a pill I thought to be E and it did that id go to hospital. Even when I was high from that much I wouldn't consider being anywhere near as chopped as a medium to light E pill
lol i think the real reason hes asking the question is because hes still got friends who say stupid shit like "i dont like this pill man its too smacky it must have smack in it.. give me the good one i had last week that made me dance lots" (the one with meth added to it lol)
Apparently in some dirty party pills (the term I give fake or adulerated ecstasy) you will find some opiates but not codeine. Tramadol maybe.
tramadol waould be a better alternative, it is easily obtained by Rx, it is a lot more euphoric than codeine and there would be no mucking around. all you'd have to do is open up to 50mg tablets or crush the SR ones. The problem being that some people have really bad reactions to tramol (Rashes, spasams, sweating etc), but these reation kinda mimic what a pill could feel like.

Whereas it would quite hard to mass produce 200mgs of codeine in each pill,plus you have to obtain codeine phosphate which is S8 class drug. Otherwise you'd have to import it or do a shit load of CWE and drying out. Not worth it in the long run, if ya importing stuff illegally you'd be better off importing the real thing and haveing peice of mind and not have to muck around with Bunk pills.